what do black guys think about more conservative, traditional, or "racist" women?

@JayBull781 I've made it clear that I disagree with much of your position regarding the subject matter in this thread. I also stated previously I would prefer not to get into the adversarial confrontations with other Black people on this site... That still holds true. I just reviewed your interactions with @ed4mwf . I freely admit his position aligns almost 100% with my own. I say almost because at no point would I indulge your request to settle an internet disagreement via fisticuffs. Give me a fucking break. There's certainly a time and a place for that. However this ain't it. From my perspective you clearly lost the exchange with Ed. Your position just doesn't align with reality. You keep accusing others of being in their feelings. It's obvious that you're the one who is. Take the "L" like a man. Its the only way you can see clear enough to learn something from it. Or not...Damn🙄.
In closing just like Chris Rock's M.other said...
"Don't fight in front of white people" 👎🏽👎🏽
You seem to forgot that I don't agree with everything sexygirl4u (it's clearly probably a man) has said. I hate the fact blacks get held to way higher standards while getting treated way worse and have everything blown out of proportion over a slight mistake its mad fucked up on top of the fact you have everyone including your own after you because of your skin color. Just cause I agree with some things doesn't mean i agree with everything and siding with anyone and vice versa. I can give a fuck less about getting my dick wet by playing hero or some shiit. I'll state my thoughts and stand on them if I want to or i'll change my mind if i agree.
@JayBull781 I've made it clear that I disagree with much of your position regarding the subject matter in this thread. I also stated previously I would prefer not to get into the adversarial confrontations with other Black people on this site... That still holds true. I just reviewed your interactions with @ed4mwf . I freely admit his position aligns almost 100% with my own. I say almost because at no point would I indulge your request to settle an internet disagreement via fisticuffs. Give me a fucking break. There's certainly a time and a place for that. However this ain't it. From my perspective you clearly lost the exchange with Ed. Your position just doesn't align with reality. You keep accusing others of being in their feelings. It's obvious that you're the one who is. Take the "L" like a man. Its the only way you can see clear enough to learn something from it. Or not...Damn🙄.
In closing just like Chris Rock's M.other said...
"Don't fight in front of white people" 👎🏽👎🏽
Fighting is second nature to me, it's something I absolutely love. I'm just to good at it and comfortable in it and do it purely for fun. I just hate seeing people hurt in the aftermath. But i do like the quote "Don't fight in front of white people" I don't like bringing race into things but that is a good quote as it holds truth in it. However understand violence is prone to happen with disrespect.
Ganging up on someone doesn't mean you're right.
I think it's fair to say it's two on two. Yourself and that thing that claims to be a woman. And in the other corner me and Ed... So at least it's close to a fair "fight" 😂.

I don't like entitlement and thats my opinion and I'm not sure anyone likes someone super entitled
So I guess that means you don't like the white American experience from the inception of this country.

i've also had the other half where white people were amazing and very kind its a toss up.
We're talking about as a whole. Not individual situations. As a whole this white run government has been horrific to Black people people from the beginning. So it is the government's responsibility to right that wrong. Not any particular individual.

If you read upon world history, life was just very fucked up for everyone. Look up shiro ishii or the history that jews had with germany and other races/ethnicities. I'm telling you man history was a dark place and everyone was fucking cruel. People are still cruel and even to their own these days its peek stupidity
Irrelevant for the sake of this conversation.. I'm only interested in the Black experience here in America.

shiit is bound to get silly.
I think everyone could agree with that. Although it was not Ed who initiated the lunacy of physical confrontation.
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However understand violence is prone to happen with disrespect.
Save that energy for the true enemy Brother... I understand completely you're more likely to be hurt by one of your own... Although difficult at times, for the greater good. It's necessary to try and practice extra deference with each other... Like not wanting to get into the ring with another Black man. Over an internet disagreement... Wouldn't prove you any more right or intelligent. Just better with your hands. Nowadays that leads to steel...
That being said it would behoove us all to look at the big picture. Who, what, when, how, and why, has got us fighting amongst ourselves. Save the wrath for them.
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I think it's fair to say it's two on two. Yourself and that thing that claims to be a woman. And in the other corner me and Ed... So at least it's close to a fair "fight" 😂.

So I guess that means you don't like the white American experience from the inception of this country.

