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  1. C

    the worst thing wife ever said while bull fucking her

    The hardest thing I ever heard my wife say after we started, while a bull was fucking her. She was cumming and said she needed it so bad and hadn't been fucked like this in years. Although I felt like I was kicked in the balls it showed me how much she deserved to be sexually satisfied and I...
  2. C

    Has the action been so intense you needed a break

    Has anyone found their selves in the moment where you needed to step back to take a breath and absorb what is happening.? Whether it be 1st time cucks or long time cucks. I have had times that overwhelmed me and I adjusted as I could. I have seen her receive the firm experience I can not give...
  3. C

    BNWO Takeover

    After 400 years of oppression Blacks in the late 50s and 60s started the largest racial changes ever. In the last 50 years we have not only seen the most change, it is getting faster every day. The takeover is not "gonna" happen. It has been happening and is happening now. In that short time to...
  4. C

    Fl cuck needing a new hotwife to take care of

    I find myself with no hotwife to take care of. I never understood these feeling I have had with every woman I have ever had a relationship with. Now I have figured out I have been, am, and always be a cuckold. Now that I have no woman to serve lol. Well I know now to explain what I want in a...
  5. C

    Want wife to try black

    My wife has been really open, reluctantly at 1st, to having other men. Bringing up a black one causes here some anxiety as she was raised in a very racist household. The things I have heard her family say about minorities is awful She doesn't seem racist but I know it effects her. I know it...