Recent content by Floridacuckold

  1. F

    I’m sick of this

    Well I speak for everyone when I say, we would like to see nudes ?
  2. F

    Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

    Its not just Europe throughout history, it's Africa , East Asia, the middle East, pre Colombian America, mesoamerica, British isles, Scandinavia. And you are the one focused on one specific group of people not me. And no, slavery is not happening today in the US, that's just wrong! Unless...
  3. F

    Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

    Comparing America 2019 to chattel slavery in parts if Africa today as an equivalent is just sad. That's all I need to say
  4. F

    Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

    And we took care of slavery"home", and it amazes me you really don't seem to care about open air slave markets in African countries
  5. F

    Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

    Slavery is just a touch older then 400 years
  6. F

    Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

    Not really, whether it be British colonies or further back to the days of the Kahn or Norse, the holodomor, pre Colombian tribal warfare and rituals enslavement, has happened to ALL peoples. It is American media that sets what we care about ,that is the truth. Hell there are open slave markets...
  7. F

    Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

    I like it. Imagine being an adult and refusing to use a word because tv said so
  8. F

    Short shorts

    OMG, can I sniff
  9. F

    What celebrity would you like to see get blacked

    I think qtip also, I like her white porcelain body, like to see it with real dark
  10. F

    What celebrity would you like to see get blacked

    Nicile Nicole Kidman fucked a few black guys
  11. F

    Key West

    I have, live SWFL . Sorry I'm a white guy though
  12. F

    Fucking Jewish wife

    Jewish girls and black men are amazing together
  13. F

    SWFL, Florida male

    I'm a single male looking to have friendships with local couples and white women . I'm in SWFL