Black men always dominate any social circle they're in

This isn't to generalize but more of my experience and admiration for black men.

It's easy to say they dominate sports due to their athletic prowess but they also take the lead in any group. White guys love having an alpha dominant black man as a friend or ally.

When I was in college, any black man in STEM classes always had all eyes on him when he spoke. Doing group projects and wanting to be friends with him. None of the white and Asian guys got that kind of attention. In the workplace, a black boss or manager always got a certain kind of respect. I notice in bars that any group of white guys always had a black friend or two that lead the group. Even in politics and celebrities when Kanye West announced his support for Donald Trump white conservatives were going crazy in adoration that this vocal black celebrity graced himself as an ally and started circle jerking over everything Kanye. When I was in a libertarian group a while back, just like the workplace, we always stopped and listened carefully to what the black guy said. Even porn results is black dominated, though that's not surprising.

This experience is mostly due to black men in white-dominated spaces but I never notice this with men of other races lie Asians or Latinos getting that type of attention. Women do a lot when they're a minority of a male-dominated space but black men just have an aura where every white guy in the room wants his approval and wants to be friends with him. It's like having the approval of the black alpha male is the ultimate badge of honor to white men. Again this is just my experience with how I notice other white guys act.