Tampa, FL seeking sensual BBC massage for wife


We are seeking a sensual massage for the wife. This will be her first experience and we are both not really interested in anything beyond maybe some sensual touching, kissing, rubbing, and maybe sucking. We are pretty picky about the male. Seeking between 35-45 years old, extremely fit, 5'10 or taller, and at least 8.5 inches. We are willing to wait for the right guy to ensure we comfortable. Likely if we find someone, would develop into more fun once we are comfortable. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Her: Tiny (110 lbs, 5'4) blonde. Very fit. Sexy mid 30's with an amazing slender body.
We are seeking a sensual massage for the wife. This will be her first experience and we are both not really interested in anything beyond maybe some sensual touching, kissing, rubbing, and maybe sucking. We are pretty picky about the male. Seeking between 35-45 years old, extremely fit, 5'10 or taller, and at least 8.5 inches. We are willing to wait for the right guy to ensure we comfortable. Likely if we find someone, would develop into more fun once we are comfortable. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Her: Tiny (110 lbs, 5'4) blonde. Very fit. Sexy mid 30's with an amazing slender body.
Very hot