Sex with someone your husband does not like

Question for the wives. If you REALLY want to have sex with a man that you know your husband does not like. Does it stop you? Does it affect what acts you would do with this guy? Has it happened?
Thats only make my Wife want that Man more. Dont get me wrong for a long term Bull she like more that I like him. But when a Man is dominant and rude toward me and degrade me she become so horny at him.

She love it when a real Man dont give a fuck about me and treat me like noboddy while he treet her like a Queen. I asked her why she become so sluthy toward Men who flirt with her and hit on her and at the same time are so rude and bossy against me. It streangten there posestion as the real Man she said.

So a Bull dont have to get a long with me to fuck my Wife. They only have to show them self as bether Man then me.
My wife always flirts with one of her ex-boyfriends. It drives me nuts. He is a real player, and just got a divorce as a result of having multiple affairs. His targets are set on my wife now. I heard them talking the other day, and this jerk actually told my wife he loves her! He's a really good looking guy and persistent, so I'm sure he will be plowing my wife in no time.

My wife has a problem saying no to dominant, assertive men. Her former boss used to have her give him head underneath the desk at work. I know that sounds like a made up sex story, but it's true.

UPDATE: So, I snooped through my wife's phone, and sure enough, she has multiple texts going back and forth with this guy Adam. They tell each other that they love each other. Going back for 2 years, ouch. Whenever I go out of town, she sends him a text: "My husband is out of town for 2 weeks (or whatever the time frame is), we need to get together." She calls him handsome, too much of a catch to be single, and what makes it more embarrassing for me is that she is obviously the one pursuing him. Constantly sending him texts asking to hang out, and how handsome and desirable he is.

It seems they have had drinks and dinner 5-6 times. The tone of the texts have gone from calling each other "old friend" to "flirt" and kissy face emojis and stuff like that. The most damning evidence was a text from Adam saying: "We need to hook up again. Last night was great!" And they always make sure I am out of town, before they go on their dates.

I guess I'm not a true cuck, because I didn't find this sexy at all. I was devastated and hurt. After talking about the cuckold fantasy for years with my wife, she finally goes through with it- but behind my back. What makes it even worse is that it's obviously not just a sex thing; they seem to have real feelings for each other. This guy has already been married three times, and I really don't want my marriage to break up.

Not sure what to do next. I haven't confronted her about it. But our sex life has definitely heated up, she's in the mood much more often. So there's one side benefit from her cheating, ha ha. The irony is that if we set this up together - her affair with Adam - it would be hot as hell for me. But the fact she did it on her own, makes it more emotionally cheating and is quite frankly devastating to me. Moral of the story? Careful what you wish for, I guess.

Any advice for how to proceed is welcome. Ideal situation would either be that she breaks it off with Adam, or includes me via having me "prepare" her for her dates, and sharing photos with me after.
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I am the one having sex with the bull so cucks opinion of him is irrelevant. If I am attracted to a guy and the chemistry is good, then cuck gets no say if I want to take it further.
Awesome. Love it. Hope my wife gets there one day. Not sure how I will handle it but want her to get there nonetheless
We find or agree on Bulls together . As per our cuckold contract it is possible for her to fuck someone I do not like and I would have to sit with it . I would hope she would have to confidence to do what she wanted .. The only reason I could think I would have to have a say is Safety otherwise She may even like it if I didn't like him ... I don't know?
I did once fuck a man that my husband really dislikes..old co worker of his that was very cocky about being a ladies man and that he could fuck any woman he wanted. So i went yo prove how wrong he was but he actually made suck and fuck him in less than a day!!he was ok as it come at sex but his cum was so much that i could not believe it..
I have never met with anyone in the lifestyle that I didn't like, and they didn't like me!

I have cut off communication with people for various reasons, but I have never met with anyone I didn't like, or who didn't like me! Personally I wouldn't deal with a hotwife who's husband didn't like. The potential for issues or drama is just not worth it to me!
Well, fuck. Looks like my worst fears were confirmed. Just snooped though my wife's texts and found the following exchange with that bastard Adam. When a husband knows, he just knows. Spider senses were tingling.

Wife: My husband is up in Canada working for the whole month. So let me know what your schedule is like, and let's hang out (excited emoji).
Adam: Would love to get together. Lots to catch up on!
Wife: For sure!

(next day)

Adam: Amazing day, thank you!
Wife: Woo Hoo! xoxox
Adam: Love you
Wife: Love you too

(two days later)

Adam: Wanna hang out?
Wife: I can't tonight. I've got plans. Tomorrow or Wednesday works.
Adam: Tomorrow works :)
Wife: Cool. Wanna grab drinks or dinner?
Adam: Both. Start with drinks and lets go from there...
Wife: I'm in!

(next day)

Wife: You're too cute, fun, funny and sweet to be single. It will happen when YOU are ready.
Adam: Love you (heart emoji)
Wife: Ahh sweets any time. Love you too.

couple days later:

Adam: Always fun to hang out. We should hook up again some time.
Wife: Flirt! Would love to get together again. (kiss emoji).

That's all I could get phone grabs of, before my wife got out of the shower.
So, that's pretty much getting caught red-handed, right?
My wife always flirts with one of her ex-boyfriends. It drives me nuts. He is a real player, and just got a divorce as a result of having multiple affairs. His targets are set on my wife now. I heard them talking the other day, and this jerk actually told my wife he loves her! He's a really good looking guy and persistent, so I'm sure he will be plowing my wife in no time.

My wife has a problem saying no to dominant, assertive men. Her former boss used to have her give him head underneath the desk at work. I know that sounds like a made up sex story, but it's true.
It must have turned you on so much to know your wife was blowing her boss.
It must have turned you on so much to know your wife was blowing her boss.
I can't tell you how many times I've requested that my wife tell me the stories of hooking up with her boss, while I jerk off. Sometimes I get her to tell me the stories while we are having sex, so I can finish. She did him in his office multiple times, his car (both parked on random streets and in the company parking lot), her car, her house, and two different hotel rooms during work trips (San Diego and Hawaii).

Oh, and also once during a corporate off-site in Mexico. They were playing "chicken" in the pool beforehand with another couple; my wife sitting on his shoulders while wearing a bikini. Then they went off to do shots together, and then to her hotel room. So I'm guessing the whole office knew that they were fucking by that point.

In addition to those physical hookups, there were many, many instances of phone sex, where her boss would send her photos of his dick, and get her to describe what she wanted to do to it, and what he should do to himself.

One of my favorite stories is that her boss got so used to her stripping down naked and crawling under his desk to suck, that he would actually take work calls while she blew him.