Taken at a Party .....definately a cuck story!

I had been pursuing Noele for awhile. After several dates I had only gotten as far as a kiss. I decided to go for it one last time and asked her out to dinner on a Friday night. To my relief she said yes and sounded excited to go. So was I! I felt like it was finally going to be my night. I had already spent close to $1000 courting her but I decided to double down and take her to the nicest seafood place in town. I bought a new outfit from Hugo Boss, picked up some flowers and went to pick her up.

She looked stunning. She had on a short green dress with matching heels, gold earrings and necklace, and bright red lipstick. Her dark brown hair cascaded to the tops of her shoulders. I was blown away. She thanked me for the flowers, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and got in the car. I headed for the restaurant - I knew she was going to like the meal. I reserved the best table in the house and planned on trying a bottle of expensive wine. Her dress was riding up her legs a little bit and I could see a little bit of her white panties on the insides of her thighs - man was she sexy! It was hard to focus on the road as all I could think about was getting in between those luscious legs later that night.

I could feel the stares on us as we arrived at the restaurant. I'm a reasonably attractive guy but Noele was drop-dead gorgeous. I am sure more than a few people wondered how a guy like me landed her. Hey, I wondered too! Although technically I hadn't gotten her yet, I was pretty sure that was going to change.

The waiter came and took our order - we ordered a seafood tower and a $180 bottle of Sancerre - tonight wasn't going to be cheap but I was confident it would be worth it. We were laughing and drinking (well, most of the drinking was Noele, I was taking it easy because I had to drive and also I'm not the most confident guy in the bedroom so I didn't want to risk getting whiskey dick tonight of all nights) when the waitress asked us if we wanted another bottle. I didn't realize the bottle was already gone, I had barely had a glass!

"Sure," Noele blurted out. I wasn't going to look cheap after already spending so much so I grinned and said great.

The next bottle came and again Noele drank most of it. She was definitely getting a little tipsy but I wasn't worried - I knew she could hold her *******. If anything the buzz might loosen her up enough to finally let me come inside her house. I paid the check and we headed for the door as the patrons started at my sexy date.

After spending over $500 on the meal I suggested we stop for a ******* at a party a friend of mine was having.

"Whatever you want baby" Noele said as she touched me on the arm. Tonight was definitely going to be my night! My confidence was at an all time high as we arrived at the party. I was excited to show up with a beautiful girl at my side. I wasn't disappointed - heads turned as we walked in the door. One of my friends whispered to me "nice job man" and patted me on the back. I was glowing and offered to get Noele a *******.

"White wine would be fine" she said. I went to get her wine and a beer for myself and left her to mingle in the crowd.

I had to use the restroom and then there was a line for the drinks so it was about ten minutes until I returned to the main room everyone was hanging out in. I spotted her talking to a guy I didn't recognize so I went over to give her her wine and introduce myself. The guy was tall and definitely athletic - he was in better shape than me and carried himself with an air of supreme confidence. I noticed Noele already had a wine so I stood there awkwardly with both our drinks.

"Double fisting already?" The guy said, and both he and Noele burst into laughter.

I nervously laughed along and said, "I guess you already got a *******."

"Yeah, I took care of your date." he said.

"Oh we're not dating" she instantly replied. If we weren't dating then what the hell was I spending all this money on! I wondered.

"Well, I mean we've gone out a few times" Noele quickly recovered, and looked a little nervous as she bit on her lower lip.

I walked off to find a table to put her wine down and when I came back I noticed he was very gently touching the small of her back and she didn't seem to resist. I bravely stuck my hand out to introduce myself.

"Hey my name's John, it's nice to meet you."

"Aaron." The man responded. He shook my hand with a ridiculously firm handshake and a smirk on his face.

I stood with them making small talk for the next fifteen minutes although I was beginning to feel like a third wheel. They were laughing at each other's jokes and making eye contact while I stood there and nervously laughed along. I decided if I was going to have any hope of getting in bed with Noele tonight I had better get her home now.

"Hey, it's getting late, you want to head home soon?" I asked nervously.

"Why spoil the fun! We just got here. In fact I could use another *******." She said.

"Me too hoss," Aaron said as he patted me on the shoulder. "I'll have an old-fashioned." What the hell was an old-fashioned and how do I make it, I wondered, but I didn't want to come off as ignorant or weak so I smiled and said no problem. I headed for the bathroom to look up the recipe on my phone.

I found a recipe and headed for the bar. There was another long line so I passed the time talking with other guests.

"Where'd your date go?" One of them asked.

"Oh, I'm just fixing her a *******" I said as I ****** a smile. Finally I got to the front of the bar only to find out all the ingredients weren't on the bar. I didn't want to return empty handed so I tracked down the host, Mark, and asked him where he kept his bitters. He directed me to the basement so I went down, got the bitters and went back to the bar. There was another long line so I waited again because I didn't want to be perceived as cutting in line. After about thirty minutes total I finally had their drinks ready and I returned to the main room.

