How Many White Women Want To Have A Black Baby?

I want my wife to take a black lover and then show me this:

It's not that I absolutely want a baby with a black man, but it's an option.
I'm only 24, I'm single, and I like black men. So it is possible that one day I will meet a black man with whom I will fall in love. And if our love is strong, and we plan to live our lives together, having children would be natural!
beautiful post
If my tubes weren’t tied, I’d love to have my bulls baby. Seriously. I know it would make for an awkward situation with our families, it I’d love to have mixed race baby
I had an ex later tell me she’d wished she had a surprise mixed baby and total mock my pathetic lack of size
I had an ex later tell me she’d wished she had a surprise mixed baby and total mock my pathetic lack of size

I had something similar, where my ex met a black guy she dated shortly after I broke up with her. We only got to bang once in the car with a condom, but with him it was raw and in her bed. She said she’d much rather have his k-ids than mine and she wanted his baby badly. I was very turned on
I had something similar, where my ex met a black guy she dated shortly after I broke up with her. We only got to bang once in the car with a condom, but with him it was raw and in her bed. She said she’d much rather have his k-ids than mine and she wanted his baby badly. I was very turned on
Hope you begged to lick her clean afterwards