Rachel Dolezal

Certain agenda's are being pushed, and just like you know what's in the food at McDonald's people are still lining up to eat.
Certain agenda's are being pushed, and just like you know what's in the food at McDonald's people are still lining up to eat.
Mc Donald's isn't doing so great. The lines are getting a lot shorter.

Short of testing DNA and wearing a tag around your neck with you genetic vitals it pretty hard to determine origins. A couple of things compound the problem. There was a severe bottle neck in the human population around 72,000 years ago. This was likely caused by the eruption of the super volcano Toba in Indonesia. Humanity nearly went extinct so all of us come out of a pretty small gene pool. We are also finding out that early humans were a lot more mobile that we have thought and where ever they went they tended to leave genetic material. IR sex apparently isn't a recent innovation.

So I really don't care what anyone claims to be. Call yourself black, white, yellow, pale green I really don't care. However if we get naked I definitely want to see a pussy and I do prefer it to be original equipment.
I just want everyone to get along and come to gather as one nation and as one people. In gods eyes we are all the same.
Mc Donald's isn't doing so great. The lines are getting a lot shorter.

Short of testing DNA and wearing a tag around your neck with you genetic vitals it pretty hard to determine origins. A couple of things compound the problem. There was a severe bottle neck in the human population around 72,000 years ago. This was likely caused by the eruption of the super volcano Toba in Indonesia. Humanity nearly went extinct so all of us come out of a pretty small gene pool. We are also finding out that early humans were a lot more mobile that we have thought and where ever they went they tended to leave genetic material. IR sex apparently isn't a recent innovation.

So I really don't care what anyone claims to be. Call yourself black, white, yellow, pale green I really don't care. However if we get naked I definitely want to see a pussy and I do prefer it to be original equipment.
This not about interracial sex... Or race.
If you feel you need to stick up or promote a particular group of people you do not have be one of them. I see no reason to lie and deceive people to help others if anything it hurts their cause.
Good point
If you feel you need to stick up or promote a particular group of people you do not have be one of them. I see no reason to lie and deceive people to help others if anything it hurts their cause.
None of us are completely "normal" . Completely normal probably isn't normal. What makes a difference to me is how that deviance from normal effects the person and the world around him/her. If someone that appears to be white claims to be black that in itself really wouldn't be any cause for concern. That's just one of a multitude of quirks that exist. We all have out idiosyncrasies. If your little quirk involves enjoying doing violence on your fellow humans or defenseless animals then I obviously am concerned. I haven't seen any evidence that she did anything that impacted black Americans in a negative way so to me it is a non issue.