Noele and Aaron were nowhere to be found. My heart sank as I had a sneaking suspicion where they might be.

"Hey, where's your date?" My friend asked as I was holding two drinks.

"Oh, I don't know, she's probably in the bathroom." I said. My heart was racing and my mind was imagining the worst.

"Since when do you ******* hard *******? Or is the white wine for you?" He chuckled as he playfully elbowed me.

I ****** a laugh and said "I'm trying something new." I didn't want to admit that neither ******* was mine and that the people I made them for had disappeared. I excused myself from the conversation and headed upstairs.

I heard voices as I reached the top of the stairs. A man and woman were giggling at the end of the hall. I slowly crept down the hall.

"That dress looked so amazing on you I can't believe it looks even better on the floor." A man said.

"Oh, Aaron, you look so hot with your shirt off, I've never seen muscles like that." My heart sank and my stomach was in knots as soon as I heard her voice. It was Noele. I made it to the end of the hall and saw the bedroom door was slightly ajar. I saw Noele and Aaron cuddling on the bed. She was in her bra and panties and Aaron just in boxer briefs. I wondered if Mr. Confidence had left the door ajar on purpose just to let me know that he was marking his territory and taking my date as his.

I stood in the hallway holding their drinks, uncertain of how to proceed. Aaron put his hand behind Noele's head and went in for a kiss. Her sexual excitement was palpable. I knew I should put a stop to it but I didn't know how. What could I say, "Hey stop touching the girl that isn't my girlfriend and has only let me kiss her?" Instead, I stood there frozen, unable to stop it but unable to turn away. I had to see it. I needed to watch a real man fuck the girl of my dreams right in front of my face. As humiliated and ashamed as I was, I admitted i was turned on by Aaron's bravado. He knew that Noele and I arrived at the party together and he he didn't hesitate to steal her from me right in front of my face. And I didn't even resist! I spent the night trying to please him while he was busy stealing my girl. As they were making out, Aaron snaked his has hand behind her back and undid her bra with one motion. This guy was smooth.

"Nice tits," he said as he squeezed them roughly. Noele's breathing was coming more and more ragged. I had never in my life come close to making a girl as turned on as Aaron was making her.

"Take off my boxers" he commanded. As if in a trance, Noele bent down and gently snaked his briefs off. Aaron's enormous cock snapped upright as Noele started at it hypnotically. He was at least twice my size and I felt ashamed at my manhood at the sight. As if in a trance Noele reached her hand out to touch his cock.

"Don't touch it!" Aaron snapped. "Tell me how bad you want me inside you."

Noele began moaning and begging. "I want you so bad. Please fuck me Aaron. Please, I'll do anything." Aaron began pressing his rock hard cock against her panties as she panted and begged for him to fuck her. She was almost sobbing she wanted it so bad. I had never seen anything like it in my life. Aaron pulled out a magnum condom and threw it at Noele.

"Put it on."

"Yes, of course. Oh my God. Fuck me Aaron I need you so bad." He was teasing her so bad I didn't even notice that my breath was becoming ragged too. I was so turned on that my cock had extended to its full 5" without me even noticing it.

As soon as Noele put the condom on his dick, Aaron threw her on the bed and said, "Get ready for the fucking of your life."

"Oh my god, yes, fuck me, please, I can't take it anymore." She said as she spread her legs wide open for Aaron. He leaned over top of her and gently penetrated her. She let out a gasp as his cock filled her insides. "Oh my god, you're so big. OH God!" She exclaimed. I stood there riveted, still holding their drinks, as Aaron began sawing his monstrous cock into my date.

I was impressed at his stamina - especially since I was never known for mine - after a full 15 minutes of fucking Noele in several different positions, Aaron showed no signs of cumming. Noele was a different story - I lost track of how many times she came, her moans, cries, and breathing all ran together into one long orgasm.

"Don't stop. You're the best I've ever had. I need your cock, I'll do anything for your cock." Noele continuously showered compliments on Aaron as he kept fucking her brains out.

Aaron pulled out, spooned her and said, "don't worry - you're not done yet, it's just a quick break." I finally woke from my trance and decided I needed to get back to the party before people wondered where I was. I hoped that they would be quick so nobody would know that my date had been fucking another man.

As soon as I walked downstairs I saw my friend in the hall. "Hey buddy, nice work," he said as he smiled and patted me on the back. "I heard you guys upstairs." My heart sank. It was embarrassing enough to have the girl of my dreams fuck another guy in front of my face after I took her to an expensive dinner but to have the whole party know would be the most humiliating experience of my life. I decided to play it off and hope that they would finish quietly.

"Thanks buddy," I said as I ****** a grin, "you know how it is." I said goodbye and headed back to the main room, still holding both their drinks.