We're talking about as a whole. Not individual situations. As a whole this white run government has been horrific to Black people people from the beginning. So it is the government's responsibility to right that wrong. Not any particular individual.

Irrelevant for the sake of this conversation.. I'm only interested in the Black experience here in America.

I think everyone could agree with that. Although it was not Ed who initiated the lunacy of physical confrontation.
Yes but thats the older generation. Newer generation had nothing to do with that and times had changed and its fucked up to put that guilt and shame on them and trust me there are some that do feel bad but with age just start not giving a fuck anymore as most people stop giving a fuck and focus on themselves. It's not cool to the people who did nothing wrong and even for those who helped even blacks along the way, Life is too much of a toss up just to be burden by hate and project it onto everyone else. I don't like racism so why am i going to go ahead and be racist myself? it's hypocritical as fuck. Don't project hate onto someone and think they'll just fold over and agree.

Most people will abuse power when they have it. It's sad but it's the reality we must face that is part of humanity.
Yes but thats the older generation. Newer generation had nothing to do with that and times had changed and its fucked up to put that guilt and shame on them and trust me there are some that do feel bad but with age just start not giving a fuck anymore as most people stop giving a fuck and focus on themselves. It's not cool to the people who did nothing wrong and even for those who helped even blacks along the way, Life is too much of a toss up just to be burden by hate and project it onto everyone else. I don't like racism so why am i going to go ahead and be racist myself? it's hypocritical as fuck. Don't project hate onto someone and think they'll just fold over and agree.

Most people will abuse power when they have it. It's sad but it's the reality we must face that is part of humanity.
At this point I feel I would just be repeating myself. Something that holds very little value for me. In closing I want to say I don't expect you to be bigoted, prejudicial, or biased with any individual without just cause. However it's clear to me that the US government owes Black people a debt. That is not a handout...It is recompense.
Certainly nobody's waiting around for it. However that doesn't mean we should stop talking and fighting for it...
"Power concedes nothing without a demand".
For the record you don't actually have the power to be racist. Unless of course you can systemically impede life and progress like the US government has done to Black people as a whole. Think I'm done with this... All the best to you and yours.
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Fighting is second nature to me, it's something I absolutely love.
There's place full of "men" with that kind of attitude. Prison.
I'm just to good at it and comfortable in it and do it purely for fun.
Because you've truly never had to use violence. For work or real survival. Not some mental satisfaction.
I just hate seeing people hurt in the aftermath.
Again, you ain't seen sh!t.
But i do like the quote "Don't fight in front of white people" I don't like bringing race into things but that is a good quote as it holds truth in it. However understand violence is prone to happen with disrespect.
You sound like a fucking baby. Can't get the round peg into the square hole, so you throw it against the wall to break it and somehow believe that you've won something.
when you got disrespectful mofos like @ed4mwf shiit is bound to get silly.
And silly you are, if you think I'm going to risk career and reputation to fist fight some sellout whom I do not respect for what?
You weren't initially disrespected, you were defeated soundly. And your next move was to go to violence like some typical street thug. Says a lot about you.
You're an embarrassment.
Yes but thats the older generation. Newer generation had nothing to do with that and times had changed and its fucked up to put that guilt and shame on them and trust me there are some that do feel bad but with age just start not giving a fuck anymore as most people stop giving a fuck and focus on themselves.
The conversation is so far above you. I'm not talking about individuals, except the one who started the conversation that you're playing Capt Save-a-Ho for. Aside from her/him, I've been talking about a racist system and giving historical context.
It's not cool to the people who did nothing wrong and even for those who helped even blacks along the way,
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know?
Life is too much of a toss up just to be burden by hate and project it onto everyone else. I don't like racism so why am i going to go ahead and be racist myself? it's hypocritical as fuck. Don't project hate onto someone and think they'll just fold over and agree.
Using words you don't understand fools no one. You cannot be racist. You have no purchase or power to be.

Most people will abuse power when they have it. It's sad but it's the reality we must face that is part of humanity.

I don't have a lot of experience interacting with black guys. But I've noticed that a lot of them have this fantasy of sleeping with a more "racist" or "conservative" white woman? I know everyone is different but I've seen this theme more than a few times. I only say "racist" because it's just a stereotype more reserved or shy women get for their more humble backgrounds :3

Correct me if I am wrong or if you have any other opinions or ideas please don't be afraid to comment!

