The Teacher Wife

I think that being a cuckold has taken over my life and made me do things and think things that I would have never done previously.

Like all men I have looked and masturbated to pornography; from a postpubescent age to the age I am now.

It is only recently that I have found cuckold porn through watching interracial porn. It angered me at first – what makes a man do that? What a bunch of wimps! After a while it intrigued me – what makes a man except being a cuckold? Have they had some trauma when they were young? Are they afraid of losing their wife or just not very sexually good?

I never considered myself to be a wimp, a loser, and a beta male. I never had a small cock and have always got on with women and had my fair share of girlfriends and fuck partners. Don't get me wrong; I am definitely not a stud but more an 'average Joe'.

But there was something about cuckolding that got me all riled up and extremely horny. The more I read or watched the more the lure of becoming one became strong.

Of course my wife never knew that. What would she think of such a loser husband? I was worried about her leaving me for having such sick, perverted fantasises. So I carried on my cuckold fantasies in private and secret away from my wife. Outwardly, I was still the strong alpha male; the husband; the provider; but inside something was lurking and I could not get a grip on it. That led me into talking with other cuckolds on the websites to break this curse; to understand why and defeat it. But, instead it strengthened the desire and fantasy to the extent that I started joining live group chats and private discussions with other cuckolds and some bulls.

This in turn led me to real FaceTime and Skype chats with cuckolds. I must have been mad to be so open and public but I needed to know more – get my sexual kicks. Living through others experiences did that – for a while. But as the genuine cuckolds kept telling me – it won't go away - the curse; this perverted fantasy, It will only get stronger until you have lived the experience – been cuckolded!

Keeping such desire and secret private from my wife became more and more difficult. I needed a way to tell her. We still had a sex life; a bit sedentary than in our younger days but still reasonable for a long-term relationship.

It was during one of these moments that my wife and I discussed fantasises. My wife and I have no ******** (decided on having careers first) and on particular fantasy involved me impregnating her somewhere public or exotic; like a public park or on a Caribbean beach.

While we role-played and conducted foreplay I started to talk about being watched by a stranger as we fucked. I observed my wife get more into it and so I upped the ante. I mentioned that he was masturbating and getting closer to us. My wife became more and more excited until the moment I told her that the stranger wants to fuck her and will she let him?

That killed the mood dead! I was now in serious **** as my wife stopped me and pushed me away, Glaring at me she asked if I thought if she was a slut and why I wanted only an strange man to fuck her! I Had no reply so kept quite. My wife gave a growl and then turned her back on me – hitting the pillow she then lowered her head and went to *****. I lay there with my thoughts in turmoil.

We never discussed this incident and it seemed like it had been forgotten. The next time we had sex an entirely new element got introduced into our fantasy pool; the male voyeur watching us fuck. My wife loved that! Who would have known my wife had an exhibitionist – voyeur kink lol. This was arousing to me and I tried my best to fuck her brains out lol

In the post-climax bliss my wife asked me if I liked the thought of her being fucked roughly by a strange man – I never said anything about being rough! But I played it down and said it was a hot fantasy but not really us. My wife never said anything and we continued enjoying the fantasy.

I really wanted to make my cuckold fantasy a reality but it was too dangerous to my marriage and I did feel threatened by the thought of some stud being better than me and my wife losing any sexual desire she has for me. So I continued keeping my desire a secret and a private matter.

One night I was video –chatting with a cuckold when my wife was out with friends. He told me about his wife cuckolding him with a younger guy who became their bull. He tried to avoid the question I asked about the bull's age. He just said that he was younger then their ages of 28 and 30 years old. I just assumed that he meant the bull was early or mid-20's. But something he said got me puzzled – he mentioned that their bull had got his wife to pull a sicky at work and he had fucked her in their bed. Nothing strange there right? But he said that the bull had a study day? I asked him what he meant and he got embarrassed and started to stutter. With little finesse I told him to tell me how old the bull was – he muttered "18" and then quickly stated that it was legal in Britain. Wow! A 18 year old bull fucking a older cuckold's wife. I managed to reassure him that I was not judgmental and he explained how it had been his wife's fantasy for years to teach a younger man how to please a women –she wanted a virgin but instead they got a 18-year old with limited experience; the next best thing.

This excited me. It was not because of the cuckolding but more because of the age differences and how there is something taboo / something wrong about having someone much younger than you fuck your wife hard. The cuckold had told me about the challenges of having a much younger, just legal, lover for his wife. Most of them are less of an issue with bulls the same age or older. For him he said it was the lack of maturity; the lack of relative life experience in a younger bull compared to an older bull. The thought of some young young who has only hit puberty a few years ago fucking your wife better then you – even with all of your experience! With a young college boy, those expectations are flipped. There are plenty of horny and energetic men that would love to fuck a married woman, and many of them wouldn't mind doing it in front of her husband. He told me it was just finding the right one –the one who would grow into a bull for cuckolds – not fall in love with the wife and try to take her away; who would not cause troubles for the married cuckold couple in their everyday lives.

I thought about what he said for a few days after our chat. I imagined me at 17 -18 years old and how I would have loved the opportunity to fuck a married older woman. It sadly never happened; the closest I ever got was to look down the top of one of my female teachers. I started to have the fantasy that female teachers and older married women should give the male teenagers, with their hormones causing hard-ons at the slightest thing, a chance to fuck them. This was an addition to those sick, perverted cuckold fantasises I was having. It made them even worse to imagine my wife in that situation – after all she was a teacher to young boys and girls and I wondered how much she knew about their sexual fantasises and whether any boys had flirted with her?

Those late nights continued with my wife none the wiser. We continued how the fantasises about the stranger. I tried to get my wife imagining him fucking her but she seemed to prefer the thought of him just watching and masturbating. I guessed that I would just be a wannabe –cuckold but how fate intervened!

On one of those nights I have mentioned earlier, I was contributing to the cuckold chat when a new contributor joined. I had not noticed them before and they seemed more interested in reading the posts then contributing to the chat. Just then they messaged me and asked if I was a cuckold? I told them that I was not and was more interested than involved. They asked to chat. In hindsight it was like a lion hunting their prey – looking for the opportunity, the weak prey, who would fall into your trap!

I found out the individual was a male who called himself "Jay". We spoke about cuckolding and he asked a few questions. I asked a few questions and found out that this was his first time in the fetish and that he was curious. He saw himself as more of a bull than a cuckold and was curious about how he could find out more about finding a cuckold couple. I let him know what I knew and how it takes time and patience; how dozens of guys try it on with cuckold couples online and are either way over the top or too aggressive. I told him that I thought the best bulls are probably the ones who strike a balance between dominance and compromise and who get to know the cuckolds and their wives before they even mention fucking the wives. We parted on good terms and I thought that was that.

