Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

What's more disturbing, is the fact that no one is talking about the Demoncratic Party, have sent out their attack dogs, known as the EPA.

Where they've began raiding tuning shops, shops where companies make after market exhaust for muscle cars, and are planning on making sure, that no one can have a modified muscle car, that they drive when the weather is nice in their area.

The Demoncratic Party, and the EPA, are trying to eliminate a 48 Billion Dollar industry, in the name of "clean air".

Yet, the government hasn't done a damn thing, to stop oil companies from polluting the oceans, manufactoring companies from polluting the air across the United States.

The Demoncratic Party, and their attack dogs, don't seem to care, about the amount of people, that they're trying to stop from making a living.

In many states, the Demoncratic Party, has made sure to keep select states closed from being able to operate their business, and by doing so, many businesses have closed permenantly.

From restuarants, to movie theaters, yet, the state of florida, and Texas have for the most part, remained open for business.

The Demoncratic Party are a threat to freedoms that many people aren't aware of, and when you have a government entity that's trying to take away freedoms, like being able to have a nice muscle car, that you have pride in, and choose to modify, to add more horse power too, that's your choice, your freedom, that this tyranical party is trying to do.

It's time to make a stand, and remove the entire Demoncratic Party, during the next election cycle, this madness has to come to a stop.

Car enthusiasts will not have a government entity shove the battery operated car shoved down our proverbial throats.

During the next voting cycle, vote either Republican, or The People's Party.

The Demoncratic Party, has no place in a free society!

US Government Sues Diesel Truck Tuner EZ Lynk Over Emissions Defeat Devices​

US Government Sues Diesel Truck Tuner EZ Lynk Over Emissions Defeat Devices (

Stainless Works Ceases Orders For "Off-Road" Components & Systems​

Stainless Works Ceases Orders For "Off-Road" Components & Systems — E3xtreme
Yo dude....stick to the Canadian government, as a non citizen, STAY THE FUCK OUT.
lol the shop refused to comply with emissions laws for years, and is finally facing the music. so blame democrats?

you breathed in too much leaded fuel exhaust, buddy

There are also tuning shops, where they help owners of muscle cars make more horse power, which in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with that at all.

Cars the use E85, burn cleaner than cars that use regular fuel, yet the EPA has no clue about that, and are still trying to go after business that help to make muscle cars more effecient.

There are also tuning shops, where they help owners of muscle cars make more horse power, which in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with that at all.

Cars the use E85, burn cleaner than cars that use regular fuel, yet the EPA has no clue about that, and are still trying to go after business that help to make muscle cars more effecient.
the article said that EZ-Link was just altering the tune on diesel engines.

you know, so people can "roll smoke" by running incomplete combustion. They got sued because they refused to comply with an EPA investigation.

Even Volkswagen can get nailed for using the tune on diesel engines to skirt around emissions laws ( ), I don't see how little Timmy's tune software gets a pass here.
the article said that EZ-Link was just altering the tune on diesel engines.

you know, so people can "roll smoke" by running incomplete combustion. They got sued because they refused to comply with an EPA investigation.

Even Volkswagen can get nailed for using the tune on diesel engines to skirt around emissions laws ( ), I don't see how little Timmy's tune software gets a pass here.

And companies like Lund Racing, who help muscle car enthusiats, make more horse power with their cars, and help their cars run more efficiently on E85, are a benefit to the car community
Nope, not gonna do that! If you now ID yourself as Canadian it's fine to be interested, not so much calling for an end to the political system on this side of the border.

BTW, I enjoyed Windsor when I visited in 95.

I don't identify as a canadian, it's where i'm currently located.

And this place is a cesspool, the women are so law bar, compared to american women, Latinas across the united states, south america.

And companies like Lund Racing, who help muscle car enthusiats, make more horse power with their cars, and help their cars run more efficiently on E85, are a benefit to the car community

The EPA isn't going after motorsport events, they're going after companies selling consumer-level mods and tunes that circumvent EPA emissions restrictions.

Nobody cares if you roll smoke at the tractor pull, just don't freaking do it starting from a red light next to the soccer mom taking the ******* to school, or anywhere on public roads. Or on a vehicle registered to drive on public roads.

If you want a car that goes fast on public roads, buy one made to do that. Don't mod your 2007 Super Duty to get 30% more HP with 9000% more acid rain
You generally dislike liberalism

I hate extreme Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, and Marxism. We are on course of becoming that country. In less than 60 days Biden has a check mark next to extreme Liberalism. And I hate politics. Biden is going full court on being a typical disgusting politician.
Every post, just more and more ignorance. All four of those terms are the same to you? Such a dummy.

love unbudgeted tax cuts, and see no reason for helping the lower 50% of the country live a healthier or more prosperous life.