I listened like a hawk for noise from upstairs as I mingled with other guests. Luckily the bedroom was far away but Noele had been so loud that some observant guests, like my friend, had made out her screams. Until now they thought I was the stud making her orgasm over and over but my worst fears were confirmed in about 2 minutes when I heard Noele's moans and cries start up again. I heard a steady slamming sound and figured the headboard was moving as John was about to come. I was standing near the stairs and trying my hardest to listen so I still hoped that nobody else heard what was going on.

I was definitely getting some stares and knowing looks and giggles. One couple in particular kept looking at me and giggling. I guess they figured out that I wasn't a stud after all, just a wimp who let another guy fuck my date while I held onto a ******* I fixed for him.

Finally, the noise stopped. I felt relief and I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I wasn't sure how I was going to behave when I saw them. Should I make a scene? Or play it cool? I wasn't sure as I headed back to the party. I also wasn't sure which guests knew what had happened but it sure felt like everyone was in on a joke but me.

Aaron walked down the stairs first. His chest pumped out like a conquering hero and that unmistakable smirk. I stood still with my head bowed, not sure what to do. Did he know that I watched him fuck my date? He walked toward me and as if hypnotized I handed him his *******.

"I made you an old-fashioned. I hope it's to your liking." What the hell had come over me! This guy had just fucked my date and here I was basically cowering before him offering him whatever he wanted. He smirked and said "thanks," and walked away as I stammered out, "you're welcome."

Noele came down the stairs next, her dress was rumpled and her hair was a mess and I'm pretty sure there were cum stains on her clothes but her face was glowing. I handed her her wine, she took it absentmindedly and began scanning the room. Looking for Aaron, I assumed. Aaron walked back into the room with his coat on and began saying goodbyes.

"Hold this," Noele said as she thrust her wine into my hand and made a beeline for Aaron. I wasn't sure what was said but he took his phone out and typed in it. "You better call me!" she called over her shoulder as she walked back to me, beaming. Did she have to make it so obvious, I wondered.

I handed her her wine and nervously asked, "What was that about?"

"Oh, he does repairs on the side and my A/C unit has been giving me fits. He said he'd fix it free of charge - isn't that nice of him?"

Yeah, real nice, I thought. The party was dying down and I was already tired of the knowing smirks in my direction so I suggested we head home. I said my last humiliating goodbyes and we headed out the door.

It seemed like she gushed about Aaron the entire ride home. "You really should've got to know him more, he's a really cool guy," she said.

Yeah, Noele, maybe I would've if he wasn't so busy fucking your brains out all night, I thought. Her dress was riding up and I noticed her panties were gone. I wondered if she left them at the party or Aaron kept them as a trophy. Guess I'll never know, I thought to myself. The drive to her place felt like an eternity but we finally made it. I told her I had a great time and went in for a kiss.

She turned to give me her cheek and said "not tonight." She got out of the car, turned around and said "Oh by the way, thanks for dinner." I watched her sexy figure sashay up her driveway and I knew she was going to be dreaming about Aaron, not me, tonight.
A couple years had passed since Aaron fucked Noele at that party and not much had changed in my love life. I found myself getting into similar situations frequently. Not quite as brazen as another man fucking my date in front of me, but I was becoming very subservient to the women I was dating. I would pay for everything, shower them with gifts and oral pleasure, but as soon as it came time to fuck them I would either cum too quickly or be unable to get it up and they would use me for awhile before leaving me for someone else.

That all changed when I met Marta - a thick Latina with a beautiful face. We hit it off instantly and her dominant personality meshed well with my subservient personality. Luckily for me she loved receiving oral sex and I would spend hours between her legs every day. Unfortunately, I would get so turned on when it came time to fuck her that I would cum in a few thrusts or sometimes before I even penetrated her. One time I came in my pants while going down on her. Humiliated, I said I would understand if she wanted a half-open relationship where she could see other men and I remained loyal to her.

She smiled and said "we'll see," and pushed my head back between her legs. She came violently on my face but never brought up the half-open relationship again. The end result of our love life was that I had only fucked her a handful of times when we decided to get married.

We spent our honeymoon in Turks and Caicos and it was a great time. When we weren't on the beach or having dinner I was on my knees worshipping between her legs. She even let me fuck her once, which I was extremely grateful for. I didn't last long and have never come close to making her cum with my cock. When we got back to the States I put photos of our honeymoon up on Facebook. There were a lot of pictures of Marta in her bathing suit - her body was killer because she made sure to get in great shape for the wedding. I got a lot of likes and congratulations but the next day I saw a message in my inbox. It was from Aaron.

"Hey buddy," he began, "long time no see! I'm having a party this weekend and I'd love for you and your wife to stop by." What the hell was this, I wondered, the last time I saw him he fucked my date at a party, now he wants to be friends?

