my neighbors invite me to go with them on vacations, he doesn't like to scout new areas and do tourist things like i do. She and i dont have sex or even talk about it. We just do all the tourist things together. Shopping, site seeing, and walks on the beach. Most people on our vacation think She and I are the couple. They pay most the bills, and i She and i enjoy each others company. He pays the bills, and watches lots of sports on TV.
I can relate to how a cuckold LS should and does become very accepting. We as neighbors are in a similar situations.
At some point nature takes over, it has for me. My wife loves me and i love her unconditionally, and that means I accept the fact she needs and has a right to have a great sex life. We both agree I can not provide that, she has her BF for that. I accept it, I can not compete with a large black man that can both make love to my wife and fuck her brains out in the same night. He has a thick 8 1/2 inches of black cock that he gives her week after week. I watch her cum over and over while she rides it. How could I ever deny her this pleasure
Exactly the same with my wife, she works as a practice manager in our local council, which young black guys in their 30s work, she’s very warm and engaging when you meet her, and has got very close with one guy, I told her to enjoy it and go for it, the idea is an exciting one, now she spends every other weekend with him and is getting the sex she richly deserves, she’s happier also. They’ve been going 2 years, and still going strong. Acceptable to me 10 times out of 10.
At some point nature takes over, it has for me. My wife loves me and i love her unconditionally, and that means I accept the fact she needs and has a right to have a great sex life. We both agree I can not provide that, she has her BF for that. I accept it, I can not compete with a large black man that can both make love to my wife and fuck her brains out in the same night. He has a thick 8 1/2 inches of black cock that he gives her week after week. I watch her cum over and over while she rides it. How could I ever deny her this pleasure
This is the basis of our relationship as well
My wife and I are both 39.We've been married for 12 years,together for 15. We live a typical sort of life but recently I have had to work a lot and sometimes late in the evening. So one day I finished work earlier than expected so I decided to surprise my wife by buying her flowers and taking her out on a special date.When I got home, I didn't ring the doorbell per usual,I unlocked the door and decided to surprise her in the kitchen where I was certain she would be at this time. When I went to the kitchen I couldn't believe my eyes! Here's the image that has been haunting me ever since that day. She was down on her knees. She was wearing one of my shirts unbuttoned with an untied tie around her neck as she was giving a young, black man a passionate blow job. She had remnants of his cum on her nose, on her cheek,her lips were coated in cum as well and some on her shoulder running down her right boob and my shirt had cum stains as well. I couldn't help but notice that his cock was absolutely huge, long and thick and she seemed totally absorbed in sucking and licking it. When they saw me she immediately took his cock out of her mouth and looked at me in a combination of shock and surprise. The young man pulled up his pants and quickly left out the kitchen door. As far as I remember I was in shock too but I didn't say anything, I just threw the bouquet of flowers in her direction. I left the house for two weeks.She kept sending me apologetic messages and was calling me nonstop. When I finally returned home I told her I wanted a divorce. I don't know how she did it but she persuaded me to have an adult conversation with her. We talked. She explained to me that she loved me and that what I saw that day was just sex for pleasure, something she desperately needed. I was confused because I thought we had a healthy sex life. But she said that she was sorry and that I didn't satisfy her. She then admitted that she had been having sex with her young black stud for quite a while and that she didn't plan ton stopping even though he was almost twenty years younger than her and there was no chance of a relationship beyond the sex. She said that she was given the idea to cheat by one of her girlfriends, a neighbour's wife who was also fucking a much younger black guy she had met at the gym.They all thought it was a good thing to do for themselves to feel young and desired again. Ultimately we decided to stay married but she still sees her young stud once or twice a week to satisfy her desire for his big, black cock. We still have a reasonable sex life but every time I fuck her I can't help but wonder how I compare to her dark secret.

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Cheating is never right or acceptable. She should have been honest and have a talk with you as her partner.
For us, I accept that he is taking much better care of her needs. He is a close friend, golf buddy and he is black. They were having an affair for months before I found out. I do not want a divorce so have accepted this.
No you do not have to accept this. You think you don't want a divorce, but it maybe the very thing you need.