
Gold Member
Is your wife possibly interested in spicing up your marriage with a little harmless play? We have a game we like to play on occasion, usually when we are on vacation in the islands. At Caribbean resorts there are always plenty of young studs looking for married women who want to have some stray cock, and many of them are young black men. My wife and I will go poolside and she what she is able to attract. I will always sit a ways away and she will present herself in an inviting way, usually in a skimpy bikini while suntanning. Its kind of like baiting sharks. Typically it doesn't take long for some hot young stud to come over and start hitting on her. If she likes him, she will play along and soon the talk turns to whether she is available. She will lead him on and I like to see how far it will go. Sometimes its a touch, other times it leads to a kiss and a promise to "maybe" see him later. If we do it at night in a club, things can get much hotter. Once they are dancing, kissing and touching are much more likely and she usually has a very hard cock rubbing up against her. Usually it goes no further than that and the young men are left in a highly exciting and frustrated state. My wife jokes that she is just warming them up for some other women who wants to go all the way. On occasion if my wife is in the mood and she meets the right guy, she will ask him up to our room on the condition that I am there too. I don't let her go with a stranger alone. Some of the guys back away when they hear that, but there is always those who are game and then I get to watch them fuck my beautiful wife. You should try it!

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