I think earnings and necklaces are the best way to display that a woman is a QOS other than a sexy QOS t-shirt. The symbolism is large and clear enough to be recognized by bulls and are not too small like anklets and toe rings which most guys don't pay attention to!


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There are a number of approaches, some excellent ones are outlined above. But a lot has to do with setting. Where are you, who do you want to advertise to and what's your objective are all points to consider.

Where you are is important and vastly different from one location to another. You can be very flashy at a resort or club, but perhaps not as much at a shopping mall or grocery store. In the mall or grocery store, perhaps something more subtitle would be in order, such as an anklet or maybe a bracelet with a small QoS emblem on it. In a club or resort, a temp tattoo on the side of a breast, just exposed would be called for.

Again, who you want to attract or who is our audience are important factors. If you want a 'knowing smile' from other husbands, again the smaller approach would be appropriate, but if her goal is to find a partner, then shirts or again, temporary tattoos are good ideas.

This also speaks to your objective. If she wants the thrill of displaying her status in a public environment, she can start out small (the anklet or bracelet is appropriate) then move on to something larger. If her goal is to attract a partner, than anything goes.

Sometimes, when I'm feeling really frisky, I'll go the temp tattoo, anklet or small QoS ear rings (almost studs) for general public wear. For me, just displaying my status is thrilling at times.