What are your guy's thoughts? I was raised in a more traditional or "white" family so there might be things a lot of black people might find controversial when it comes to my opinions. Like if I were to have "racist": tendencies but said that I would be willing to entertain some black guys what would you guys do to me? ;)
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I don't have a lot of experience interacting with black guys. But I've noticed that a lot of them have this fantasy of sleeping with a more "racist" or "conservative" white woman? I know everyone is different but I've seen this theme more than a few times. I only say "racist" because it's just a stereotype more reserved or shy women get for their more humble backgrounds :3

Correct me if I am wrong or if you have any other opinions or ideas please don't be afraid to comment!

What are your guy's thoughts? I was raised in a more traditional or "white" family so there might be things a lot of black people might find controversial when it comes to my opinions. Like if I were to have "racist": tendencies but said that I would be willing to entertain some black guys what would you guys do to me? ;)

Just be honest, and don't let the stereotypes determine your actions. As long as you don't do race play, you're cool.
click steve bannon GIF
I love fucking older country white women. Its the best knowing their daddies would disapprove. I get pretty raunchy. Making them cum. And usually I give them anal. Open their assholes up slightly. lubing up their butthole as I fuck them slowly in the pussy and then slip it in gently. They are usually a little shy about it. Protest and sweet talk them into opening up their ass for a real man. But once my rock hard cock fills their asshole they cant get enough. I love dominnating an older white lady as she squirts and groans with a big dick in her asshole. I stay rock hard in her conservative asshole. I empty my balls deep in her ass and these older girls absolutely love the deep anal creampie. They looked enbarassed and shocked at the wetness and how they took a cock in their tight conservative asshole.

I don't have a lot of experience interacting with black guys. But I've noticed that a lot of them have this fantasy of sleeping with a more "racist" or "conservative" white woman? I know everyone is different but I've seen this theme more than a few times. I only say "racist" because it's just a stereotype more reserved or shy women get for their more humble backgrounds :3

Correct me if I am wrong or if you have any other opinions or ideas please don't be afraid to comment!

What are your guy's thoughts? I was raised in a more traditional or "white" family so there might be things a lot of black people might find controversial when it comes to my opinions. Like if I were to have "racist": tendencies but said that I would be willing to entertain some black guys what would you guys do to me? ;)
I absolutely love your subjects and aspects in your race racist racial interracial kink post - the things you are saying and asking or thinking in all of this fits or matches a large portion of my everything here - it would be very fun and very interesting for both of us to chat discuss talk about these exact subjects and aspects together with each other - I'm born in Louisiana 1969 well before political correctness - from a traditional all white family - born white - live white - think white - white all - more when you reply - I'm glad I found your post and your secrets your thoughts your opinions - let's chat -
I'll tell what I think? I know "what lies beneath" all of that conservative, traditional, racist exterior! I know how secretly naughty and totally slutty they are deep down inside, just waiting to be unleashed, and when I bring it out of them, they are the hottest and most kinky sluts in the bedroom! ♠️
I think the issue is fantasy vs reality.

The fantasy of hate sex, taboo sex, humiliating sex, being the one that's putting black DNA into a racist woman who's entire life would turn on her if it ever came to light, etc... is hot.

However irl you would never want to involve yourself with someone who wasn't 100% down with the entire thing/supportive, because "Oh it would be hot if her dad found out and was mad" is a cool fantasy, but not so cool in real life when drama happens/the police are called/lawyers get involved.
I've done American slavery plantation-style roleplays before where she was a racist ******* or wife (if 2 females, both 🤣) which was fun but that's just fantasy for me. We 2 or 3 have usually known each other for a while and wanted to spice up our relationship(s).
It’s amazing you’ve said this… I’m married to an amazing black man and long time ago, I read a story about the slave era where the Plantation wife started sneaking off to the slave quarters at night to have sex with a particular slave she desired.. then the dau ghter followed he one night and she got involved also. Ever since then, I’ve developed a fantasy about me being that wife and it became so frequent, I shared that with my husband and when he asked me if I wanted to role-play it out, I told him yes, but how..? Fortunately, he has a very good friend who has a small farm with a barn and we have used that a few times to role-play out a few encounters.. It’s soooo much fun..