I continued to try to bring soft cuckold fantasises into my wife's and I sex life; her dressing sexy and being ogled by other men and her being chatted up at a bar by another man; but it seemed like she was not that interested. I even inquired about the boys at her school and whether any had flirted with her –she shut that down very quickly – "NO! They are not allowed to do that with teachers"! Wow. Talk about old iron britches lol

The next night while surfing the cuckold sites again and watching a video of a big black cock fucking a white pussy, I get a message from Jay. I accepted his invite and we spoke some more about cuckolding and how he could get a cuckold couple to accept him as a bull. He seemed nice enough, pleasant with a great sense of humour. He displayed a level on intelligence over many of the wannabe bulls I have seen in the cuckold chats and on the websites. He seemed a perfect fit for a cuckold couple. I imagined how he would have his big hard dick in hand thinking about a future fuck at the forefront of my mind of some cuckold's wife. He was not pushy and had not immediately demanded to see nudes of my wife and I guessed he was like this with other cuckolds he spoke. I asked him that and he said I was the only one. Strange... but then again I thought I had a level of intelligence above many cuckolds who just think with their dicks. How wrong was I!!! (think back to my comment about the lion and their prey).

The following night Jay asked to facetime or Skype with me. I saw no problems with that and man was I in for a surprise!.......................... For you see Jay was a 18yo boy! He noticed my surprise and explained that he did not say anything straight out because he knew I would not have spoken with him and helped him. He said that other cuckolds had done so previously. In a way I felt for him and felt his frustration – we were all young once and getting off on porn lol

We got talking about fucking teachers and older married women and I told him about what I was like at his age. With hindsight, Jay was obviously playing the long game and had the e presence of mind to make it real. He asked me a few questions – not out of what we were discussing like did I want my wife to cuckold me and how? what were my wife and I like as a couple? Had I ever cuckolded anybody or been a bull? (that is a straight no!).
He told me about his limited sexual experiences, like guys together do, and I must admit I got off on the dirty **** he told me –even though I thought that some of it must have been male bravado lol We had a similar mind set on many things sexually and we agreed that not many girls or women are into cuckolding and how they must be encouraged to enjoy their sexual freedom and broaden their experiences. All in all it was one of the better chats, either by video or just keyboard that I have had. A kind of male bonding was developing.

As the times we chatted increased Jay started to become more vocal about how it would be great if he fucked my wife –the teacher. He asked me to fantasy with him –first as him and later as the cuckold. I told him that I was jerking off to the fantasy and he encouraged me to cum for him. He told me how he would "fuck that pussy" –my wife pussy and make sure she knew who was the better lover. I cannot tell you how this got me off. Then he dropped a bombshell. He wanted to see my wife – ummm I was reluctant but seeing as we had developed a friendship I sent him a dressed pic of my wife. He said that she looked just like a teacher lol Not sure what he meant by that but I started to imagine this boy fucking her. The more we spoke the stronger the desire got. Till in the end I told him that I would get my wife to talk with him –was I mad????

I finally told my wife about my cuckold fantasy after a night of sex involving the fantasy of us being watched. I told her how worried I was that she would find it sick or perverted and love me less. She reassured me that her love for me would not diminish and that it was OK. I explained how I had spoken to other cuckolds and she seemed surprised to hear of such a thing. So I had got this far... I then told her about Jay and how we had chatted. She said that was "nice"; some other guy to share your fantasy with. I explained that it was not like that and that he was more a bull (this took some explaining between my wife's disbelief that such things exist). She asked if he was some older pervert guy or arrogant and cocky. I told her the opposite – that in fact he played the fantasy but seemed pleasant enough and friendly. This reassured her and she agreed to think talking with him with me there.

The following night I told my wife that I was going to see if Jay was online and would she like to sit-in. She was reluctant and instead said she would watch and listen but did not want to join in or be seen. We managed to find a way to do this. My wife was out of the sight of the laptop webcam –standing at just in front of me by the side. She heard Jay tell me that he would fuck my wife and give her what she was missing, and how all married wife's especially teachers should be fucked by teenagers like him! This must has struck a chord with my wife because she slammed the laptop lid shut! Ending the conversation dead. She then walked over in a huff.

I worried that maybe this was a step to far and I should have just spoke with the boy in private
without my wife present. I decided the best policy was not to say anything and let things slide for now.
The next day nothing was said; but on the second day my wife asked casually if I had spoken to the college boy. I said no and that was that.

The cuckold fever was building and that night in private while my wife was asleep, I went onto the cuckold websites. I noted that there were a few messages from the boy and caution was thrown out the window! This was so exciting - a 18yo wanting to fuck my wife – a young fucking an older woman –someone's wife! So I answered the messages, Just then Jay types a new message and requests video chat. So I accepted.

He apologised for upsetting me and I told him that he had not upset me just that my wife was watching and listening. He smiled – strangely; I could not figure out why but time tells us all.

Jay asked if my wife would like to talk with him in private or sit in again. I told him that was unlikely and we spoke about his latest contact with another cuckold and his wife; how they were discussing him fucking the wife and being a long-term lover / bull for them. I got a strange pang of jealousy and anger – not quite sure why?

The following night my wife were having sex again but this time she asked if I wanted to fantasy about her with another man! I said yes and wow! She was like a woman possessed! It was some time later that I found out why – she was thinking about Jay fucking her! Afterwards, while cuddling and caressing each other she told me that it was just "a fantasy" and I should not get any ideas.

After work the next day my wife inquired if I would be talking with Jay again and I told her I was not sure – why? She said "no reason". I gave her a puzzled look and she continued with how I just seem to get more horny when I have spoken with him and how the sex is better as result between us. I asked her if she would like to sit-in again and she shrugged her shoulders and said "maybe".

That night I was talking with Jay again and who should sit beside me –yep! My wife. She never said much for a while as Jay explained about the other couple he had previously mentioned. My wife was looking intently at the laptop screen and out of nowhere asked Jay how old he was? Without any embarrassment or concern he told my wife that he was 18 years old. I felt that my wife was killing my cuckold buzz as she continued asking Jay seemingly meaningless questions – was he still at school ("yes"); did he have a girlfriend (No) – was he gay! I gave my wife a glare at that one but she never even noticed.; did his parents know what he gets up in his bedroom (i.e. our chats) – he explained that his ****** died last year and that he was living with his ****** who had to work long hours to pay the bills –this left Jay often on his own. I saw her melt at that –a kinda of "Oh poor boy" lol

I never got much of a chance to jerk off or have any cuckold fantasises with Jay that night! WE said our goodbyes soon after and my wife and I went to bed. I asked her what she thought about Jay –she just said "he seems nice but very young" – that was the end of that!

