what do black guys think about more conservative, traditional, or "racist" women?



I don't have a lot of experience interacting with black guys. But I've noticed that a lot of them have this fantasy of sleeping with a more "racist" or "conservative" white woman? I know everyone is different but I've seen this theme more than a few times. I only say "racist" because it's just a stereotype more reserved or shy women get for their more humble backgrounds :3

Correct me if I am wrong or if you have any other opinions or ideas please don't be afraid to comment!

What are your guy's thoughts? I was raised in a more traditional or "white" family so there might be things a lot of black people might find controversial when it comes to my opinions. Like if I were to have "racist": tendencies but said that I would be willing to entertain some black guys what would you guys do to me? ;)
I know the general consensus from the larger thread was that it’s hot as a concept because of the taboo contrast, but most people would be wary irl because there are a lot of ways it could go wrong/being around people that dislike you isn’t a good thing generally.

I don't have a lot of experience interacting with black guys. But I've noticed that a lot of them have this fantasy of sleeping with a more "racist" or "conservative" white woman? I know everyone is different but I've seen this theme more than a few times. I only say "racist" because it's just a stereotype more reserved or shy women get for their more humble backgrounds :3

Correct me if I am wrong or if you have any other opinions or ideas please don't be afraid to comment!

What are your guy's thoughts? I was raised in a more traditional or "white" family so there might be things a lot of black people might find controversial when it comes to my opinions. Like if I were to have "racist": tendencies but said that I would be willing to entertain some black guys what would you guys do to me? ;)
What "racist" tendencies? Nothing is binary. :)
What "racist" tendencies? Nothing is binary. :)
It's a bit hard to describe but I can try the best I can but it's a bit silly.

I only say it's "Racist" because I've been teased about it before from people I know. It's just generally that I'm very patriotic to my culture and country and I've said a few things people disagreed with? I don't know lol.
It's also sort of been reinforced by my family that we should stay to being with other people similar to us. But we just have a lot of pride of being Norwegian I guess :p
It's a bit hard to describe but I can try the best I can but it's a bit silly.

I only say it's "Racist" because I've been teased about it before from people I know. It's just generally that I'm very patriotic to my culture and country and I've said a few things people disagreed with? I don't know lol.
It's also sort of been reinforced by my family that we should stay to being with other people similar to us. But we're just have a lot of pride i guess?
No thing wrong
About that
Wish my wife
Stay with others
Similar to us
On 3 occasions, I had the pleasure of playing with an older (50's or 60's) conservative white woman at an adult theater. She always dressed like a proper southern Baptist church going woman. White button down blouse with a full coverage bra, knee length skirt with hi-cut briefs, thigh high stocking and low heel shoes. She & her husband were most definitely not racist, but open to her playing with anyone who was respectful and not pushy.

When working as a patient care technician at a local hospital, 2/3 of my patients were older White women (50-100 years of age). The ones who were 80+ didn't care that I was a man or Black when it came to helping them to the bathroom to potty or shower, change clothes, etc. I had a 70ish year old patient take a great liking to me. She had been a widow for several years and had married her high school sweetheart just after high school. He had been the only man to touch her intimately or see her undressed. I was the first man outside of her husband who had ever assisted her at such a vulnerable time (to & from potty, bathing, dressing). She bragged to her dau and to a friend how much I had helped her and how caring and gentle I was with her. The day she was discharged, she wanted me to help her bathe at her bedside once again. I helped her to put her bra on followed by her blouse then her panties & trousers. I'm sure that she let the towel covering her chest fall a few times on purpose while I was bathing her. Before she left, she told me that she wished she could have me take care of her at home.

I don't have a lot of experience interacting with black guys. But I've noticed that a lot of them have this fantasy of sleeping with a more "racist" or "conservative" white woman? I know everyone is different but I've seen this theme more than a few times. I only say "racist" because it's just a stereotype more reserved or shy women get for their more humble backgrounds :3

Correct me if I am wrong or if you have any other opinions or ideas please don't be afraid to comment!

What are your guy's thoughts? I was raised in a more traditional or "white" family so there might be things a lot of black people might find controversial when it comes to my opinions. Like if I were to have "racist": tendencies but said that I would be willing to entertain some black guys what would you guys do to me? ;)
It's an obvious fine line between pride and xenophobia, I have Norwegian cousins who are equally proud and are not racist at all. My Grandmas sister married a Norwegian....happy to chat
Thanks I guess I'm not alone in that attitude at least lol :) But does your wife share that same attitude too? Because I do think it's best sometimes to have a relationship with a partner who shares the most similarity to each other. It just makes things better that way.
When we married
I think did
Her family is very conservatives
Her mom
Is open racist
She use the n word
It's a bit hard to describe but I can try the best I can but it's a bit silly.

I only say it's "Racist" because I've been teased about it before from people I know. It's just generally that I'm very patriotic to my culture and country and I've said a few things people disagreed with? I don't know lol.
It's also sort of been reinforced by my family that we should stay to being with other people similar to us. But we just have a lot of pride of being Norwegian I guess :p
hey girl i def know what type of white pride girl you are rofl. I'd fuck the racism out of you tbh 🤭. I'd give you such good dick and stretch you so good you won't want a white boy no more. You'd fall in love with my 9 inches 😁

Even racist white girls can't resist bbc
Oh I'm so sorry that happened :/ That is one of the risks of this sort of thing I guess. I have the same fear too so being private and discrete is sooo important.

I guess even though she was brought up a certain way, she ended up really liking black guys?
She was being discreet
At first
I didn't even know
She was fucking blacks
And if in
She had white b aby
Instead of black
We could have kept
Things discreet to
She was being discreet
At first
I didn't even know
She was fucking blacks
And if in
She had white b aby
Instead of black
We could have kept
Things discreet to

Oh okay I see. I guess it's very hard to do that if she was pregnant by him too? I know that'd be my worst nightmare :/ Hopefully you two are doing well. I know myself I'd want a white family too
I've done American slavery plantation-style roleplays before where she was a racist ******* or wife (if 2 females, both 🤣) which was fun but that's just fantasy for me. We 2 or 3 have usually known each other for a while and wanted to spice up our relationship(s).