Black Men

Fucking to get a job or fucking on the job is what we call "shitting where you eat"!

Fucking around at work can get you caught up in a few ways:
1. If you are the thirsty unattractive dude the moment you make a comment or ask the wrong woman out or just look at them and fuck them with your eyes they are going to HR to tell on you! LOL
2. If you are the hot guy who tries to fuck every other good looking chick on the job and you really do have some good dick one or more of those women on the job is gonna be suffering from that good dick juju being put on them which we all know will have them actin crazy and stupid. Its funny how the women who have not had it put on them will look at other women and claim that all those women are just crazy and you are just choosing to fuck crazy bitches until someone puts it on her. Then she is the woman wanting to fight other chicks at work, riding past his house, and vandalizing his guys car because he put it on you so good!
3. If you sleep with someone in management and it goes bad or if any finds out one of you will have to leave the job or be transferred to another job site.

You know you got some good dick juju when:
.Most of the women you've been with insisted on getting serious!
.When sane, educated, healthy, and attractive women start acting crazy like a stalker especially after telling you that they "are not weak like other women"!
.When a percentage of married women in the lifestyle want to cheat with you, but you don't because having that married pussy your way in front of hubby is that true Alpha ******* that you really get off on!