Wave of Migration to Europe

black men are stronger and they can take anything they desire. whites are too weak and inferior to stop them so they get conquered. that is how it works.
Strong sentence with little backbone that you write ... one, "taking what you want" says a lot as to the violent lives of black men, two, whites did pretty good during WW11, yhey're just not as easily provoked as black males. And, three, whites have only been conquered in your mind ... and that is how it really works.
A Japanese Emperor, after their Pearl Harbour attack said "we've only managed to wake a sleeping giant". Right now a majority of whites are supportive in helping blacks out, but I don't think it a good idea to piss 'em off as then you could start losing the only support it seems blacks have other than themselves.
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There's obviously been a massive wave of immigrants coming to the US for a while especially in recent years. The numbers in the last few years have been insane. Most of them seem to be Latino though with very few blacks from what I understand.

Latinas seem to be particularly willing to be black bred but in general it seems Latinos damper the interracial dynamics in the US.
Strong sentence with little backbone that you write ... one, "taking what you want" says a lot as to the violent lives of black men, two, whites did pretty good during WW11, yhey're just not as easily provoked as black males. And, three, whites have only been conquered in your mind ... and that is how it really works.
A Japanese Emperor, after their Pearl Harbour attack said "we've only managed to wake a sleeping giant". Right now a majority of whites are supportive in helping blacks out, but I don't think it a good idea to piss 'em off as then you could start losing the only support it seems blacks have other than themselves.
White people still tend to be the main and almost only race that makes up the elites running the world but even that is showing signs of slowly changing.

But for most of the rest of the white population, we haven't been what we used to be for decades. You can be crucified and have your life destroyed for saying or doing something that can be interpreted as racist. Black on white crime is many many times more intense than white on black crime, in some stats like interracial rāpe by as much as a hundred fold or more and in our schools education is continuously disrupted by the same blacks that are monopolizing teen white girls after school.

Not to mention all the white tax dollars flowing to black communities to help them maintain a high birth rate or the reparations many cities are legislating.
Black on white crime is many many times more intense than white on black crime, in some stats like interracial rāpe by as much as a hundred fold
Black on white is treated a lot more seriously by courts than white on black crimes, and black on black crimes only seem to get an "eye roll" anymore there are so many of them. A crime is a crime ... don't care who does it and should be treated in the same way. It wouldn't matter to me what color the perpetrator was if they were harming my family ... no limits to what I might do.
Same with funding public schools. The first schools to lose funding seem to always be the inner schools, and the physical/operating condition of the schools is entirely different when you go from inner schools to suburban/rural schools.
Some of the violence by white police on black citizens is simply embarrassing at the way the courts treat them. Some of that, I believe, is due to "where" the municipalities are obtaining their law enforcement staff. Some of the people coming out of the military after spending years facing violence overseas are simply not stable enough to hold law enforcement positions.
It's not about race.
It's about religion.

Those are my last words in this thread because you all have gone racist and super pro genocide from every direction.

Less hate people!
But with that said:.... fu*k usama bin muslims 🤪
It wouldn't matter to me what color the perpetrator was if they were harming my family ... no limits to what I might do.
Same with funding public schools. The first schools to lose funding seem to always be the inner schools, and the physical/operating condition of the schools is entirely different when you go from inner schools to suburban/rural schools.
I'm not sure where you're getting your information. That's both discrimination and segregation and if any locality were caught doing that, they would be subject to both lawsuits which could bankrupt them and for.ced bussing, to intentionally racially mix students and make segregation nearly impossible. This has happened many times across the nation.

It's almost always a matter of money and class when it comes to school funding, not urban vs suburban. Though suburban schools have a strong, general tendency to have much higher quality schools than inner city, the top of the line, highest quality k-12 schools are usually located in inner cities. They're just usually private or magnate. This is where urban elite send their ki.ds. Magnate schools however, are also where a lot of minority ki.ds placed because of government criteria.
Some of the violence by white police on black citizens is simply embarrassing at the way the courts treat them. Some of that, I believe, is due to "where" the municipalities are obtaining their law enforcement staff. Some of the people coming out of the military after spending years facing violence overseas are simply not stable enough to hold law enforcement positions.
I think this viewpoint has been adopted by a lot of white people after heavy, continuous coverage of these issues from the exact viewpoint you're espousing.

I go by what I see with my own eyes in real life. I've never once seen white cops (or any race of cops) pointlessly harassing and killing black people in any of the many cities I've lived in and I would be very surprised if you did either.
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Well, why don't you "expand your comment" on all this knowledge you have? See the highlighted words in your post? Expand on those. This will tell us what you really know about the illegal immigrant situation in Europe.

• why can't anything STOP THEM in your opinion?
• why do you see this as a historic opportunity?
• what are the many pluses to their illegal immigration to European countries?

I didn't say I knew everything
Just a little background. Took a couple of days off from work (just because) I'm tipsy as fuck right now (Modelo Negras and Tito's) Girlfriend is asleep and I'm a little bored. I would be interested in knowing what type of feedback you've gotten from European women. That being said...
Scanned through most of responses. Chuckling at the responses that are "Oh my God what a disaster". The appropo truism is "You reap what you sow". What the fuck do they think their historical global fuckery was going to manifest? The fucking arrogance 🤣.
This is hurting them hahah
What I don't understand are the white men and women who literally dedicate themselves (almost as a religion) to fucking Black men and importing immigrants to do all their work, while claiming that their civilization is being attacked and the far-right will save them. Delusion and dissonance at its finest.
That's exactly what their government wants, no matter how much they keep screaming for the opposite lol. Western European states in particular are making extra efforts to accept and integrate African refugees
That's exactly what their government wants, no matter how much they keep screaming for the opposite lol. Western European states in particular are making extra efforts to accept and integrate African refugees
To beat addiction, one has to want to beat it.