Want to see my gf get fucked by bbc

I think you have your answer she your partner in a strong relationship you can talk about anything the trust is there
Yeah that’s true and we do have a good strong relationship I just don’t want to bring it up and have it ruin what we have ,also don’t know how I would even bring up how I wanna see her tick a big black cock
Why would it ruin anything if she loves you it shouldn’t change anything unless you ******* her to do something she doesn’t want to
That’s a good point , not like I’m forsing anything I would just love to see it..she has also been with black men before

There’s lots of different angles to the lifestyle but for us it’s about trust and loving each other enough to allow one another to explore Communication is key making sure you both fully understand what the other wants
Ask about past experiences and how they were If the sex was good if she misses it see where it leads and foster the conversation and letting her know you are not jealous and you know she picked you
Yeah that’s a good idea..we have talked about having mmf and mff threesomes before and she is open to that so this isn’t much different I don’t think, also told her that I wouldn’t get jealous and I told her I know she is mine and she loved it