My wife and I had a friends birthday to go too the next day and by the end of the night we were too tired to do anything. However, the next night she seemed to have something on her mind. I asked her what was worrying her or on her mind again she said "nothing".

As the night moved into time to go to bed to ***** my wife asked if I would be talking with Jay again. I laughed and told her that I am sure Jay would love to see her again. She never said a word and reacted.

I opened my laptop and sent a message to Jay. There was no answer. My wife got up and started to get ready for bed, Just then a ping! and Jay was on video chat. We said our hellos and he asked where my wife was. I explained that she was getting ready for bed and he told me that she did not need to do that for him! Cocky and a bit arrogant but with a side of humour to take the edge off.

Just then my wife appeared and saw that I was talking to Jay. She sat beside me in her t-shirt and comfy pants she wears to bed. She does not wear a bra and her nipples can be seen if she is cold or horny lol It is not really the clothes for passion but my wife says it is comfortable and keeps her warm. I joke that they also give me "easy access" to her tits lol

Jay then started to comment on how my wife looked and how her tits looked nice. He changed a bit from the previous times –a bit more aggressive. He told my wife that he would soon have his cock in her pussy and fuck her. How did she feel about a college boy (him) fucking a teacher (her)? Did she get wet and horny thinking about how teenagers at her school all wanted to fuck her! Wow! This was different and I was wondered about how my wife would react to his comments. But instead she did nothing and just listened to him without comment. I saw her nipples get hard through her t-shirt (and I am sure Jay did as well).

Jay continued for about 5 minutes telling my wife she was hot and that she should fuck a college boy - It was what all good female teachers should do. He encouraged her to tell him what was the best thing for a woman who was hot and sexy as her should do as a teacher? I watched this onslaught and got slightly worried that it was going to far –but boy was it exciting and my cuckold fantasizes were jumping up and down and making all kind of noise.

In the end I just lost it and shouted to my wife "just tell him"! I calmed down for a second as she stared at me but then continued –"let him know that you a teacher would fuck a college boy like him"! She looked at me and then the screen and whispered "yes"! Wow! How did we get here? Jay gently prodded – "yes what"? My wife replied, "yes, I am a teacher who wants to fuck a college boy"! Wow! again lol Was this fantasy or was it real?

Jay asked, "which college boy do you want to fuck"? My wife looked at me with a little pity and a lot of horniness and said "Deshawn" (who fuck is that??). Jay asked a bit more –"is there anybody else"? My wife smiled and said –"yes, you"! She laughed and got up and left the room. WTF???


That night when I got into bed I had some many images and thoughts whirling around my head!" I need clarification of a few things. I need it now and it could not wait. So I touched my wife's shoulder and called her name. She rolled over with a big smile and gave me a kiss. My wife sensed what I needed to know –"Deshawn" is one of those bullies at school and is always questioning authority. At first he annoyed and angered me but as time went by I realized that it is all an act. We have spoken about him at our teacher meetings and the same things are always mentioned about his bad attitude to school and how he tries to flirt with eth female teachers but fight the male ones. I asked if she would like to fuck him and she said "no silly" – he was just the first name I thought off. I asked if he was black and my wife said "yes –why"? As she said it I could a light bulb go on in her head –"oh"... Because he is black he must have a big cock eh"? Wow! Where is all this coming from? She continued by stroking my cock through my boxer shorts and whispering in my ear "is my hubby feeling a LITTLE bit jealous of the big black cock boy"? She then giggled as I cum in my boxers –dam stupid time for premature ejaculation!

My wife laughed at my pathetic short fuse and told me to clean myself up. As I started to get out of bed. I asked her about Jay, She looked at me and smiled –"you really want Jay to fuck me"? I waited a minute to reply and then nodded my head. She smiled and as she turned over to go to ***** I heard her say –"we will see".

I had accepted that my wife was never going to cuckold me – that my fantasy / desire was just too sick and perverted. But now?? It seems that my wife was opening up about doing it and part of me wanted it to happen - for my wife to brazenly cuckold me with some young - and yet part of me did not want it. It was, and remains, difficult to explain why I have this cuckold desire and why I am so conflicted by it. The idea of my beautiful wife taking Jay or another young as a lover, and of them deriving sexual pleasure from rubbing my nose in the fact is just to exciting – and that makes me more determined to make the cuckolding a reality! The cock ruling the head you may say lol

I had not been online for a few days; I was purposely avoiding it because I knew if I did I would agree to what ever Jay said – that was a worry and I did not want to be blackmailed or under the thumb of a 18 year old college boy! But I was conflicted as I have said and on the weekend after the conversation with my wife I opened up my laptop and signed on. There were a number of message unanswered from Jay – " you know you want it"; "imagine your teacher wife being fucked by one of her students"; contact me if you want it to happen"; I bet your wife would love my big teen cock"! I was amazed at such comments and a little outraged –how dare he; who does he think he is; I will kick his ass if I ever saw him" – But the fantasy / desire was too strong and I sent Jay a message.

My wife and I had never said anything further about her fucking Deshawn or Jay. So I was a bit surprised when she entered the room where I was trying to have a private talk with Jay! "is he on yet"? She asked – before I had a chance to answer a message popped up: "hey, have you asked you wife yet to fuck me"? I looked up at my wife and nodded my head –"oh goody! What does he say"? I looked at my wife and had to say it –"you could get into a lot of trouble with this". My wife smiled back at me –"only if we get caught and you don't want that do you"? Man! Those doey blue eyes and look of pity towards me. I shake my head and reply back to Jay –"my wife is here". I then look back at my wife – "Jay wants to fuck you" – I say this to her with my voice crackling under the strain of what I am asking and the thrill of being cuckold!

"Tell him to show me his cock" – my wife laughs and sits beside me –"Oh Jay" she says. "Why are you with such a loser" Jay asks her –she shrugs her shoulders and looks at me and laughs. Talk about being a 3rd wheel! Jay then asks another question –"so are you ready for me to fuck you"? My wife cocks her head and looks at me - "Well"?? She asks. "MY WIFE WANTS To SEE YOUR COCK"! I almost shout loud enough for the whole street to hear me. My wife and Jay start to laugh! "Tell me the most slutty thing you have ever done" Jay asks my wife. My wife looks at me puzzled and deep in thought and then tells Jay about how she has often had her eyes drawn to a guys crotch if they had a noticeable bulge or not and how
she often thinks about a guys size and whether he slept around nad had fucked a lot of women with his cock.

