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  1. M-O Mary

    P Diddy,,,

    Have you seen the news, apparently P Diddy has been quoted as saying “if I can get a straight man to suck my cock, I can get him to do anything”. Now don’t get me wrong, he sounds like a real bastard, but I’d still like to spend a few hours in a motel with him, especially with my hub there,,,on...
  2. M-O Mary


    He’s way past his normal schedule for posting, and on his thread it says it’s no longer accepting replies? Anybody know?
  3. M-O Mary

    Multi-Orgasmic Mary,,,the Early Years

    These were taken before I had access to a video camera, they're mixed cause it's before I went Black Only, there's a bunch of them, hope you like em?
  4. M-O Mary

    M-O Mary's Husband John's "Suitable for Framing",,,a tour de ******* of his love for IR

    This may take awhile, it says I can only load 30 pix at a time, so just stick around a bit.
  5. M-O Mary

    Seasons Greetings

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone who makes this site what it is,,,
  6. M-O Mary

    Verified These are much better,,,please verify

    I felt a little "iffy" about that last set, we took those pix in our TV room, we have a 3D TV and about 70 3D video (half of which are Marvel),,,so hub has indirect lighting in the room to avoid reflection, so I brought in another lamp and put a 100 watt bulb in it. This time you can read the...
  7. M-O Mary

    M-O Mary videos found on Xhamster

    For those that don't know me (and you newbies just getting started), here's some of my vids I found posted. When I made them they were all digital, so don't hold me responsible for the quality. My shortest video was 48 minutes, most run and hour (give or take a few minutes), I see some of these...
  8. M-O Mary

    M-O Mary's real stories, written by my hub from his POV (and by me for the ones he wasn't there for?)

    All these stories are true! However,,,,I have taken poetic license to blend some action from a few of the shorter ones,,,the facts may not have happened in what appears to be one story, but they remain the facts! Hope you enjoy them. This happened a while back, I was a few weeks away from me...
  9. M-O Mary

    M-O Mary's Vidcaps,,,mostly Dogfart style,,,"Quads"

    Some of you know me, but it has come to my attention most of you never knew I existed,,,so I decided to post these vidcaps taken from my video as a form of formal introduction. I've mentioned in the past how my hub has occasionally stolen a load from me,,,this time it was caught on tape, by the...
  10. M-O Mary

    M-O Mary's IR Cuckold Captions

    These are some captions my hub and I put together, he handled the pix and whatever cleanup and alterations was necessary, and we collaborated on the text. Most of these might seem a tad thematic, but hey, we've done just about all of it and have our own set of fetishes, you do what you know, and...