A Stag Contributing Back to the Forum


Gold Member
Real Person
I keep saying that I'm going to post here because I owe it to the forum, but I never really do. For the longest time reading the threads here was one of the most stimulating and marvelous parts of my private sexual life that I shared with no one. I honestly never thought I would have a HotWife. We recently celebrated our first year wedding anniversary, and we are a 100% genuine and participatory Stag/Vixen couple.

I used to not care all that much for some of the posts here that I suspected might not be legitimate. They were still fun and made me horny as hell. But, the posts that had the most value for me are the ones that I felt were actually being made by couples who were fortunate enough to be participating in all of us. So, I feel guilty having not given back.

My wife has been absurdly busy the last many months in an accelerated nursing school program, so we have not been active for a while in all of this. We also spend some of our sexual life in the Kink community that we love and adore as well.

However, it's T -40 minutes before her BBC lover arrives. I have explained to her on numerous occasions that the greatest gift she could give me in all of this is to fully enjoy it. It took her some time to get over her discomfort and guilt, but she has really allowed herself to be free and take advantage of this wonderful thing that we share between both each other, and with her lovers.

Therefore, I have been in heaven, watching her excitement all day about her date tonight. It makes me feel wonderful to see her, excited and happy, and it also turns me on like nothing else. We just started making out and she went down on me to show me what he is about to feel.

Absolutely both divine and completely frustrating.

I have a new goal that I would like to achieve moving forward (maybe tonight). I have been somewhat uncomfortable being naked with another man. I'm happy to say that I have made considerable progress with this. But what I want to move into now is being much more comfortable, and occasionally coming in and out of the action. I've been very hesitant to interrupt their scene together, so I usually hold her hand while staying as out-of-the-way as humanly possible. I intend to become a little more greedy in all of this and allow myself to be more of a physical presence on the bed with them. I also really love the idea of us sharing her together at some point in the evening. Although I have no intention of dominating their space and experience with each other, I would really enjoy jumping in now and then, instead of waiting for the heavenly reclaiming that occurs afterwards.

So, besides filming, which we have both learned to absolutely love because we can watch it later again and again, I want to actually jump in and out a little here and there while it's actually occurring between them, or they're taking a break. It doesn't seem like a huge difference when I write it out here, but it really would be a big step for me.

I honestly can't believe I am fortunate enough to actually be living this. I know I have won super mega lotto. I am really grateful. However, I'm glad to say this isn't an overwhelming obsession and it's not the only form of intimacy that I share with my wife. Nevertheless, it really has been enthralling, and we do intend on getting back to this on a more regular basis. I used to love to read the before and after postings of others, so I promise not to be as lazy as I have been with all of this and at least briefly report back how this evening goes. And for my next amends, I need to start leaving reviews on Amazon, because I so depend upon them and making purchases, and have never once left a single review in return.
Great post, seems very honest.
95% of the posts on here must be from overnight, 30yo men that live in parents basement and have absolutely no chance of even talking to a women ever.
We are very normal usually, none of our friends know about our private life.
We enjoy our sexy fun with a guy we know pretty regularly.
I post on her with a fake name. It's fun to read other(the real) posts on here. We all have our kinky side, however hard core that is.
We are real, most on here are not.
The post above seems 100% real.
Good post. I hope the date went well. Your wife is very sexy. She'll be a great nurse (makes me feel better just looking at her!) & the doctors will love tapping that ass! Lots more fun ahead for you both. Keep sharing. You are in a place many men never get to - the actual sharing phase. Perhaps your info will encourage other guys to "have the talk" w/their wives and get the ball rolling.
Great post, seems very honest.
95% of the posts on here must be from overnight, 30yo men that live in parents basement and have absolutely no chance of even talking to a women ever.
We are very normal usually, none of our friends know about our private life.
We enjoy our sexy fun with a guy we know pretty regularly.
I post on her with a fake name. It's fun to read other(the real) posts on here. We all have our kinky side, however hard core that is.
We are real, most on here are not.
The post above seems 100% real.
Yes, we are a real live breathing couple who are actually participating in this lifestyle!

I wish I were 30 years old, and I can't live in my mom's basement because she has an apartment in Manhattan.

We have the good fortune of not being normal at all, and most of our friends are in the kink/poly/swing community/12 step recovery

However, my wife's cohort at school asked what she does to have fun and let off steam while in school because she doesn't ******* or do ******* anymore, and she's so frustrated that she can't honestly answer them (it would certainly blow their minds).
Good post. I hope the date went well. Your wife is very sexy. She'll be a great nurse (makes me feel better just looking at her!) & the doctors will love tapping that ass! Lots more fun ahead for you both. Keep sharing. You are in a place many men never get to - the actual sharing phase. Perhaps your info will encourage other guys to "have the talk" w/their wives and get the ball rolling.
We both just had a laugh at your great nurse joke. And I am a doctor, and I do love tapping that ass.

