Content Creators With Terrible Or Misleading Onlyfans Pages

B Brown

Real Person
If you’ve ever subscribed to an Onlyfans website, you know it is impossible to tell how good or bad the quality of the content is merely from viewing the homepage. Impossible is the right word, as opposed to probable or something like that.

In many cases joining one of these sites is taking a gamble.

Its owner might advertise heavily on their Twitter or other social media pages. They may show footage of them in action, and somewhere on that Twitter, or their other social media account(s) is a link to their onlyfans page.

Additionally, they might put up some catchy-looking thumbnails on their onlyfans homepage, which makes things appear like what’s inside is great. Or, it gives the impression that what’s shown in those thumbnails, or in those advertisements they so proudly display on their social media account(s) is representative of what’s behind those greyed-out graphics at the aforementioned onlyfans homepage.

However, if you dare subscribe, the potential subscriber should be beware that there is a better-than-average chance that he or she could be in for several unpleasant surprises. Among them:
  • Some or none of what was advertised on a Twitter or other social media account is featured within the content creator’s onlyfans account.
  • You subscribe only to find out their onlyfans material, or the better parts of it, is pay-per-view. You discover that what they have behind the gray wall is nothing but tons of preview material. The very material that is merely a few seconds to a couple minutes long that you’ve already watched, or could have watched for free from their social media advertisements.
  • You discover the quality of the material is very poor, or no where close to the quality they display in their thumbnails. Or, the advertisements on their social media accounts. I’m talking about low-grade videos. Some are very small, or not even at 720p for this day and age. Or, it’s shot in very poor light, and amateurish to the max, even by homemade levels.
Thus, if you dare subscribe to only any of these onlyfans accounts, SURPRISE! You can discover you’ve been short-changed or scammed, big time. So BEWARE. The kind of pages I mentioned on onlyfans are everywhere. They are not merely a dime a dozen.

In an ideal world, there would be some kind of rating or bullet points system that lets potential subscribers know exactly what they are going to get if they join, since you can’t tell merely by viewing an onlyfans member’s homepage. But there is no such system.

Content providers should state upfront facts like: Their site is not PPV (pay per view). However, not all or perhaps few providers do so.

I’m speaking from experience. A couple of days ago, I joined one member’s site, and literally, nothing that the individual advertised on her Twitter page was within her onlyfans site. Furthermore, there was nothing there other than a bunch of teaser, a few seconds to a couple of minutes long clips.

These days everybody and their grandmother has one of these pages. The good from the bad ones needs to be sorted out. Content creators ought to be more transparent. Many are not, and if you ask me, people out to begin calling those who are not transparent out. This way, potential subscribers will know to stay clear of what it is they are or AREN’T going to get if they choose to subscribe to whatever onlyfans member’s site.

Comments welcome.
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