Speaking of Black Cock Motel, had fun talk with hotwife Brandi about a week ago; she's got some work-visitors in town this week, so she'll be taking them out for drinks a couple nights this week...and per her new habit, she begs off after an hour with them and goes to a place she and I visit on the weekends, but she goes there alone during the week....and the reason we like it is the black bartender and always a few solo black guys for her to flirt with. Since the inevitable is inevitable, I told her to call me when she wants a hotel room to invite a new lover to, so they can fuck in a safe, clean place. I'll book the room for the two of them. Can't wait.
For the life of me I don’t know why this shot is so much more erotic by reason of the handsome young black buck being fully clothed and still wearing his sneakers.

Ok, he’s kissing the eager wife and caressing her breast possessively with one hand, but taken together those things don’t account for the breathlessly erotic impact of this shot on me.

Perhaps it stirs up jealousy-making memories for me………..

I really don’t know.

An intense sexual attraction emanates from the photo which is what I responded to when I saw that pic.
Whatever her heart rate was when she was sucking those beautiful cock, it will have risen to at least 180 beats per minute when she orgasmed on any one of them—or all three!

My wife’s heart-rate rises to more than 200 bpm when she orgasms with my beautifully athletic young buddy. But not so much with me.
It's been ages since my wife and I have had penetrative sex but I'm sure she had a resting heart rate.
Mmm so hot
I find the last two shots extremely arousing as I think of the cock-head of that beautifully strong young black thrusting hard against the cum-thirsty cervix of another man’s wife—and her very obviously fucking loving it.
Both my hub and I would rather the women leaves her blouse on bra on if they’re sporting bolt on boobs, they’re only a distraction. They look great if the women is dressed, but bare they look like volley balls or cantaloupes cut in half and attached,,,the women might as well be wearing one of those big red clown noses, that’s how much attention they demand, and when you do actually pay attention, then they start to look funny and your mind has to concentrate on not laughing, at least cover them up long enough to get the job done, LOL. Don’t feel bad, I have a similar issue with condoms, except those I’d rather not fuck at all than use one!