White Women being Sexually Broken

Fentanyl was badder than a sawed off.
Tell me about it, Fentanyl ended my husband’s nephew and namesake two years ago. Nobody seems to put it into perspective, but Biden’s Fentanyl kills approximately 100k every year,,,we only lost 50k during the entire Vietnam War,,,and they were actually shooting at us! I hope Biden dies from a very slow respiratory arrest, so he has to struggle for every breath. When the Biden Crime Family released the slogan “Build Back Better” he somehow skipped the part where he was referring to the ******* trade! Wonder what benefits he’s receiving as kickback for the sex trafficking of young girls,,,probably gets first “sniff”! I never thought I could look at my country and imagine half the people in it put that lowlife in charge,,,have they no shame? This is what happens when people like Clinton flies Epstein’s airlines, and Obama hangs out with Sean Combs,,if this was 2,000 years ago the whole group of elite pals would be better suited attending a party at Caligula‘s House!
There's some people here that are going off topic a bit !

The world is full of doors, every door has the ability to harbor a surprise on the other side, the internet gives you access to just about all of those doors, everybody who opens one has the ability to enter their opinion. Whether it’s on topic or not, it’s only an opinion,,,not like it hijacked the whole thread. One might inquire as to what Omar’s demise has to do with sexually broken women, so I can’t argue with you about that, but once it’s there, it’s fair game. Seems you could’ve spoken up when you’ve seen pro pix in an amateur thread, or white couples anywhere, or hot wives without wedding rings, or condoms in cuckold threads,,,etc. Seems to me you’ve been neglecting your neighborhood watch duties!!!
The world is full of doors, every door has the ability to harbor a surprise on the other side, the internet gives you access to just about all of those doors, everybody who opens one has the ability to enter their opinion. Whether it’s on topic or not, it’s only an opinion,,,not like it hijacked the whole thread. One might inquire as to what Omar’s demise has to do with sexually broken women, so I can’t argue with you about that, but once it’s there, it’s fair game. Seems you could’ve spoken up when you’ve seen pro pix in an amateur thread, or white couples anywhere, or hot wives without wedding rings, or condoms in cuckold threads,,,etc. Seems to me you’ve been neglecting your neighborhood watch duties!!!
It's funny I have a much higher threshold for sexual fantasy than for conspiracy theorists with all their social political trumpy nonsense.
He's killing the vibe round here
It's funny I have a much higher threshold for sexual fantasy than for conspiracy theorists with all their social political trumpy nonsense.
He's killing the vibe round here
Actually so do I, but for some reason I can’t seem to ignore facts that are smacking me in the face, along with the knowledge that “certain people” seem to have no problem doing that. Leaving all conspiracy theories at the door and taking just one set of facts that a normal person should have a problem ignoring, to wit: On the day he took office (for the sole purpose of paying homage to his supporters), Biden reversed Trumps already in place plan with Mexico, that was working better than anything up to that point, and opened up the border, resulting in an onslaught of Fentanyl illegally entering the country,,,fact, almost a 100k Americans have died each year from Fentanyl, a number that will approach close to a half million by the time his term runs out. Now,,,let consider the fact that we lost 50k Americans in the entire duration of the Vietnam War, which ran for the most part from ‘59 to ‘74,,,and they were actually trying to ******* us by shooting at us. All so he could show his backers he was playing ball with them. I know this doesn’t effect everyone, but I’m sure the friends and families of those who he did effect would agree with me, having my husbands nephew and namesake OD from that exact same thing a little over two years ago. So until you’ve experienced directly the actions of the Biden Crime Family, maybe you should take another look at the facts before you classify them as “conspiracy theories”!!! I know what you’re probably thinking, it’s the mindset of his supporters, even though Biden (through his policies), has had the main hand in killing almost a half million Americans, he’s more than made up the loss in our population by allowing 11 million illegals into the country to replace them, with the overall intent on somehow giving them the vote and assuring his socialist backers that the “new” Democratic Party will be running the show for the foreseeable future! Oh wait,,,technically I’ve just entered into conspiratory territory,,,I’d laugh if it wasn’t so pathetic. Now we can get back to our fantasies, now that I’ve pointed out that our conspiracy theories aren’t as much of a fantasy as you’d like us to perceive them!
Actually so do I, but for some reason I can’t seem to ignore facts that are smacking me in the face, along with the knowledge that “certain people” seem to have no problem doing that. Leaving all conspiracy theories at the door and taking just one set of facts that a normal person should have a problem ignoring, to wit: On the day he took office (for the sole purpose of paying homage to his supporters), Biden reversed Trumps already in place plan with Mexico, that was working better than anything up to that point, and opened up the border, resulting in an onslaught of Fentanyl illegally entering the country,,,fact, almost a 100k Americans have died each year from Fentanyl, a number that will approach close to a half million by the time his term runs out. Now,,,let consider the fact that we lost 50k Americans in the entire duration of the Vietnam War, which ran for the most part from ‘59 to ‘74,,,and they were actually trying to ******* us by shooting at us. All so he could show his backers he was playing ball with them. I know this doesn’t effect everyone, but I’m sure the friends and families of those who he did effect would agree with me, having my husbands nephew and namesake OD from that exact same thing a little over two years ago. So until you’ve experienced directly the actions of the Biden Crime Family, maybe you should take another look at the facts before you classify them as “conspiracy theories”!!! I know what you’re probably thinking, it’s the mindset of his supporters, even though Biden (through his policies), has had the main hand in killing almost a half million Americans, he’s more than made up the loss in our population by allowing 11 million illegals into the country to replace them, with the overall intent on somehow giving them the vote and assuring his socialist backers that the “new” Democratic Party will be running the show for the foreseeable future! Oh wait,,,technically I’ve just entered into conspiratory territory,,,I’d laugh if it wasn’t so pathetic. Now we can get back to our fantasies, now that I’ve pointed out that our conspiracy theories aren’t as much of a fantasy as you’d like us to perceive them!
Twitter would be best for this type of diatribe
You should be able to enjoy intense intimacy with a woman without needing to rough her up and abuse her body......
...I have always thought the pulling of hair, the slapping, the *******, the need to ejaculate in her face, the need to drill her in her ass until you invert her intestines, putting her in a diaper later ....All of this to achieve sexually gratification ??... Is nothing but a weak mans fucking sickness......A complete turn off.....You should never need to demean and debase women like this...Even to bust your self a big healthy nut........