I honestly never imagined I would be in a relationship where I was actually living this. It has been somewhat surreal after having looked at these forums for many, many years before we met. On the other hand, it also now seems strangely comfortable and right. I was rather nervous when we proposed first jumping in and trying this, I did not know if I had the actual capacity to do any of this even though it was a fun and exciting fantasy.

It turns out that this really is an organic part of my human sexuality and I suffer no jealousy or fear at all in any of it. I also enjoy the extraordinary benefit of having an extremely open, honest, transparent, genuine and loving partner would never, ever do anything that Wood damage that.. We work very close together and all of this and are committed to stopping if it ever becomes bad in any way for either one of us. Although it is loads of fun, it definitely isn't worth destroying our relationship over. This is the reason my Harley no longer gets ridden. It just looks pretty in my garage. It just ain't worth it anymore.

I love what you said about our sharing her experience could benefit others. I genuinely hope that's true. To anyone reading this please know that there is a sane, structured and safe way to gently experiment with this. It has only created more intimacy and love and provides a new means for us for sharing our love with each other. I'm not actually a cold, I guess I'm more of a stag. So, she takes that into account as I take her needs and style into account equally. We have authored our own unique and secret means I'm enjoying this activity. I'm sure every couple has its own expression, cadence, and style, and with honesty and compassion can be discovered, and maintained in the relationship.

One other funny thing about actually living this. Are used to have a bit of an obsessive, compulsive addiction to losing myself in these forums, photos, and videos. It was my way of getting high and becoming dissociative. It actually was somewhat of a problem for me. So, I am a bit flabbergasted to discover the actual living it took away the compulsive aspect of it. I still look at all the videos here, but only the ones that I think my wife would enjoy that we can share together. So, actually living this in a healthy manner, seem to somehow cure the addictive part of it. I find this fascinating.

I will briefly post the interesting experience we just had with her lover (I didn't go, as well as we had hoped). However, I believe my partner is patiently waiting for me to take her to bed to reclaim her, and that's the best freaking part of all of this!
OK, we are now in patiently waiting for the video I shot to upload from my phone to iCloud to my iPad which is what we take to bed together. So, it looks like I shall take this moment to post about what went down. Things started off in a truly marvelous way. My wife and I are both becoming more and more free in all of this and it's fun. We have played with this gentleman who we really like to other times before and it was great. However, he had an orgasm in less than two minutes and then was unable to recover a full erection afterwards. My wife was at first very patient, encouraging and even helpful with the situation. However, in the end it just wasn't meant to be. Understandably, my wife was genuinely disappointed, and even a bit frustrated with the situation.

The good news, is that I actually was a little more participatory than I have ever been before. We started off in our room that is a full-time dedicated dungeon. It has a king size bed which lends itself well for this type of play. I then suggested we go off to the room that serves dual purpose for our Tonal gym/boxing bag, and also has a sex swing in it. I had loads of fun taking turns with her and her lover, and I thought she was having an amazing time as well. What I did not know, is that he wasn't really fully hard, and that just left her wanting. So for her it was somewhat disappointing. But for me, it was a little bit of a victory, in that I'm becoming more comfortable being able to jump in and play a bit myself. I believe this is gonna work really well for both of us.

One of our favorite videos is the husband laying on his back with the wife laying on top of him face-to-face while she's enjoying doggy style with her lover. We both really want to try this as we love the idea of being able to see, kiss, and hear each other in such a close contact manner. I believe we are ready to give that a try.

My wife is now enjoying contacting people on both Feeld, and one of our favorite swinger sites on her own. It's really hot for me to see her reach out and flirt with other BBC's. I believe this is going to be a very busy and fun year for both of us.
You are doing the community a huge service w/your real & genuine posts!

Often things don't go to plan. People don't show up. Or, they arrive late. They don't look like their pictures. The person doesn't seem to have the same personality in the flesh that they had in text & e-mails. It happens. That's the 'real'.

Thankfully you already knew this guy and had two previous experiences with him. That's best. Sex gets better with practice as people learn each other. Unfortunately it sounds like something affected his longevity & recovery this go round and...again...that's reality. Sometimes these things happen. One of our playmates (bull to those that are wired more that way) went four rounds on our first date with him. Wife loved it. Next time he could only go two rounds, but we still had a great time & we "fore-played" more, which was good, too. More than one way to enjoy a partner.

In your case, your active participation increased and you were happy and enjoyed the night. Unfortunately your wife didn't get the full experience she was hoping for but sounds like she was a good sport about it. Hopefully the guy figures out what went wrong & corrects for the next visit.