"Hey Aaron - let me know the details, I'll try and make it." I figured maybe he felt bad for fucking Noele in front of me and was trying to make up for it.

"Just make sure to bring your wife - I don't want it turning into a sausage fest." He wrote back. I found it a little weird that he kept mentioning my wife but I figured he was just trying to coordinate the right mix for his party. I couldn't stop thinking about the time he fucked Noele right in front of my face and through the mixture of emotions I came up with an idea. I was going to have my wife dress really sexy and I was going to fuck her on Aaron's bed, to show him I wasn't intimidated and I could mark my territory as well.

I told Marta about the party and she was excited since we rarely went out to parties anymore. I offered to take her shopping for an outfit and made a dinner reservation. It was shaping up to be a memorable evening. At the mall I helped her pick out and extremely low-cut mini-skirt dress. It was definitely the skimpiest dress she owned but I wanted to make an impression and show off my sexy wife - I wanted to show Aaron the tables had turned.

My heart sank as I walked in the door. I recognized about a dozen people from the previous party. And I knew some of them recognized me as the whispering and snickering began immediately. The humiliating feelings came rushing back. I obviously couldn't fill Marta in on my previous humiliation so I played it off and said some quick hellos. After a few handshakes and knowing smirks I made my way to the bar area. Aaron was in there talking with a few people. The confidence I was feeling on my way into the party was already gone. I gritted my teeth and walked up to Aaron to say hello.

"Hey buddy," he said with a huge grin on his face, "glad you could make it." Why was he being so friendly, I wondered. I barely knew him and our only interaction consisted of him stealing my date.

I introduced him to Marta and he told her how beautiful she looked and, blushing, she said, "Well you're not too bad yourself." They spent the next few minutes chatting between themselves as I tried to interject my way into the conversation but they didn't seem to pay me much attention. After a few minutes of small talk he excused himself and went into the other room.

"He seems really nice," Marta said, "why haven't you told me about him before?" I couldn't explain to my wife that he had stolen my date and fucked her silly so I mumbled something about both of us being busy with work. "Well I'm looking forward to getting to know him, this party is going to be fun." Marta said. "Now get me a wine." Marta was already tipsy and her dominant side was beginning to show, as it usually does when she drinks.

Aaron came back in the room and Marta immediately went over to him. I felt a little uneasy as but I told myself I was being silly. I grabbed a beer and her wine and walked over the join them. "Hey buddy, mind doing me a favor?" Aaron said.

"Sure thing," I said.

"There's a case of champagne in the basement, be a pal and bring it up."

"Yes, sir." Sir! Why was I calling him sir? Man, this guy sure had a confident air about him. I also wondered why he asked me to get the champagne instead of doing it himself or asking one of his closer friends. When I got downstairs the light switch didn't work, so I spent about 5 minutes searching for the champagne using the glow of my phone. I finally found it and went back upstairs. Aaron and Marta had moved to the corner, away from the other guests. They were deep in conversation and barely noticed me standing there.

"Where do you want the wine?" I asked.

"Just set it down over there." Aaron waved to the table and immediately turned his attention back to my wife. I noticed her wine was gone and she was drinking a mixed *******. She doesn't usually ******* hard ******* and gets very sexually dominant when she does. Noticing their obvious chemistry I began to wonder if I made a mistake bringing her to the party. Lost in my own thoughts, I eventually noticed that I was standing a few feet from them. Did they move away from me?

Aaron waved me over. "You mind tending the bar for a few? I'm gonna give your wife a tour of the house." She was definitely ******* and wobbling a bit. I also noticed she was holding onto Aaron's arm for support from time to time. I began to feel incredibly nervous. My plans of fucking Marta on Aaron's bed were long out the window. Now I was just hoping to make it out of the party without Aaron fucking my wife. I nervously thought back to the time I offered to make our relationship half-open. And then I thought of the time Aaron fucked Noele. My thoughts were a blur and I felt completely inadequate next to Aaron the stud.

I noticed some of the guests looking at me and talking between themselves as Aaron walked off with my wife. Of course her arms were linked through his and she was gently resting her cheek on his shoulder. Her dress barely covered her ass. As they were almost out of the room Aaron firmly grabbed her ass. Instead of slapping him or pulling away she nuzzled closer to him! He just oozed sex appeal and confidence -I knew there was no way I could compete with him. I put my head down and tended the bar, trying to think of anything else. Trying to rationalize in my head that he was just taking her on a tour of the house.