Since when is it the responsibility of government to provide a prosperous life? Oh I know. Since liberals have convinced you people who can't think for yourselves and take responsibility for your own prosperity. I am all in on helping people who truly need the help. Not those who are too lazy to get off of the couch.
Pulling people barely above the poverty line is not providing a 'prosperous life'. You can't even state a position without lying, to give an excuse to your side.
American government has ALWAYS felt the need to provide money to some of its citizens. That's our history.
Where do you think working class and poor people put their money? In socks under the bed? The put it right back in the economy which support businesses. I thought you enjoyed a capitalistic system? Well, that's based on buying and selling.
So, by voting and supporting Republicans, you're part of the problem

Mac sounds like you must like communism. Are you saying since I don't support Democrats and liberalism I am part of the problem? Wow!!
You wouldn't know if Mac was the second coming of Leonid Brezhnev. You have shown no ability to understand the economic systems you named.
you knew he Trump was a bully & dishonest, but he was YOUR KID and you backed him even though he was wrong

So what's your excuse for supporting the clown in office? Is it because he's your kid. The dude won't even have a press conference. One because he doesn't want to be called out on his BS and two because he is incapable of stringing more than a couple of sentences together and three I don't think he even knows he's the President!
Like most Americans, we appreciate government that works.
With the Biden/Harris Administration we have a government at the top again, that is competent and effective.
This is why President Biden enjoys approval numbers higher than Trump could muster together in four years.
This is why almost 60% of Republicans, Trump supporters, like his policies.
See, it's less about personality, as Trump taught you, as much as it it about doing the job.
Republicans complain about irrelevant things because focusing on policy, they lose.
White House Press Secretary holds a press conference everyday. No one is insulted, All are informed.
You want that clown show from days past, sorry bro, the country has moved on. Try it.

And if Trump managed to come back for a 2nd term in 2024, you'd BACK HIS SORRY ASS AGAIN!

If my choice is between Harris or Newsome and Trump in 2024 you're damned straight I'll vote for Trump but I hope it's our governor, Harris is way too left, and for you Ed, a phony power hungry bitch and Newsome is just a pure POS.
Your mouth is moving but you're not saying anything.
talking blah blah blah GIF

I want to live in a country where ******* can call their parents mom and dad, can read Dr. Seuss, where we can be free to speak our minds without censure, secure borders, strong military and police *******, and a country where people take responsibility for their own lives. None of which the above support. Government, Government, Government. The liberal way of life!
Try living in the country you're in.
Read something, and stop being told what to think.
Everything you write can be disputed easily if you just picked up an old dirty newspaper, or turned off Fox News.
That's exactly where you're getting this bullshit because I have been watching lately and notice the next day, elected officials and the dumb residents of this country are repeating the same *******, verbatim.

Dr Seuss CHOSE to stop publishing six of their many many book.
No pressure, no request. Private company made a private decision.
They decided those books no longer reflected their values as a company.
I'm sure you know better than the insiders over there, what their values should be.
Open borders. But it's not a crisis. Biased liberal media Trump called out. If you don't see it then I'd have to question your IQ. And the political game. Biden is playing it like a fiddle. Unity my ass!!
the reason trump called out the so called "bias media", is the first thing in any petty dictators playbook, discredit the media. any media can be called bias as long as we have editorial news broadcasting to people that dont have the intelligence to see that it is one persons opinion, right or wrong.
What's more disturbing, is the fact that no one is talking about the Demoncratic Party, have sent out their attack dogs, known as the EPA.

Where they've began raiding tuning shops, shops where companies make after market exhaust for muscle cars, and are planning on making sure, that no one can have a modified muscle car, that they drive when the weather is nice in their area.

The Demoncratic Party, and the EPA, are trying to eliminate a 48 Billion Dollar industry, in the name of "clean air".

Yet, the government hasn't done a damn thing, to stop oil companies from polluting the oceans, manufactoring companies from polluting the air across the United States.

The Demoncratic Party, and their attack dogs, don't seem to care, about the amount of people, that they're trying to stop from making a living.

In many states, the Demoncratic Party, has made sure to keep select states closed from being able to operate their business, and by doing so, many businesses have closed permenantly.

From restuarants, to movie theaters, yet, the state of florida, and Texas have for the most part, remained open for business.

The Demoncratic Party are a threat to freedoms that many people aren't aware of, and when you have a government entity that's trying to take away freedoms, like being able to have a nice muscle car, that you have pride in, and choose to modify, to add more horse power too, that's your choice, your freedom, that this tyranical party is trying to do.

It's time to make a stand, and remove the entire Demoncratic Party, during the next election cycle, this madness has to come to a stop.

Car enthusiasts will not have a government entity shove the battery operated car shoved down our proverbial throats.

During the next voting cycle, vote either Republican, or The People's Party.

The Demoncratic Party, has no place in a free society!

