31 yr old pretty brunette white wife

Very interesting time at the bar (will share later). By the time we left the bar, it was clear where Shelly is sleeping tonight. We came to our place for 15 min, she was inside the bedroom picking a few things. Marcus and I sat outside and had a scotch. She came back to the living room and said the million dollar words to Marcus

“We should get going”

his reply

“yea honey”

I will be now meeting them for lunch at 11.
Very interesting time at the bar (will share later). By the time we left the bar, it was clear where Shelly is sleeping tonight. We came to our place for 15 min, she was inside the bedroom picking a few things. Marcus and I sat outside and had a scotch. She came back to the living room and said the million dollar words to Marcus

“We should get going”

his reply

“yea honey”

I will be now meeting them for lunch at 11.
Congratulations! She’s fallen hard for Marcus. What did it take a week and he’s in her pants? Exciting! Another white wife blacked.

While you have time before lunch David please update us on what happened at the bar. My guess she and Marcus had been texting about the weekend all week.
Very interesting time at the bar (will share later). By the time we left the bar, it was clear where Shelly is sleeping tonight. We came to our place for 15 min, she was inside the bedroom picking a few things. Marcus and I sat outside and had a scotch. She came back to the living room and said the million dollar words to Marcus

“We should get going”

his reply

“yea honey”

I will be now meeting them for lunch at 11.
Way to go David and Shelly. Hope the night meets all your expectations and hers. Can’t wait to hear the full story. 👍
Shelly is now a changed woman! Once she has been touched in places never touched before and stretched like never before she’ll want it more and more. That pussy is his now.

Sure would like an update and more details. The bar meet up, how many orgasms she had, plans for tonight, etc. David please don’t keep us waiting. It’s killing us!
Had a quick 2 min chat with her and I asked the obvious question. Her answer was

“He was thicker than my wrist and probably as long as my arm”
Congratulations! We want to know all the details! And many of us want to know specifically, did you hear her screaming and having orgasms like with his other FWBs?