After about fifteen minutes I knew. I couldn't even bring myself to go look for them. Aaron was fucking my wife and I handed her to him on a silver platter - sexy dress and all. I kept my head down and tried to avoid looking at the other guests. I knew they were talking. I kept envisioning Aaron's massive cock sawing in and out of my wife. I imagined the pleasure she must be feeling - pleasure I could never give her. I wondered if his 10" cock would stretch her pussy out in a way that my 5" never would. Lost in my own thoughts - I eventually came to as Aaron and Marta came back into the party. Marta was beaming from ear to ear. I knew what had happened but I didn't say anything. She came over to me and I noticed she smelled strongly of sex. Her hormones must have been going crazy, she never smelled like that for me.

I went in for a kiss but she gave me her cheek and said, "Not now. I'll have a white wine and Aaron will have a bourbon." I dutifully obeyed and I turned to make their drinks. When I turned back around she was on the other side of the room talking with Aaron. I noticed she was beaming and constantly touching him and making eye contact. I walked over and sheepishly handed them their drinks.

"Thanks, boss," Aaron said.

"You're welcome, sir," I replied. Sir!? Again!? What the hell was wrong with me - I was calling him sir and I was pretty sure he just fucked my wife. Glancing around I could see the other guests snickering amongst themselves, Aaron and Marta weren't even trying to hide it! Her head lay on his shoulder as she gently played with his arms. I was sick to my stomach but I had to admit I was turned on by the visions in my mind. I stood there "talking" to them for the rest of the night but it was clear I was the third wheel. I was ignored while they touched on each other and laughed at each other's jokes. The party finally winded down and I said my humiliating goodbyes to the other guests - I was the chump that let Aaron fuck my date and then my wife and did nothing about it. Marta gave Aaron a huge hug and a cheek kiss that looked like it came a bit close to the lips.

"See you soon, buddy," Aaron said confidently as he pinched my wife's ass. My heart sank, I had hoped this might be a one-time thing but their sexual chemistry was impossible to deny. I meekly took Marta's hand and walked past the remaining guests, head bowed.

She chastised me the whole way home for not spending more time with my friend. What a great guy he is. "He's someone I'd like to see more of," she said as she bit her lower lip. The entire car smelled of sex, she was still turned on. "What a great house too, you can tell he's successful and gets what he wants." Marta went on and on about Aaron - I could barely get a word in edgewise. Despite the sinking feeling in my stomach I noticed I was rock hard. Well as hard as my almost 5" cock can get.

When we arrived home Marta led me straight into the bedroom. I thought I might get lucky enough to fuck her but those thoughts went out the window as she lifted her skirt up and ****** my head between her legs. Where did her panties go? I wondered. I didn't see her take them off. As if I needed more confirmation that she fucked Aaron, I thought. I furiously worshipped her pussy, she was sopping wet and aggressively shoving my face into her mound. She orgasmed on my face but didn't let go - she wanted more! I kept going and was becoming incredibly horny myself - as I envisioned Aaron sawing his monstrous cock into my wife, I came into my boxer briefs. Marta came shortly after - another violent orgasm on my face. When I stood up she pointed at the mess in my pants and started giggling.

I was ashamed and not turned on anymore so I went to change into clean clothes. "You'll leave those on if you know what's good for you," Marta said sternly. "A real man wouldn't make a mess in his panties like that." Humiliated and ashamed, I went to sleep in my own mess, knowing that my wife had just had the fucking of her life from another man.
The week after the party at Aaron's house Marta suggested we go out to dinner that Saturday night. I agreed and made reservations at a nice restaurant. I spent the morning worshipping between her legs and the afternoon cleaning the house and doing chores while she took my credit card and went to the spa for a mani/pedi and a blowout. Marta came back around 5 and I noticed she had some shopping bags with her.

"What's in the bag?" I asked.

"None of your business," Marta said with a devilish grin. "You'll have to wait and see."

She went upstairs to get ready and I finished cleaning the house. Marta delegated most of the household chores to me so it was usual for me to spend my weekends cleaning up around the house while she went to the spa or out with her girlfriends. Marta came down an hour later and I was blown away. She looked stunning. She had on an incredible red dress that barely covered her tits and ass. I thought the dress she wore last week was revealing but this dress put that one to shame.

I had tried putting last week's events out of my mind but the memory came flooding back when I saw her in her dress. To be honest I hadn't done a very good job of putting the events out of my mind. I even masturbated a couple times to the vision of Aaron's cock pumping into my wife. I was pretty sure Aaron had worn a condom because I hadn't tasted any cum when I went down on her later that night. Marta refused to use the pill with me because I came so quickly so she had me use extra strong condoms. She hadn't let me fuck her since the party, however I spent even more time than usual between her legs. I hated to admit to myself that it turned me on to imagine my wife submitting to a dominant male - especially because she was the alpha and I the beta in our relationship.

After dinner Marta suggested we head to an upscale bar for a *******. I agreed and we headed over. She texted during most of the ride, which I thought was a little strange because she isn't one to spend time on her phone when with someone else. We arrived at the bar and I grabbed us a couple drinks and we set them on a cocktail table and chatted. Marta was still texting on her phone, and smiling a lot. Must be a fun conversation I thought.

