Who's looking to be Black Owned?

Would love to try it for a weekend.
Give it a try. You might find that that you love it.
I am long term but in UK so can visit my dom most weekends
Good Girl.
It is my ultimate fantasy
You should try it too.
It’s something we have both talked about, just need the one that we, SHE, is ok with it being
Ah. Someone actually in my area. Well you are more than welcome to see if I'd be a suitable Owner for you.
We do Master
Wonderful. If i was in NY you would be mine.
Somethings you can not do. But right Black man can make her change her mind.
I have told my wife that I want to see her with a black man but she is very resistant. I am looking for a black man to Just flirt with her to see if would help but no replies. It is my ultimate fantasy at this time to have her pussy owned by a black man. I am starting to think it will never happen and starting to give up on it.
I have told my wife that I want to see her with a black man but she is very resistant. I am looking for a black man to Just flirt with her to see if would help but no replies. It is my ultimate fantasy at this time to have her pussy owned by a black man. I am starting to think it will never happen and starting to give up on it.
Maybe you should start taking her places with more Black Men. And if you want her to get hit on, the less of you they see with her the more likely she'll get hit on.