I was stunned! She had never told me this before. By the sound of it Jay was not that impressed - but let me tell you this -my wife does not talk about sexual matters with strangers! So this was a first. "No! Tell me what you have done that is the most slutty" Jay kinda of demands this time. My wife told him about losing her virginity in the back of her boyfriends car outside of his parents house late on night! Notice she never mentioned anything slutty she had done with me!!! Jay nodded then got up and pulled his tracksuit bottoms down.

My wife was studying the private parts of Jay intently! I should tell you that Jay had a cock and balls like a shire horse but he never did! He had a big black pubic bush, a fat cock limp but no more than 3 inches long. I guess when hard he must have been maybe 6 or 7 inches? His balls were hanging down all soft and on display – just average I would say. All in all not the type of cock and balls a lover / bull us cuckolds would imagine!

A few minutes passed – my wife studying every part of the cock and balls and lost in thought; me working out how we had got this far? An 18 years old college boy showing my teacher wife his cock and balls and me allowing it to happen!!?

Jay broke the silence - "OK I will fuck your wife for ya"! I was speechless and my wife stills aid nothing but did have a wry smile on her face. "Well come on ask me then" –Jay asked –no demanded! The cuckold desire exploded inside me– "please Jay fuck my wife"! My wife turned towards me and said – "are you sure"? I nodded and then Jay said the same thing –his cock starting to harden right in front of us –hard as a rock like a young can get and pointing to the ceiling – all proud and ready to put into action. "yes FUCK MY WIFE PLEASE"! I almost scream.

Jay pulls his tracksuit bottoms up and sits back down."what school is your wife at" he asks? Now that is way too private and I am not sure I want to share that info – he could stalk her or cause trouble for her at her school. My wife looks at me and I ask Jay to wait. I put us on mute and we discuss the ramifications of what Jay is asking – is that a step to far?? We agree that it is and that instead my wife and I could meet up with him in a park – public and like we have just bumped in to him. We told Jay this and he sounded disappointed but with the caveats that he will fuck my wife on that day / night and that I will not be present when my wife meets him at first. My wife tells me that if she meets him in public and in daylight it should be fine. We agree to his terms after negotiation

We spoke about what we had agreed to the next night after work. My wife said she was a bit shell shocked after and got a little upset with me for agreeing to a meeting and for allowing it to go so far! I apologised saying I too had got carried away with how exiting it was and the thrill of it all. She mentioned how worried she was that others would find and she would go to prison and / or lose her job as a teacher. But the cuckold in me, and the college boy who always wanted to fuck a teacher, demanded that my wife go through with it. My wife reasoned that if it was in public and it looked like nothing more than having a chat then it would be OK, Also how to get Jay into our house without people noticing. We both decided to make it natural like he was just visiting – even the most nosey neighbour would not imagine the fucking that would be going on or of a college boy fucking a married wife and teacher!

Well, to jump forward a bit. Jay meet my wife at the park and Jay entered our home and our marital bed! I could say that it was great but I was not allowed to watch. So the memory I have is listening to our squeaky bed and the faint moans coming from my wife outside the closed bedroom door! It was only then that I realised he was probably fucking my wife bareback, unless my wife or he had a condom. Oh well, too late now. I just hoped she hadn't forgotten to take her pill! My wife had been fucked by a black college boy, half her age, and cuckolded me as in my fantasy.

The next day, my wife had a dreamy look in her eye as she told me that Jay had the best body of any man she had ever been with and how he had fucked her to so many orgasms she had lost count! Not something I wanted to hear to be honest and the angst cuckolds had warned me about was real.

Well my wife wanted to meet Jay one more time and this time I got to watch a 18 year old fuck my wife bareback in our marital bed. This time he stayed over the night.

I had watched from a chair I had put in our marital bedroom as Jay and my wife fucked. I had saw my wife moving her hips underneath his weight then once he had full wet penetration, I watched the fucking rhythm between them. It was soon obvious that Jay had very little interest in my wife's pleasure and just wanted to plant his seed deep inside a married wife and teacher! My wife on the other hand was caught up in the sexual rush - her reaction was one of pure pleasure as she tried to maintain stability on the bed as Jay's thrusts push her higher. I watched my wife's breasts move to the thrusts of Jay and her feet twist and lock around the small of his back; then I watched as her toes curled she orgasmed with such body shaking tremors. I had stood beside our marital bed and witnessed my loving wife fucking the college boy, Jay. Its like watching a porno with your favorite pornstar lol.

I was relegated to the spare bedroom after their fucking where I masturbated for the 2nd time imaging the college boy fucking my wife and cumin inside her,.Oh! My God!" The realisation hit me – my wife had fucked a college boy unprotected and she could be arrested and go to prison for leting Jay fuck her! I increased my cock strokes as all the images of Jay's bare cock in his wife pussy, covered in her love jouice and his sperm came into my mind. My mind was in turmoil: what if she got pregnant by Jay? Did she actually what to fuck him? Did she now see me as a wimp and a loser and has she lost all respect for me?

On the other hand, I found the idea of my wife and Jay wife fucking unprotected very stimulating and I came all over my stomach!

My wife and I spoke the next day after Jay had left about our recent escapades and how perhaps they had got out of hand. I told my wife how wondered I was that she would want Jay more and more, and how that could get us into so much trouble! My wife agreed and said that she would not see Jay again, if I were that worried. She told me that she was enthralled, amused and attracted by Jay's dominate manner and how he telling us about being a bull for another married cuckold couple was exciting. She said there were something about how Jay promoted his womanising stud prowess; his dominating manner and how easy he played psychological mind games with us and kind of ********** her to cuckold me!

As you may have guessed 2 times was a charm for Jay! He impregnated my wife and although it was a concern, my wife and I agreed that we would keep the *****. Secretly, I loved it! I had a beautiful, fuckable, hot wife and I had lived the cuckold fantasy! I wanted everybody to know that the baby was not mine – to be that ultimate cuckold. Our family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues all to see our baby and look at me questionably and quizzical, and then knowingly –bliss!

Once the baby is born it will be obvious – Jay was black lol

I later found out from other cuckolds that Jay was a predator and had no shame about being one! He liked the hunt, and he liked convincing women to be his slut and do things they didn't expect they would be into. He never pressured them or their cuckold husband but he did get what we wanted –I guess so did the cuckold and his cuckoldress!

On an endnote: my wife and I never did anything like this again. It was a one-off cuckolding and I never got the desire to do it again...well...not until my wife gave birth and people realised that she had been black fucked.... the cuckold desire then became a raging fire inside me again!
Please tell us you and your wife have talked about doing it again. Have you had anymore contact with Jay since? I would love to know you are headed down the road again. Sexy story please update status. I know you have a newborn but needs and wants won’t go away from experience. Thanks
The next day nothing was said; but on the second day my wife asked casually if I had spoken to the college boy. I said no and that was that.

