Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

trying to throw out the will of the people and give the right the opportunity to install him...surprised that isn't cut and dried there...being an old scott walker right wing state

Judge calls Trump request in Wisconsin lawsuit 'bizarre'
10 hours ago · A judge hearing President Donald Trump's federal lawsuit seeking to overturn Democrat Joe Biden's win in Wisconsin said Friday that the president's request to “remand” the case to the GOP-controlled Legislature to pick new electors was “bizarre.” The federal case is one of two Trump has in Wisconsin making similar arguments.

Judge calls Trump request in Wisconsin lawsuit ‘bizarre ...
1 day ago · A federal judge hearing President Donald Trump’s lawsuit seeking to overturn Democrat Joe Biden’s win in Wisconsin says that the president’s request to “remand” the case to the GOP ...

Kellyanne Conway: 'It Looks Like Joe Biden And Kamala ...

10 hours ago · Kellyanne Conway: 'It Looks Like Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Will Prevail' The former White House counselor also said President Donald Trump has a right to continue challenging the 2020 election results. By David Moye.

US Election 2020: Kellyanne Conway admits Joe Biden beat ...
1 day ago · Kellyanne Conway on Friday acknowledged Joe Biden won the presidential election and said she would work with his administration if they needed her.. She …
and I bought one of those fucking things a few years ago....don't like it now...….and after his support for Attilla the None I like him even less....and this just tops it off

MyPillow CEO Says Trump Will Remain President, as ...
6 hours ago · MyPillow CEO Says Trump Will Remain President, as Kellyanne Conway Admits Biden Won. By Daniel Villarreal On 12/4/20 at 8:44 PM EST. Share. U.S. Kellyanne Conway Joe Biden.
this has got to really piss off Genghis Conn...…

Federal judge restores DACA, orders DHS to accept first ...
8 hours ago · Federal judge restores DACA, orders DHS to accept first-time applications from immigrants Maria Sacchetti 1 hr ago. Calif psychologist emerges in secretive pardon inquiry revealed in court documents.

Judge Orders Trump Administration To Restore DACA As It ...
7 hours ago · Judge Orders Trump Administration To Restore DACA As It Existed Under Obama Federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis instructed the Department of Homeland Security to begin accepting new applications for ...
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Surely she doesn't think this little tidbit might save her job with Biden

Federal Student Loan Payments Officially Suspended Until ...
Aug 22, 2020 · Interest on eligible federal student loans has also been set to 0% during this time: “All borrowers with federally held student loans will have their payments automatically suspended

Federal student loan payments suspended until end of January
1 day ago · "This temporary pause in payments will help those who have been impacted," DeVos said in a statement. In March, the Trump administration suspended interest and payments on federal student loans for 60 days. DeVos has also instructed employers to halt wage garnishment for borrowers with defaulted federal student loans.
Ignorance is staring back from the mirror at the likes of anyone who stands by a voting process that actually believes Sleepy Joe won.

He won when people voted for him Stanley.

It's called "election day" not "election months while the previous president files 40 pointless lawsuits to raise hundreds of millions of dollars from idiots like Stanley"

“This is a slush fund. That’s the bottom line,” said Paul S. Ryan, a longtime campaign finance attorney with the good government group Common Cause. “Trump may just continue to string out this meritless litigation in order to fleece his own supporters of their money and use it in the coming years to pad his own lifestyle while teasing a 2024 candidacy.”
you a
Your ignorant ass wouldn't know the truth if it ran over you in a mac truck.
re a typical misinformed left wing Democrat You cannot bear to hear the truth so what do you do
As all left wingers you insult us
You show just how immature you are and unable to face the truth
Evidence is everywhere - videos - affidavits- in person testimonies - dumped ballots
Want to solve it bring those workers put them under oath and do forensic test of the Dominion voting machines
They will not cause there is proof
Philadelphia - Pittsburgh - Detroit- Atlanta-Las Vegas Milwaukee-Phoenix all democrat Trump hating cities all shut down counting votes on Nov 3 with Trump way ahead They all sent people home brought in fake ballots for Biden and loaded the voting system for Biden
You know why Trump was way ahead then all the fake ballots appeared for Biden
Biden gets PA NV Georgia removed goes to Congress and we have more delegates
So guess what Trump is re elected
He won when people voted for him Stanley.

It's called "election day" not "election months while the previous president files 40 pointless lawsuits to raise hundreds of millions of dollars from idiots like Stanley"

sorry Trump campaign has never requested re count Trump Campaign wants legal ballots counted not illegal ones