The beauty is, your experience was REAL and still good, if not ideal or perfect. Perfect is rare. Perfect happens mostly in story and fantasy. Your honest account helps people realize expectations need to be tempered as things probably won't go how your mind is seeing things play out. But if you can be flexible and relaxed, a good time can still be had.

Looking fwd to more posts as your journey continues.
You are doing the community a huge service w/your real & genuine posts!

Often things don't go to plan. People don't show up. Or, they arrive late. They don't look like their pictures. The person doesn't seem to have the same personality in the flesh that they had in text & e-mails. It happens. That's the 'real'.

Thankfully you already knew this guy and had two previous experiences with him. That's best. Sex gets better with practice as people learn each other. Unfortunately it sounds like something affected his longevity & recovery this go round and...again...that's reality. Sometimes these things happen. One of our playmates (bull to those that are wired more that way) went four rounds on our first date with him. Wife loved it. Next time he could only go two rounds, but we still had a great time & we "fore-played" more, which was good, too. More than one way to enjoy a partner.

In your case, your active participation increased and you were happy and enjoyed the night. Unfortunately your wife didn't get the full experience she was hoping for but sounds like she was a good sport about it. Hopefully the guy figures out what went wrong & corrects for the next visit.

The beauty is, your experience was REAL and still good, if not ideal or perfect. Perfect is rare. Perfect happens mostly in story and fantasy. Your honest account helps people realize expectations need to be tempered as things probably won't go how your mind is seeing things play out. But if you can be flexible and relaxed, a good time can still be had.

Looking fwd to more posts as your journey continues.
Thanks for the remarks on my post, I really appreciate it. You're right about whatever our experience is has value because it's real. We both need to be reminded that this requires a certain degree of patience and that expectations cannot always be met perfectly and whatever we do. Although we were both quite disappointed by the experience, we had a very powerful and exciting time between ourselves right after. In the heat of the moment I told my wife that I want to her to become more assertive with all of this and to go out and meet new lovers so she could find a few regulars. I was both a little surprised and perhaps even intimidated when the next day she announced that she was going to move forward with what I said, and has decided that EVERY Wednesday would be a BBC day.

Yikes, be careful for what you ask for!

My wife and I just recently celebrated our first year wedding anniversary, and we were together for about eight months prior. So, we're still somewhat new to all of this. In a relatively brief period of time we discovered, kink, swing, and Stag/Vixen activities. We're still early on in figuring out where we belong in all of this. We both have a history of childhood trauma, and it has been very empowering for us to redesign our sexuality in a manner that gives us both a feeling of both mastery and control. It's actually been incredibly healing for both of us.

I have been pretty much asexual my entire life as a result of my trauma. Early on in our relationship she invited me to share all my darkness. Although that terrified me, I pretty much showed her everything in short order including this website. I am forever eternally grateful that I did. We both got ferociously turned on whenever I would dirty talk and improvisational narrative around these activities while we were in bed. I actually did not know I was capable of dirty talk before this. She tells me I am phenomenally talented at it. So far, we have pretty much played out each fantasy we shared in bed together. There's still a few more left to play out. I keep telling her that I want her dirty. I seem to enjoy this immensely. So does she. It's a new concept for her, but one she has fully taken to.

I have been encouraging her in my dirty talk to get more free, greedy, assertive, hungry and unrepentant in all of this. It is slightly intimidating that I am with a woman you don't play games with. Once she gets these ideas and feelings in her, she has the courageousness to actually follow through with them in real life. Although I'm a bit more cowardly, in all of this, her fearlessness allows me to actually go forward into reality as well. I am grateful for this gift.

Update: I just ran down to get a cup of coffee, and she told me she has two dates lined up with two different men on both the 15th and 22nd of this month. I don't think I need the coffee anymore.

Actually, I'm trying to quickly wrap this post up, but I am filled with endorphins and high as a kite after what she just said. So perhaps I shall leave this for now. I'll just mention that last night we went to a swingers social that happened to be less than a mile from our home. We met a couple that has never ventured out for any of this type of activity before and we immediately sat them down and gave them a little helpful and hopefully loving lecture to give them some education and direction. It really was lovely to review with them what we've done and how magnificently pleasurable and intimate all of it has been. So, there are a few other things I want to mention but for today, I shall just say that it is now obviously official that we are going much deeper into this.
Wow...BBC WEDNESDAYS sound great.

The fact she is bold and taking charge AFTER you talk and tell her what you'd like to explore next is a surprisingly rare and welcome trait. You really did hit the wife lottery. And, if we all think about it, she did pretty great to get you as a husband. She's already got two dates set up? Sweet!