The cuckold fever was building and that night in private while my wife was asleep, I went onto the cuckold websites. I noted that there were a few messages from the boy and caution was thrown out the window! This was so exciting - a 18yo wanting to fuck my wife – a young fucking an older woman –someone's wife! So I answered the messages, Just then Jay types a new message and requests video chat. So I accepted.

He apologised for upsetting me and I told him that he had not upset me just that my wife was watching and listening. He smiled – strangely; I could not figure out why but time tells us all.

Jay asked if my wife would like to talk with him in private or sit in again. I told him that was unlikely and we spoke about his latest contact with another cuckold and his wife; how they were discussing him fucking the wife and being a long-term lover / bull for them. I got a strange pang of jealousy and anger – not quite sure why?

The following night my wife were having sex again but this time she asked if I wanted to fantasy about her with another man! I said yes and wow! She was like a woman possessed! It was some time later that I found out why – she was thinking about Jay fucking her! Afterwards, while cuddling and caressing each other she told me that it was just "a fantasy" and I should not get any ideas.

After work the next day my wife inquired if I would be talking with Jay again and I told her I was not sure – why? She said "no reason". I gave her a puzzled look and she continued with how I just seem to get more horny when I have spoken with him and how the sex is better as result between us. I asked her if she would like to sit-in again and she shrugged her shoulders and said "maybe".

That night I was talking with Jay again and who should sit beside me –yep! My wife. She never said much for a while as Jay explained about the other couple he had previously mentioned. My wife was looking intently at the laptop screen and out of nowhere asked Jay how old he was? Without any embarrassment or concern he told my wife that he was 18 years old. I felt that my wife was killing my cuckold buzz as she continued asking Jay seemingly meaningless questions – was he still at school ("yes"); did he have a girlfriend (No) – was he gay! I gave my wife a glare at that one but she never even noticed.; did his parents know what he gets up in his bedroom (i.e. our chats) – he explained that his ****** died last year and that he was living with his ****** who had to work long hours to pay the bills –this left Jay often on his own. I saw her melt at that –a kinda of "Oh poor boy" lol

I never got much of a chance to jerk off or have any cuckold fantasises with Jay that night! WE said our goodbyes soon after and my wife and I went to bed. I asked her what she thought about Jay –she just said "he seems nice but very young" – that was the end of that!

My wife and I had a friends birthday to go too the next day and by the end of the night we were too tired to do anything. However, the next night she seemed to have something on her mind. I asked her what was worrying her or on her mind again she said "nothing".

As the night moved into time to go to bed to ***** my wife asked if I would be talking with Jay again. I laughed and told her that I am sure Jay would love to see her again. She never said a word and reacted.

I opened my laptop and sent a message to Jay. There was no answer. My wife got up and started to get ready for bed, Just then a ping! and Jay was on video chat. We said our hellos and he asked where my wife was. I explained that she was getting ready for bed and he told me that she did not need to do that for him! Cocky and a bit arrogant but with a side of humour to take the edge off.

Just then my wife appeared and saw that I was talking to Jay. She sat beside me in her t-shirt and comfy pants she wears to bed. She does not wear a bra and her nipples can be seen if she is cold or horny lol It is not really the clothes for passion but my wife says it is comfortable and keeps her warm. I joke that they also give me "easy access" to her tits lol

Jay then started to comment on how my wife looked and how her tits looked nice. He changed a bit from the previous times –a bit more aggressive. He told my wife that he would soon have his cock in her pussy and fuck her. How did she feel about a college boy (him) fucking a teacher (her)? Did she get wet and horny thinking about how teenagers at her school all wanted to fuck her! Wow! This was different and I was wondered about how my wife would react to his comments. But instead she did nothing and just listened to him without comment. I saw her nipples get hard through her t-shirt (and I am sure Jay did as well).

Jay continued for about 5 minutes telling my wife she was hot and that she should fuck a college boy - It was what all good female teachers should do. He encouraged her to tell him what was the best thing for a woman who was hot and sexy as her should do as a teacher? I watched this onslaught and got slightly worried that it was going to far –but boy was it exciting and my cuckold fantasizes were jumping up and down and making all kind of noise.

In the end I just lost it and shouted to my wife "just tell him"! I calmed down for a second as she stared at me but then continued –"let him know that you a teacher would fuck a college boy like him"! She looked at me and then the screen and whispered "yes"! Wow! How did we get here? Jay gently prodded – "yes what"? My wife replied, "yes, I am a teacher who wants to fuck a college boy"! Wow! again lol Was this fantasy or was it real?

Jay asked, "which college boy do you want to fuck"? My wife looked at me with a little pity and a lot of horniness and said "Deshawn" (who fuck is that??). Jay asked a bit more –"is there anybody else"? My wife smiled and said –"yes, you"! She laughed and got up and left the room. WTF???


That night when I got into bed I had some many images and thoughts whirling around my head!" I need clarification of a few things. I need it now and it could not wait. So I touched my wife's shoulder and called her name. She rolled over with a big smile and gave me a kiss. My wife sensed what I needed to know –"Deshawn" is one of those bullies at school and is always questioning authority. At first he annoyed and angered me but as time went by I realized that it is all an act. We have spoken about him at our teacher meetings and the same things are always mentioned about his bad attitude to school and how he tries to flirt with eth female teachers but fight the male ones. I asked if she would like to fuck him and she said "no silly" – he was just the first name I thought off. I asked if he was black and my wife said "yes –why"? As she said it I could a light bulb go on in her head –"oh"... Because he is black he must have a big cock eh"? Wow! Where is all this coming from? She continued by stroking my cock through my boxer shorts and whispering in my ear "is my hubby feeling a LITTLE bit jealous of the big black cock boy"? She then giggled as I cum in my boxers –dam stupid time for premature ejaculation!

My wife laughed at my pathetic short fuse and told me to clean myself up. As I started to get out of bed. I asked her about Jay, She looked at me and smiled –"you really want Jay to fuck me"? I waited a minute to reply and then nodded my head. She smiled and as she turned over to go to ***** I heard her say –"we will see".

I had accepted that my wife was never going to cuckold me – that my fantasy / desire was just too sick and perverted. But now?? It seems that my wife was opening up about doing it and part of me wanted it to happen - for my wife to brazenly cuckold me with some young - and yet part of me did not want it. It was, and remains, difficult to explain why I have this cuckold desire and why I am so conflicted by it. The idea of my beautiful wife taking Jay or another young as a lover, and of them deriving sexual pleasure from rubbing my nose in the fact is just to exciting – and that makes me more determined to make the cuckolding a reality! The cock ruling the head you may say lol

I had not been online for a few days; I was purposely avoiding it because I knew if I did I would agree to what ever Jay said – that was a worry and I did not want to be blackmailed or under the thumb of a 18 year old college boy! But I was conflicted as I have said and on the weekend after the conversation with my wife I opened up my laptop and signed on. There were a number of message unanswered from Jay – " you know you want it"; "imagine your teacher wife being fucked by one of her students"; contact me if you want it to happen"; I bet your wife would love my big teen cock"! I was amazed at such comments and a little outraged –how dare he; who does he think he is; I will kick his ass if I ever saw him" – But the fantasy / desire was too strong and I sent Jay a message.

