Best tips for crossdressers?

There are some limits that the best exercise regime and toughest diet will never overcome, but a basic is shave. Shave everywhere, but especially shave your face, chest and legs. No woman has a hairy chest or beard, but women make the effort to shave their legs, so if you want to look like them. You need to put in as much effort as they do.
Running is great exercise to keep us thin and toned, but only with girly muscle. The thinner your waist, the more hips to waist ratio you have, which is the measure of female beauty. The hips to waist ratio is well known to signal fertility and the Black male response is raging hardness.

Work out, but only with girl weights. You want yours arms to be girly toned, but thin and weak, which triggers domination and protectiveness in Black men. Once you become a Black man's sissy, you'll be in much more contact with Black men and you will be doing anything they want, so it helps to have a protector.