"Who ya texting?" I asked

"Oh, nobody." She replied. She seemed startled that I asked her, like she was caught in a private moment.

I said okay and stood there drinking while she kept texting. I was getting a little bored so I excused myself to the restroom. It was a bit crowded as I made my way back to the table but I saw someone standing at our table, with his back to me. I figured it was just a harmless guy hitting on my wife and he would leave as soon as I showed up. As I walked up to the table my stomach sank. It was Aaron.

"Hey buddy," he said as he extended his hand, "we were just talking about you." Marta giggled at the comment and said, with a playful tease of her hair, "Imagine running into Aaron here!"

Aaron came back with a round of shots. "I told him to put it on your tab," Marta said, "It's the least we can do to repay him for his party last week. Oh, since you're driving we got you a lemon drop shot - we're doing tequila."

I wondered if they intentionally got me an emasculating shot but I just grinned and tried to play it off. Marta and Aaron did several more shots, on my tab of course, while I sipped light beer. Yet again I was shut out of their conversation, and I noticed they were standing closer and closer together, with their hands intertwined. Last call came as a huge relief; I was getting tired of being ignored.

"Guess I'm gonna call a cab," Aaron said.

"Don't be silly," Marta replied, "come stay with us we're right around the corner."

I froze, my worst fears racing through my mind. I stammered, "s-s-sure, I guess that would be fine."

Even though I knew exactly what was going to happen I felt powerless to stop it. I paid the tab and drove home - they both sat in the back and I was pretty sure Aaron was fingering my wife while she played with his cock. I stopped off for some beer and wine and we went into my apartment.

"Don't ******* too much or you'll get a limp dick again," Marta giggled as we walked in. Aaron laughed as well.

"Don't worry baby, I don't have that problem." He said. Damn this guy was arrogant; he was practically telling me he was going to fuck my wife in my own apartment.

"I'm sure you don't," Marta giggled as she cradled his arm and rested her head on his shoulders.

They were both pretty tipsy from the shots so I decided to catch up. I went into the kitchen and did a couple shots of tequila - when I came back to the living room they were arm in arm in the middle of the couch - I couldn't squeeze in without making it awkward so I sat in a chair on the other side of the room.

I tried making small talk but yet again found myself getting ignored so I put on a movie in the background. I grabbed another beer for myself - determined to catch up to Marta and Aaron so maybe I could join in the fun.

"You mind dimming the lights, buddy?" Aaron asked when I returned, "makes watching the movie better."

I'm sure you're interested in the movie, I thought. After all, Aaron and Marta were practically on top of each other. I dutifully dimmed the lights and resumed my seat in the chair. Marta got a blanket and put it over top of her and Aaron. It wasn't even cold,I thought, but didn't say anything. Through the darkness I could make out some movements but I wasn't sure what they were doing. After a few minutes Marta asked if I would make them a snack and a couple drinks.

"Sure," I said, although I didn't trust leaving them alone. I made some popcorn and opened a bottle of wine and when I came back in the room they were full on making out. I stood frozen in the doorway, holding the popcorn and their drinks. Aaron threw the blanket to the floor and made eye contact with me. He gave me a slight smirk and went back to making out with my wife. I remained frozen in the doorway - mesmerized by the sight and unable to turn away. Aaron raised his arms and Marta helped him take off his shirt. He threw it at my feet. He ripped the top of her dress and her cleavage popped out of the top. I couldn't help but think I had paid several hundred dollars for that dress earlier today only for another man to rip it off my wife.

As if mesmerized by Aaron's flat chest my wife slowly slid off the couch and onto her knees. In all our years of dating Marta had never given me a blowjob - she had never even put my cock into her mouth. She said it was gross and she didn't like doing it. Well that sure seemed to be a lie! She took his jeans off and began playing with his cock through his boxers. The sexual tension was electric. Aaron was becoming increasingly hard and Marta took his boxers off and threw them behind her, toward me.

She grabbed his massive shaft with both hands and began licking and teasing his knob. Slowly, she worked her way down his shaft until the entire 10 inches was down her throat while she massaged his balls.

"Mmmm, your wife is a good cocksucker," Aaron said as he smirked at me. Little does he know she's never sucked my cock, I thought.

"How would he know?" Marta popped her head up and asked, "I would only suck a real man's cock."

Aaron chuckled as Marta went back to working on his cock. I felt humiliated and ashamed and my cock crept back into itself - I was maybe at half an inch right now while my wife worshipped a full ten inches in front of me. After about 15 minutes of bobbing and gobbling Aaron's cock, Aaron lifted my wife's head off his cock. I was impressed by his stamina - what a stud Aaron was.

"Get up," He commanded Marta. She hadn't even looked at me in hours.