US Government Sues Diesel Truck Tuner EZ Lynk Over Emissions Defeat Devices​

US Government Sues Diesel Truck Tuner EZ Lynk Over Emissions Defeat Devices (

Stainless Works Ceases Orders For "Off-Road" Components & Systems​

Stainless Works Ceases Orders For "Off-Road" Components & Systems — E3xtreme
I'm not in the after market modifying industry but, I doubt it's a 28 billion dollar industry, I doubt if it's in danger, and I doubt many people give a fuck.
There used to be something called 'street legal' in this world of illegal racing. @MacNfries and @subhub174014 knows the muscle car world better than me, but this is not the sky falling event you think.
Democrats just passed legislation to fund massive vaccinations, pulled children out of poverty, and stimulated the economy because of the you know, pandemic and economic peril we are/were in. Smoking out in your Honda Civic is not on the check ist yet.
Windsor's a shithole.
I'm not in the after market modifying industry but, I doubt it's a 28 billion dollar industry, I doubt if it's in danger, and I doubt many people give a fuck.
There used to be something called 'street legal' in this world of illegal racing. @MacNfries and @subhub174014 knows the muscle car world better than me, but this is not the sky falling event you think.
Democrats just passed legislation to fund massive vaccinations, pulled children out of poverty, and stimulated the economy because of the you know, pandemic and economic peril we are/were in. Smoking out in your Honda Civic is not on the check ist yet.
Windsor's a shithole.

I don't drive a ricer, but thanks any way

Oh i'm sorry, it wasn't meant to be, i drive an S197 Mustang GT500

I'm not with the import movement
I drive luxury imports for the last 15 years. As a teen and very early 20s, I was about Camaros. But, I did have purple 68 Cougar for a while, that I sold for next to nothing. I was in college, needed money more than I needed two cars. And, did not realize the value of that car, even in the state of running shitty. Young and dumb.
Every post, just more and more ignorance. All four of those terms are the same to you? Such a dummy.

Pulling people barely above the poverty line is not providing a 'prosperous life'. You can't even state a position without lying, to give an excuse to your side.
American government has ALWAYS felt the need to provide money to some of its citizens. That's our history.
Where do you think working class and poor people put their money? In socks under the bed? The put it right back in the economy which support businesses. I thought you enjoyed a capitalistic system? Well, that's based on buying and selling.

You wouldn't know if Mac was the second coming of Leonid Brezhnev. You have shown no ability to understand the economic systems you named.

Like most Americans, we appreciate government that works.
With the Biden/Harris Administration we have a government at the top again, that is competent and effective.
This is why President Biden enjoys approval numbers higher than Trump could muster together in four years.
This is why almost 60% of Republicans, Trump supporters, like his policies.
See, it's less about personality, as Trump taught you, as much as it it about doing the job.
Republicans complain about irrelevant things because focusing on policy, they lose.
White House Press Secretary holds a press conference everyday. No one is insulted, All are informed.
You want that clown show from days past, sorry bro, the country has moved on. Try it.

Your mouth is moving but you're not saying anything.
talking blah blah blah GIF

Try living in the country you're in.
Read something, and stop being told what to think.
Everything you write can be disputed easily if you just picked up an old dirty newspaper, or turned off Fox News.
That's exactly where you're getting this bullshit because I have been watching lately and notice the next day, elected officials and the dumb residents of this country are repeating the same *******, verbatim.

Dr Seuss CHOSE to stop publishing six of their many many book.
No pressure, no request. Private company made a private decision.
They decided those books no longer reflected their values as a company.
I'm sure you know better than the insiders over there, what their values should be.
you definitely get the utter excuse award🥇
Every post, just more and more ignorance. All four of those terms are the same to you? Such a dummy.

Pulling people barely above the poverty line is not providing a 'prosperous life'. You can't even state a position without lying, to give an excuse to your side.
American government has ALWAYS felt the need to provide money to some of its citizens. That's our history.
Where do you think working class and poor people put their money? In socks under the bed? The put it right back in the economy which support businesses. I thought you enjoyed a capitalistic system? Well, that's based on buying and selling.

You wouldn't know if Mac was the second coming of Leonid Brezhnev. You have shown no ability to understand the economic systems you named.

Like most Americans, we appreciate government that works.
With the Biden/Harris Administration we have a government at the top again, that is competent and effective.
This is why President Biden enjoys approval numbers higher than Trump could muster together in four years.
This is why almost 60% of Republicans, Trump supporters, like his policies.
See, it's less about personality, as Trump taught you, as much as it it about doing the job.
Republicans complain about irrelevant things because focusing on policy, they lose.
White House Press Secretary holds a press conference everyday. No one is insulted, All are informed.
You want that clown show from days past, sorry bro, the country has moved on. Try it.

Your mouth is moving but you're not saying anything.
talking blah blah blah GIF

Try living in the country you're in.
Read something, and stop being told what to think.
Everything you write can be disputed easily if you just picked up an old dirty newspaper, or turned off Fox News.
That's exactly where you're getting this bullshit because I have been watching lately and notice the next day, elected officials and the dumb residents of this country are repeating the same *******, verbatim.

Dr Seuss CHOSE to stop publishing six of their many many book.
No pressure, no request. Private company made a private decision.
They decided those books no longer reflected their values as a company.
I'm sure you know better than the insiders over there, what their values should be.
Ok Ed I'll look at more of your BS when I get back from my shampoo day. Ride bike to gym, go to the beach with friends, then go meet more friends at happy hour, back to the beach for sunset with friends, then out for dinner with friends, come home smoke a bit, play the piano, watch a little TV then lights out. Tomorrow...Repeat