Black Hands on the White Throat

True story (so true I'll have to blur some details):
20-odd years ago I was on a jury in a case against a Black Man by a white girl, not married but who'd had his baby and later brought some serious criminal charges against him after a very physical encounter. One of the charges was cho-king. For now obvious reasons 3/4 of the jurists were white women. He was a handsome dude who was now Blacking some other white girl who came to court with him and testified how sweet and special he was and that she was thrilled to be pregnant with his baby. Back in the jury room, I was surprised at how most of the white women were pretty quick to take his side while we 3 white guys listened mostly in silence. The evidence of cho-king was mostly dismissed by the women who felt the plaintiff had asked for it, deserved and enjoyed it. The women were clearly titillated by this young Bull, commenting on his his dark, intense looks, even his sexy African name and how the plaintiff must desperately want him back and probably even set him up. I don't know if any of those women had been Blacked but we guys felt they secretly would have liked to trade places with the plaintiff to some degree. The facts of the case took a backseat to the affinity the women (all under 40) had for him and the thinly veiled jealousy that seemed to underlie their attitude toward his ex. We men just deferred to the women's overriding judgment with little debate. End result was there was no way these 12 whites would consider applying white standards to intense, racially charged relations with a magnetic Black King. It was a striking lesson for me in instinctive white submission before Black dominance. This was way before BLM so imagine the advantage of a white jury now that the BNWO sledgehammer is replacing white power and privilege with unquestioned deference to Black Primacy.