Being able to openly communicate with your spouse about your likes, fears, and turn-ons is actually much more rare than people know. That's why there are so many guys here wishing their wife would get into this - they either don't feel safe sharing their ideas or, they attempted and got shut down hard.

Keep living the dream @Swinksters
Communicate. Be honest. And remember your partner's needs always comes before a playmate. Your partner is for life; playmates are for the night.
Wow...BBC WEDNESDAYS sound great.

The fact she is bold and taking charge AFTER you talk and tell her what you'd like to explore next is a surprisingly rare and welcome trait. You really did hit the wife lottery. And, if we all think about it, she did pretty great to get you as a husband. She's already got two dates set up? Sweet!

Being able to openly communicate with your spouse about your likes, fears, and turn-ons is actually much more rare than people know. That's why there are so many guys here wishing their wife would get into this - they either don't feel safe sharing their ideas or, they attempted and got shut down hard.

Keep living the dream @Swinksters
Communicate. Be honest. And remember your partner's needs always comes before a playmate. Your partner is for life; playmates are for the night.
Dude, your posts are awesome.

Thank you for both your replies. We ARE both living the dream, and we both continually celebrate the other for this gift. The idea of the dates was both stimulating and slightly intimidating. I shared this with her in bed and she immediately felt guilty and let me know that she was only doing this because it’s wonderful for both of us and she’s happy to stop. I worked hard to let her know that I was just being honest about some mixed feelings going on inside of me, but I was absolutely, positively loving all of us.

She also shared that she always puts herself in my place and thinks about what feelings and insecurities it might bring up for her if I were doing this with other women. So, she has complete and genuine empathy for my side of the street. I just have to be careful not to inadvertently slow her role or make her feel worried about me.

She also is really celebrating my posting here with people who understand. It actually has been really nice. I really appreciate everybody’s feedback, advice, celebration, and acknowledgment. I am now pestering her to also post. She came up with a fun title for the thread she may start called: The HotWife Chronicles.

I agree with your statement that I am ridiculously fortunate with these endeavors by having a wife who is the epitome of what we all want on here. She lets me know that she feels she has won the lottery as well in having a man equally as degenerate who enjoys this as much as she does. Although it is definitely a fairytale, it is somewhat balanced by the real world challenges that we have to experience in navigating all of this. Even so, it is deliciously wonderful and I am so loving it. I desperately wish this for the others here who are on this site.

Tonight we went to enjoy some entertainment. One of the gentlemen involved in the performance ended up being someone my wife has been communicating with directly by text. We honestly were completely unaware of who he was till after. He totally recognized her because she shared our private pictures on a swinger site with him a while back. What a freaking coincidence. It has blown both our minds. It’s a small world after all. So, I believe they’re soon going to be a third date in a very short period of time.
Damn...she is so beautiful. Great pic. Sharing really is caring. I love her long hair and her hips. We all have our "likes". Those are two of mine. Seems like her date is pleased as well ;)

Dude, your posts are awesome.
<trimmed content>
She also shared that she always puts herself in my place and thinks about what feelings and insecurities it might bring up for her if I were doing this with other women. So, she has complete and genuine empathy for my side of the street.
Thank you. You are kind.

This resonated w/me. I think it touches on something very key to success in sharing that gets overlooked - empathy. Always try to reverse the situation and see it & feel it from your partners point of view. What will they think? What will they feel? How will this excite or crush them? What concerns will they have?

If a person can successfully do this, it can really smooth the progress and keep a lot of the hurtful situations from happening in the first place. Your wife and you both seem to share this quality of thinking about things from the others POV. That's really amazing...and rare. Keep doing that!
Sorry for any confusion, but my wife had a great idea that we do this together in a new mutual discussion on a new post, with her on the HotWife Forum, and me on the Cuckold Forum called: "Dueling, HotWife/Stag Chronicles. Mine is obviously called the "Stag Version" our current saga continues there with thoughts and views from both of us posted simultaneously, but in different threads.
Sorry for any confusion, but my wife had a great idea that we do this together in a new mutual discussion on a new post, with her on the HotWife Forum, and me on the Cuckold Forum called: "Dueling, HotWife/Stag Chronicles. Mine is obviously called the "Stag Version" our current saga continues there with thoughts and views from both of us posted simultaneously, but in different threads.
Sounds really cool 😎
Good post. I hope the date went well. Your wife is very sexy. She'll be a great nurse (makes me feel better just looking at her!) & the doctors will love tapping that ass! Lots more fun ahead for you both. Keep sharing. You are in a place many men never get to - the actual sharing phase. Perhaps your info will encourage other guys to "have the talk" w/their wives and get the ball rolling.