Europe: is it changing with immigration and refugees?

Hi. I am from a part of Europe where there are very, very few people from Africa or Middle East. I'm wondering if people sense that other parts of europe are visible changing in the last years? I wonder what more I could do to support refugee or accelerate process of changing demographics?
Keep voting for your politicians, it is going to happen. Europe belongs to the African and Arab.
In Canada i as a white male will become a member of a visible minority around the 1st of June 2023 according to Statistics Canada. Not saying this is a bad thing. Just a reality. Not many Canadians know this. It’s just that on many government forms there is a question that asks if you are native or

In Canada i as a white male will become a member of a visible minority around the 1st of June 2023 according to Statistics Canada. Not saying this is a bad thing. Just a reality. Not many Canadians know this. It’s just that on many government forms there is a question that asks if you are native or a member of a visible minority.
They killed all the indigenous ppl and said it was a empty country, its not in Europe even. Sorry to be the one to say I don't think your indigenous to Canada a land for White race only lmao
I agree with you! Smdh, the amount of people on this site that are so narrow minded is appalling!!
You ain't lying. Also, note how they do not use a lifestyle when dealing with or sexing up partners of other races or nationalities. They are fine hanging out with, socializing with, having casual no-strings attached sex with others etc and don't need a lifestyle to do it. They come to places like this to HIDE behind a "lifestyle", so they can get off on people they view as big-cocked members of America's underbelly savagely pounding their partner's guts.
You ain't lying. Also, note how they do not use a lifestyle when dealing with or sexing up partners of other races or nationalities. They are fine hanging out with, socializing with, having casual no-strings attached sex with others etc and don't need a lifestyle to do it. They come to places like this to HIDE behind a "lifestyle", so they can get off on people they view as big-cocked members of America's underbelly savagely pounding their partner's guts.
They are basically "props" to complete the scene. ACTION!


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It’s a lot of things that is changing Europe at the moment.

There is the green people that want to change how farming is done to this end they are driving up the price of fuel and fertilizers. They want to have everyone go vegetarian. So no beef chicken or pork. I am guessing this also means no cheeses

There are the anti Jewish people. I am guessing they will be protesting during the olympics. Should be interesting what the French government does. Personally I am in favour to the summer Olympic being permently in say greece and the winter in Norway. No moving them around. The costs are prohibitive and the corruption out of this world.

Notice I said Jewish People not Israel. One is a country the other is a religion there is a difference.

Now as for this site. I enjoy the personal interaction and the stories.

I have noticed that all the guys seem to be six foot five full of muscles with a calluses head on his cock from dragging it along the ground all day. What I cannot figure out is why I don’t see these guys on the street do you keep them in cages drinking the day. The black guys I see are for most part just like the white guys a bit over weight maybe five foot nine to six foot.
It’s a lot of things that is changing Europe at the moment.
You're so observant, Arranger. (not)
Have you any documentation to all this BS you're spouting, or at least a source where YOU got your info?

My bet is these are YOUR OPINIONS ONLY and there are no sources other than what's floating around in your imagination. We have an X-President just like this ... weird imagination he has.

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"Props" for whites to make their own personal wildlife footage of what they view as big-cocked br u tes aggressively pounding and blacking their wives, you mean? :unsure:
In the spirit of Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey as well as Marlin Perkins
You're so observant, Arranger. (not)
Have you any documentation to all this BS you're spouting, or at least a source where YOU got your info?

My bet is these are YOUR OPINIONS ONLY and there are no sources other than what's floating around in your imagination. We have an X-President just like this ... weird imagination he has.

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As far as the Green People are concerned the American Media has not been following them as all as they have been following Trump and his Trials. The Goverments of Europe have been trying to turn the farms more green in their energy use. Taxing fuel and chemical fertilizer while demanding food prices stay low. Countries like holland, France and Italy have had their farmers block roads and to spread organic fertilizer on government buildings and residents. The way I know is that I watch news not from American channels.
You're so observant, Arranger. (not)
Have you any documentation to all this BS you're spouting, or at least a source where YOU got your info?

My bet is these are YOUR OPINIONS ONLY and there are no sources other than what's floating around in your imagination. We have an X-President just like this ... weird imagination he has.

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When responding about the Anti Jewish / Israel protests it seems like ever day there is a news report in some Major European Capital of massive rallies. Rallies that dwarf the ones we see in North America.

Recently there was one in Ireland (republic (south)) and one in Scotland where the Locals were suggesting the immigrants go home. Which is a surprise as Ireland supports the Hamas And requested the world court put out an arrest warrant for members of the Israeli Government. As for Scotland they resently voted out their Prime Minister not because of his immigration position, or his position on Israel. But because he was doing a real shitty job.if you check he is an immigrant himself. If I remember correctly he wanted to replace the heads of a number of departments with people based on being immigrants. This was to cover for his louse job performance.

on a side note Scotland has a population of 5 million with 140 members of parliament, similar numbers for Ireland. Canada has a population of 40 million more or less with 302 members of parliament

You're so observant, Arranger. (not)
Have you any documentation to all this BS you're spouting, or at least a source where YOU got your info?

My bet is these are YOUR OPINIONS ONLY and there are no sources other than what's floating around in your imagination. We have an X-President just like this ... weird imagination he has.

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I have to admit that I make a point of following you on this site as I find that many if not most of your opinions are level headed and well thought out. You seem well informed on all thing USA based.

I get my American info from CNN, MSNBC and yes FOXNEWS (which locally is part of the Comedy Package) and on a more local Detroit ABC. These channels maybe once a month mention Canada. I Also get the BBC (British Broadcaster Channel) which covers most of western Europe. I also get the French National (English Language Service) for their take on the news.

Not sure what most Americans know about their Trading Partners so here goes.
Canada 365 billion a year.
Mexico 324 billion a year
China 150 billion a year
Japan 80 billion a year
United Kingdom 76 billion a year.

i think if you put up a world map most Americans could not find Canada on the Map.

I know every Canadian Can Find the USA on the Map.
i know most Canadian know more about the US constitution than Canada Bill of Rights. That how big an influence the media has on Canadians.
i think if you put up a world map most Americans could not find Canada on the Map.
You could be correct there. Last year our local news station was doing a segment on public schools and mentioned that over half of the 6th graders could not give the year of the US Constitution OR say which years the War Between the States occurred or who the POTUS was during the war. And THIS was in North Carolina, the state that had more casualties than any other southern state during that Civil War.
Keep in mind i am over 65 years old. That said when i was in middle school (grade 7 to be exact) my history teacher suggested we start reading a monthly magazine called the Beaver. Which was a magazine dedicated to Canadian History. It was written at a six grade level and was started in 1916. Six grade was when most people stopped going to school back then. The name has been changed to Canadian History. My parents got me subscription that i still have to this day. It covers Canadian History the good, bad and the Ugly. A few years later a geography teacher suggested we start reading a monthly magazine called the. Canadian Geographic Magazine. This Magazine was and is written at a grade 8 level. Again my parents got me a subscription. I still subscribe.

It is the importance of these types of Magazines that give us context of having an opinion on issues today. Where the solution has been tried before and what the results were.

The issue of Immigration to Canada is covered whether we are talking about from Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, japan, and Viet Nam Boat People etc. Or American Blacks, Draft Dodgers

I have yet to find similar magazines written on US History and Geography as similar reading levels. Once you hook a student on learning you have them for life. I admit Magazines are old school.

Yes text based on IPads would be great, however it is too east to get distracted on IPads.

Yes I know I have strayed from the way this string was intended. However I believe Magazines have their place.


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