My wife and I had never said anything further about her fucking Deshawn or Jay. So I was a bit surprised when she entered the room where I was trying to have a private talk with Jay! "is he on yet"? She asked – before I had a chance to answer a message popped up: "hey, have you asked you wife yet to fuck me"? I looked up at my wife and nodded my head –"oh goody! What does he say"? I looked at my wife and had to say it –"you could get into a lot of trouble with this". My wife smiled back at me –"only if we get caught and you don't want that do you"? Man! Those doey blue eyes and look of pity towards me. I shake my head and reply back to Jay –"my wife is here". I then look back at my wife – "Jay wants to fuck you" – I say this to her with my voice crackling under the strain of what I am asking and the thrill of being cuckold!

"Tell him to show me his cock" – my wife laughs and sits beside me –"Oh Jay" she says. "Why are you with such a loser" Jay asks her –she shrugs her shoulders and looks at me and laughs. Talk about being a 3rd wheel! Jay then asks another question –"so are you ready for me to fuck you"? My wife cocks her head and looks at me - "Well"?? She asks. "MY WIFE WANTS To SEE YOUR COCK"! I almost shout loud enough for the whole street to hear me. My wife and Jay start to laugh! "Tell me the most slutty thing you have ever done" Jay asks my wife. My wife looks at me puzzled and deep in thought and then tells Jay about how she has often had her eyes drawn to a guys crotch if they had a noticeable bulge or not and how
she often thinks about a guys size and whether he slept around nad had fucked a lot of women with his cock.

I was stunned! She had never told me this before. By the sound of it Jay was not that impressed - but let me tell you this -my wife does not talk about sexual matters with strangers! So this was a first. "No! Tell me what you have done that is the most slutty" Jay kinda of demands this time. My wife told him about losing her virginity in the back of her boyfriends car outside of his parents house late on night! Notice she never mentioned anything slutty she had done with me!!! Jay nodded then got up and pulled his tracksuit bottoms down.

My wife was studying the private parts of Jay intently! I should tell you that Jay had a cock and balls like a shire horse but he never did! He had a big black pubic bush, a fat cock limp but no more than 3 inches long. I guess when hard he must have been maybe 6 or 7 inches? His balls were hanging down all soft and on display – just average I would say. All in all not the type of cock and balls a lover / bull us cuckolds would imagine!

A few minutes passed – my wife studying every part of the cock and balls and lost in thought; me working out how we had got this far? An 18 years old college boy showing my teacher wife his cock and balls and me allowing it to happen!!?

Jay broke the silence - "OK I will fuck your wife for ya"! I was speechless and my wife stills aid nothing but did have a wry smile on her face. "Well come on ask me then" –Jay asked –no demanded! The cuckold desire exploded inside me– "please Jay fuck my wife"! My wife turned towards me and said – "are you sure"? I nodded and then Jay said the same thing –his cock starting to harden right in front of us –hard as a rock like a young can get and pointing to the ceiling – all proud and ready to put into action. "yes FUCK MY WIFE PLEASE"! I almost scream.

Jay pulls his tracksuit bottoms up and sits back down."what school is your wife at" he asks? Now that is way too private and I am not sure I want to share that info – he could stalk her or cause trouble for her at her school. My wife looks at me and I ask Jay to wait. I put us on mute and we discuss the ramifications of what Jay is asking – is that a step to far?? We agree that it is and that instead my wife and I could meet up with him in a park – public and like we have just bumped in to him. We told Jay this and he sounded disappointed but with the caveats that he will fuck my wife on that day / night and that I will not be present when my wife meets him at first. My wife tells me that if she meets him in public and in daylight it should be fine. We agree to his terms after negotiation

We spoke about what we had agreed to the next night after work. My wife said she was a bit shell shocked after and got a little upset with me for agreeing to a meeting and for allowing it to go so far! I apologised saying I too had got carried away with how exiting it was and the thrill of it all. She mentioned how worried she was that others would find and she would go to prison and / or lose her job as a teacher. But the cuckold in me, and the college boy who always wanted to fuck a teacher, demanded that my wife go through with it. My wife reasoned that if it was in public and it looked like nothing more than having a chat then it would be OK, Also how to get Jay into our house without people noticing. We both decided to make it natural like he was just visiting – even the most nosey neighbour would not imagine the fucking that would be going on or of a college boy fucking a married wife and teacher!

Well, to jump forward a bit. Jay meet my wife at the park and Jay entered our home and our marital bed! I could say that it was great but I was not allowed to watch. So the memory I have is listening to our squeaky bed and the faint moans coming from my wife outside the closed bedroom door! It was only then that I realised he was probably fucking my wife bareback, unless my wife or he had a condom. Oh well, too late now. I just hoped she hadn't forgotten to take her pill! My wife had been fucked by a black college boy, half her age, and cuckolded me as in my fantasy.

The next day, my wife had a dreamy look in her eye as she told me that Jay had the best body of any man she had ever been with and how he had fucked her to so many orgasms she had lost count! Not something I wanted to hear to be honest and the angst cuckolds had warned me about was real.

Well my wife wanted to meet Jay one more time and this time I got to watch a 18 year old fuck my wife bareback in our marital bed. This time he stayed over the night.

I had watched from a chair I had put in our marital bedroom as Jay and my wife fucked. I had saw my wife moving her hips underneath his weight then once he had full wet penetration, I watched the fucking rhythm between them. It was soon obvious that Jay had very little interest in my wife's pleasure and just wanted to plant his seed deep inside a married wife and teacher! My wife on the other hand was caught up in the sexual rush - her reaction was one of pure pleasure as she tried to maintain stability on the bed as Jay's thrusts push her higher. I watched my wife's breasts move to the thrusts of Jay and her feet twist and lock around the small of his back; then I watched as her toes curled she orgasmed with such body shaking tremors. I had stood beside our marital bed and witnessed my loving wife fucking the college boy, Jay. Its like watching a porno with your favorite pornstar lol.