"You're on the couch tonight," Aaron said to me as he led my wife and her half-torn dress into the bedroom, shutting the door behind. He was going to fuck my wife in my own bed and I couldn't do anything to stop him.

I heard the door lock behind him and Marta exclaimed, "Give me that cock!" I heard a ripping sound and I knew my purchase of several hundred dollars was ruined for another man's pleasure. I hadn't really considered the logistics of this scenario, my mind was a blur, but as the pounding and screams started, and the headboard started banging against the wall, I thought of my neighbor.

Suzie Belton was a single lady in her 30s and the biggest gossip in our apartment complex. She didn't have much of a love life of her own so she got off on putting her nose into everybody else's. The walls aren't very thin in our building so my heart sank as Marta's screams got louder. Everybody in my building was soon to learn my new secret.

"Oh my god!! Yes!! OHhh Aaron!! You're so much better than my husband" She shrieked. "I've never had a cock this good, oh my god you're amazing." Her screams went on for what seemed like hours. Constantly screaming his name and comparing his cock to mine, I knew that there was no way my neighbors wouldn't know that Aaron was fucking my wife.

The humiliation and shame got so intense - I pulled my tiny cock out and started jacking off furiously. I came in seconds, a miserable drizzle all over my hands and crotch. Without thinking, I put my hands to my mouth and starting eating my cum. I scooped all the cum off my crotch and had cleaned myself up before I realized what I'd done. I had never eaten my own cum - except for a couple times when I came while going down on Marta and she made me eat it for her own amusement.

The banging on the headboard got more intense and I knew Aaron was about to cum. Marta had came several times, judging by the sounds she made. Aaron let out a guttural groan and the pounding finally stopped. I curled up on the couch and tried to fall asleep but I was woken again in another hour or so by more pounding and screaming. My night went pretty much the same - I restlessly tried to sleep but kept getting woken by the sounds of Aaron and my wife fucking like animals. I was so ashamed but had to admit I was turned on. I was curious to see where this scenario would lead.
I woke up the next morning to a text from Marta. "I'll have an iced coffee with skim milk and Aaron will have a large black coffee. Bring it to us in bed"

I guess I hadn't been dreaming after all, I thought. So I put my clothes on and headed to the store. I returned from the coffee shop and saw Suzie walking her dogs in front of our building. I had forgotten all about the noise Marta made all night! I tried to duck my head but she spotted me. She came over to me with a big grin and said,

"Can you do me a favor? Can you have your wife and her fabulous lover keep it down the next time? I could barely sleep last night. Sounds like they had a good time though." She smirked and walked off. My heart sank - there was no hiding the fact that I was a cuckold now. Everybody in my building would know. I returned with the coffee and went to the bedroom. The door was closed so I set the drinks down and knocked.

"You may come in," Marta said. "Give us our drinks and sit over there," she said, gesturing at a stool by the foot of the bed. "We need to talk."

"About what?" I asked nervously.

"You know what," Marta said. "About me finding a real man with a cock that can actually fuck me. Get naked - I want Aaron to see what you are providing me with."

I was humiliated hearing these words in front of Aaron, although I figured he already knew of my inadequacies in the bed, so I reluctantly stripped.

"No woman should have to rely on a cock like that," Aaron said. I didn't know how to respond so I just bowed my head and stood there naked.

"There are going to be some changes around here. Sweetie, why don't you start?" Marta said to Aaron. I was surprised to hear her call him such an affectionate name after just one night. Well, I guess it was two nights if you count his party. Also, what did she mean by changes? I wondered.

"First off your wife belongs to me. Her pussy is mine and I don't share." Aaron said as he glared at me with a look of contempt. "She already told me that she barely lets you fuck her as is, well that's coming to a stop completely." "In fact, I think I fucked her more times last night than you have in three years." He and Marta chuckled at his comment.

"This means I'm going to be coming over a lot more often, and I expect to be taken care of. I want the fridge stocked with my favorite beer and snacks. I also don't want my girl to have to lift a finger at home. She told me you already do most of the chores at home; well consider them all your tasks. And you better not disappoint or there will be repercussions."

"You will buy her sexy new outfits to wear for me. When you go shopping together she will make it clear that you are buying outfits for her boyfriend's pleasure. When you aren't at work your entire purpose will be serving and pleasing Marta, and as a result, myself as well. Is there anything you want to add," He asked Marta.

"Yes, honey," Marta replied. Honey! She was calling him honey already! "You will sign over your bank accounts to me," She said. "You may spend money on gifts for me but you have to ask my permission for even something as small as a cup of coffee for yourself. In fact, give me that," And she grabbed the coffee I had gotten for myself out of my hand. "Ask me for it," She commanded.

"May I please have my coffee?" I asked nervously.