I was relegated to the spare bedroom after their fucking where I masturbated for the 2nd time imaging the college boy fucking my wife and cumin inside her,.Oh! My God!" The realisation hit me – my wife had fucked a college boy unprotected and she could be arrested and go to prison for leting Jay fuck her! I increased my cock strokes as all the images of Jay's bare cock in his wife pussy, covered in her love jouice and his sperm came into my mind. My mind was in turmoil: what if she got pregnant by Jay? Did she actually what to fuck him? Did she now see me as a wimp and a loser and has she lost all respect for me?

On the other hand, I found the idea of my wife and Jay wife fucking unprotected very stimulating and I came all over my stomach!

My wife and I spoke the next day after Jay had left about our recent escapades and how perhaps they had got out of hand. I told my wife how wondered I was that she would want Jay more and more, and how that could get us into so much trouble! My wife agreed and said that she would not see Jay again, if I were that worried. She told me that she was enthralled, amused and attracted by Jay's dominate manner and how he telling us about being a bull for another married cuckold couple was exciting. She said there were something about how Jay promoted his womanising stud prowess; his dominating manner and how easy he played psychological mind games with us and kind of ********** her to cuckold me!

As you may have guessed 2 times was a charm for Jay! He impregnated my wife and although it was a concern, my wife and I agreed that we would keep the *****. Secretly, I loved it! I had a beautiful, fuckable, hot wife and I had lived the cuckold fantasy! I wanted everybody to know that the baby was not mine – to be that ultimate cuckold. Our family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues all to see our baby and look at me questionably and quizzical, and then knowingly –bliss!

Once the baby is born it will be obvious – Jay was black lol

I later found out from other cuckolds that Jay was a predator and had no shame about being one! He liked the hunt, and he liked convincing women to be his slut and do things they didn't expect they would be into. He never pressured them or their cuckold husband but he did get what we wanted –I guess so did the cuckold and his cuckoldress!

On an endnote: my wife and I never did anything like this again. It was a one-off cuckolding and I never got the desire to do it again...well...not until my wife gave birth and people realised that she had been black fucked.... the cuckold desire then became a raging fire inside me again!
I really enjoyed this story, it was very sexy!!
I'm a teacher at a special center which has three schools in one facility. There are over 180 staff members within the center. I have been with more than 15 married and 12 single women since I started working there. These women are so stressed out it's unbelievable. Teachers are Horn-Knee I tell you. The youngest was 22 and the oldest was 73 . I had sex in the gym before and after school, several times in the classroom and on rainy days in my vehicle.
I think that being a cuckold has taken over my life and made me do things and think things that I would have never done previously.

Like all men I have looked and masturbated to pornography; from a postpubescent age to the age I am now.

It is only recently that I have found cuckold porn through watching interracial porn. It angered me at first – what makes a man do that? What a bunch of wimps! After a while it intrigued me – what makes a man except being a cuckold? Have they had some trauma when they were young? Are they afraid of losing their wife or just not very sexually good?

I never considered myself to be a wimp, a loser, and a beta male. I never had a small cock and have always got on with women and had my fair share of girlfriends and fuck partners. Don't get me wrong; I am definitely not a stud but more an 'average Joe'.

But there was something about cuckolding that got me all riled up and extremely horny. The more I read or watched the more the lure of becoming one became strong.

Of course my wife never knew that. What would she think of such a loser husband? I was worried about her leaving me for having such sick, perverted fantasises. So I carried on my cuckold fantasies in private and secret away from my wife. Outwardly, I was still the strong alpha male; the husband; the provider; but inside something was lurking and I could not get a grip on it. That led me into talking with other cuckolds on the websites to break this curse; to understand why and defeat it. But, instead it strengthened the desire and fantasy to the extent that I started joining live group chats and private discussions with other cuckolds and some bulls.

This in turn led me to real FaceTime and Skype chats with cuckolds. I must have been mad to be so open and public but I needed to know more – get my sexual kicks. Living through others experiences did that – for a while. But as the genuine cuckolds kept telling me – it won't go away - the curse; this perverted fantasy, It will only get stronger until you have lived the experience – been cuckolded!

Keeping such desire and secret private from my wife became more and more difficult. I needed a way to tell her. We still had a sex life; a bit sedentary than in our younger days but still reasonable for a long-term relationship.

It was during one of these moments that my wife and I discussed fantasises. My wife and I have no ******** (decided on having careers first) and on particular fantasy involved me impregnating her somewhere public or exotic; like a public park or on a Caribbean beach.

While we role-played and conducted foreplay I started to talk about being watched by a stranger as we fucked. I observed my wife get more into it and so I upped the ante. I mentioned that he was masturbating and getting closer to us. My wife became more and more excited until the moment I told her that the stranger wants to fuck her and will she let him?

That killed the mood dead! I was now in serious **** as my wife stopped me and pushed me away, Glaring at me she asked if I thought if she was a slut and why I wanted only an strange man to fuck her! I Had no reply so kept quite. My wife gave a growl and then turned her back on me – hitting the pillow she then lowered her head and went to *****. I lay there with my thoughts in turmoil.

We never discussed this incident and it seemed like it had been forgotten. The next time we had sex an entirely new element got introduced into our fantasy pool; the male voyeur watching us fuck. My wife loved that! Who would have known my wife had an exhibitionist – voyeur kink lol. This was arousing to me and I tried my best to fuck her brains out lol

In the post-climax bliss my wife asked me if I liked the thought of her being fucked roughly by a strange man – I never said anything about being rough! But I played it down and said it was a hot fantasy but not really us. My wife never said anything and we continued enjoying the fantasy.

I really wanted to make my cuckold fantasy a reality but it was too dangerous to my marriage and I did feel threatened by the thought of some stud being better than me and my wife losing any sexual desire she has for me. So I continued keeping my desire a secret and a private matter.

One night I was video –chatting with a cuckold when my wife was out with friends. He told me about his wife cuckolding him with a younger guy who became their bull. He tried to avoid the question I asked about the bull's age. He just said that he was younger then their ages of 28 and 30 years old. I just assumed that he meant the bull was early or mid-20's. But something he said got me puzzled – he mentioned that their bull had got his wife to pull a sicky at work and he had fucked her in their bed. Nothing strange there right? But he said that the bull had a study day? I asked him what he meant and he got embarrassed and started to stutter. With little finesse I told him to tell me how old the bull was – he muttered "18" and then quickly stated that it was legal in Britain. Wow! A 18 year old bull fucking a older cuckold's wife. I managed to reassure him that I was not judgmental and he explained how it had been his wife's fantasy for years to teach a younger man how to please a women –she wanted a virgin but instead they got a 18-year old with limited experience; the next best thing.

This excited me. It was not because of the cuckolding but more because of the age differences and how there is something taboo / something wrong about having someone much younger than you fuck your wife hard. The cuckold had told me about the challenges of having a much younger, just legal, lover for his wife. Most of them are less of an issue with bulls the same age or older. For him he said it was the lack of maturity; the lack of relative life experience in a younger bull compared to an older bull. The thought of some young young who has only hit puberty a few years ago fucking your wife better then you – even with all of your experience! With a young college boy, those expectations are flipped. There are plenty of horny and energetic men that would love to fuck a married woman, and many of them wouldn't mind doing it in front of her husband. He told me it was just finding the right one –the one who would grow into a bull for cuckolds – not fall in love with the wife and try to take her away; who would not cause troubles for the married cuckold couple in their everyday lives.

I thought about what he said for a few days after our chat. I imagined me at 17 -18 years old and how I would have loved the opportunity to fuck a married older woman. It sadly never happened; the closest I ever got was to look down the top of one of my female teachers. I started to have the fantasy that female teachers and older married women should give the male teenagers, with their hormones causing hard-ons at the slightest thing, a chance to fuck them. This was an addition to those sick, perverted cuckold fantasises I was having. It made them even worse to imagine my wife in that situation – after all she was a teacher to young boys and girls and I wondered how much she knew about their sexual fantasises and whether any boys had flirted with her?

Those late nights continued with my wife none the wiser. We continued how the fantasises about the stranger. I tried to get my wife imagining him fucking her but she seemed to prefer the thought of him just watching and masturbating. I guessed that I would just be a wannabe –cuckold but how fate intervened!

On one of those nights I have mentioned earlier, I was contributing to the cuckold chat when a new contributor joined. I had not noticed them before and they seemed more interested in reading the posts then contributing to the chat. Just then they messaged me and asked if I was a cuckold? I told them that I was not and was more interested than involved. They asked to chat. In hindsight it was like a lion hunting their prey – looking for the opportunity, the weak prey, who would fall into your trap!

I found out the individual was a male who called himself "Jay". We spoke about cuckolding and he asked a few questions. I asked a few questions and found out that this was his first time in the fetish and that he was curious. He saw himself as more of a bull than a cuckold and was curious about how he could find out more about finding a cuckold couple. I let him know what I knew and how it takes time and patience; how dozens of guys try it on with cuckold couples online and are either way over the top or too aggressive. I told him that I thought the best bulls are probably the ones who strike a balance between dominance and compromise and who get to know the cuckolds and their wives before they even mention fucking the wives. We parted on good terms and I thought that was that.

I continued to try to bring soft cuckold fantasises into my wife's and I sex life; her dressing sexy and being ogled by other men and her being chatted up at a bar by another man; but it seemed like she was not that interested. I even inquired about the boys at her school and whether any had flirted with her –she shut that down very quickly – "NO! They are not allowed to do that with teachers"! Wow. Talk about old iron britches lol

The next night while surfing the cuckold sites again and watching a video of a big black cock fucking a white pussy, I get a message from Jay. I accepted his invite and we spoke some more about cuckolding and how he could get a cuckold couple to accept him as a bull. He seemed nice enough, pleasant with a great sense of humour. He displayed a level on intelligence over many of the wannabe bulls I have seen in the cuckold chats and on the websites. He seemed a perfect fit for a cuckold couple. I imagined how he would have his big hard dick in hand thinking about a future fuck at the forefront of my mind of some cuckold's wife. He was not pushy and had not immediately demanded to see nudes of my wife and I guessed he was like this with other cuckolds he spoke. I asked him that and he said I was the only one. Strange... but then again I thought I had a level of intelligence above many cuckolds who just think with their dicks. How wrong was I!!! (think back to my comment about the lion and their prey).

The following night Jay asked to facetime or Skype with me. I saw no problems with that and man was I in for a surprise!.......................... For you see Jay was a 18yo boy! He noticed my surprise and explained that he did not say anything straight out because he knew I would not have spoken with him and helped him. He said that other cuckolds had done so previously. In a way I felt for him and felt his frustration – we were all young once and getting off on porn lol

We got talking about fucking teachers and older married women and I told him about what I was like at his age. With hindsight, Jay was obviously playing the long game and had the e presence of mind to make it real. He asked me a few questions – not out of what we were discussing like did I want my wife to cuckold me and how? what were my wife and I like as a couple? Had I ever cuckolded anybody or been a bull? (that is a straight no!).
He told me about his limited sexual experiences, like guys together do, and I must admit I got off on the dirty **** he told me –even though I thought that some of it must have been male bravado lol We had a similar mind set on many things sexually and we agreed that not many girls or women are into cuckolding and how they must be encouraged to enjoy their sexual freedom and broaden their experiences. All in all it was one of the better chats, either by video or just keyboard that I have had. A kind of male bonding was developing.

As the times we chatted increased Jay started to become more vocal about how it would be great if he fucked my wife –the teacher. He asked me to fantasy with him –first as him and later as the cuckold. I told him that I was jerking off to the fantasy and he encouraged me to cum for him. He told me how he would "fuck that pussy" –my wife pussy and make sure she knew who was the better lover. I cannot tell you how this got me off. Then he dropped a bombshell. He wanted to see my wife – ummm I was reluctant but seeing as we had developed a friendship I sent him a dressed pic of my wife. He said that she looked just like a teacher lol Not sure what he meant by that but I started to imagine this boy fucking her. The more we spoke the stronger the desire got. Till in the end I told him that I would get my wife to talk with him –was I mad????

I finally told my wife about my cuckold fantasy after a night of sex involving the fantasy of us being watched. I told her how worried I was that she would find it sick or perverted and love me less. She reassured me that her love for me would not diminish and that it was OK. I explained how I had spoken to other cuckolds and she seemed surprised to hear of such a thing. So I had got this far... I then told her about Jay and how we had chatted. She said that was "nice"; some other guy to share your fantasy with. I explained that it was not like that and that he was more a bull (this took some explaining between my wife's disbelief that such things exist). She asked if he was some older pervert guy or arrogant and cocky. I told her the opposite – that in fact he played the fantasy but seemed pleasant enough and friendly. This reassured her and she agreed to think talking with him with me there.

The following night I told my wife that I was going to see if Jay was online and would she like to sit-in. She was reluctant and instead said she would watch and listen but did not want to join in or be seen. We managed to find a way to do this. My wife was out of the sight of the laptop webcam –standing at just in front of me by the side. She heard Jay tell me that he would fuck my wife and give her what she was missing, and how all married wife's especially teachers should be fucked by teenagers like him! This must has struck a chord with my wife because she slammed the laptop lid shut! Ending the conversation dead. She then walked over in a huff.

I worried that maybe this was a step to far and I should have just spoke with the boy in private
without my wife present. I decided the best policy was not to say anything and let things slide for now.
I wish I could talk with jay, amazing story.