"No, cuckold," she blurted. "You should have asked before you bought it. Now go pour it out and return."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing but I obeyed her commands. My mind was racing - my relationship had spiraled out of control in a matter of hours, but I felt helpless to change it. The fact that I was fully erect probably wouldn't have helped had I decided to protest.

"Look at that tiny cock," Aaron laughed as I walked back into the room. My erection had betrayed me. "I guess he knows his place, babe," Aaron said to my wife.

I hung my head sheepishly and waited for my next command.

"I hear you're a good pussy licker," Aaron said. "Get on your knees and accept your place as a cuckold."

Powerless to resist, I lowered to my knees while Marta spread her legs. Her pussy lips were engorged - I had never seen her so stretched out, even from her toys. Her pussy hair was matted with sweat - she kept her pussy hair trimmed but not too close. I was accustomed to her letting it grow.

"Nobody's fucking it anyway," She would say as she ****** me between her legs. Well now there certainly was someone fucking it, and it wasn't me. I wondered if she would shave for him, I knew she would do whatever he asked.

I started licking around her pussy lips, relieved that there was no cum. I couldn't help but think what the neighbors would say if Marta got pregnant - I knew she wouldn't use the pill so I had to hope they would continue to use condoms. As I began licking Marta's clit and inside her pussy she began thrashing wildly and firmly pressed my head into her mound. I could barely breathe but I licked and sucked as if my life depending on it. For some strange reason I wanted to prove my worth to Aaron. I wanted him to know that I could satisfy his girlfriend with my tongue. After a few minutes Marta pushed me off.

"Lay on your back," She commanded. I did as she said and she straddled my face. She had never sat on my face before - although she would have me eat her ass frequently during her periods. I wonder if Aaron would be fucking her ass on her period next week. She rode my face with wild abandon - I was worried she might break my nose but I didn't want to disappoint her and Aaron so I gave it all my might. She finally let loose with an earth-shattering orgasm and her juices ran all over my face and down my throat."

"Good boy," Aaron said as Marta slid off me. "Guess you aren't useless after all."

"Thank you sir," I replied. I wasn't even surprised I was calling him sir anymore - I simply accepted my place as inferior to Aaron.

Marta lay next to Aaron on the bed with a look of exhaustion and satisfaction. Her hand rested on his inner thigh. Nobody said anything - it was clear that I had my accepted my role as cuckold. After a few minutes, Aaron broke the silence.

"Bring me all your boxes." Aaron demanded. "Any man that permits another man to fuck his wife in his own bed doesn't deserve to wear men's underwear. You are to go buy three pair's of women's panties. They will be your underwear from now on. You will hand wash them every three days as to remind you of your place as a cuckold husband. Go now, and take pictures of you wearing each pair in the dressing room. We will let you know which pairs we approve of. And by the way, I'll be fucking your wife while you're out trying on panties." Aaron shoved me out of the room and laughed as he slammed the door in my face. I bagged up my boxers and threw them in the trash - I didn't want to disappoint.

I went to the nearest mall and into Victoria's Secret. My heart was racing - all I could think about was Aaron's massive cock impaling my wife while I was out shopping for panties. I was bright red as I walked into the store - I didn't want to be the creep that tried on underwear in Victoria's Secret. I decided to just buy three pairs of panties and try them on in the restroom and hope that Aaron wouldn't realize the difference. I picked out a conservative pair of silk panties, and got a pink, white, and black pair. I paid for the panties and headed for the restroom. Luckily there was a family restroom so I didn't have to be in a stall or risk someone walking in. I sent the pictures over to Marta's phone (I didn't have Aaron's number yet) and waited for a response.

My phone dinged with a response from a strange number. I quickly figured out that it was Aaron's phone.

"Hey cuckold, you interrupted my amazing blowjob for that? I said PANTIES not underwear. Now show me something with flowers, with lace, and a thong."

Humiliated, I head back to the store. How could I explain returning underwear already out of the box only 10 minutes after purchasing them? The girls at the store would know what I had been doing. Better than facing Aaron's wrath, I decided, so I headed back into the store. I picked out a pair of pink panties with flowers and a lace trim. I also picked out a black thong and a lace pink thong. I muttered something about getting my wife the wrong pairs and paid for the new pairs. Bright red, I rushed out of the store. I returned to the family restroom but someone was in there. I waited for a few minutes and then went in to take the new pictures.

"What took you so long?" Aaron asked. "Marta likes the thong and the pink flower panties. She says you look pretty in them. She wants you to return the other pair for a pink thong. And pick up a pink boy shorts/shirt matching combo. You have ten minutes."

My heart was racing, there was no way I could play off returning another worn item to the store, and there was no other lingerie store at the mall. Since Marta was to be in charge of my accounts I couldn't simply throw the pair out either, she would definitely know. I gritted my teeth and headed back in. I picked out the skimpiest pink thong they had. I definitely wasn't going back a fourth time. I picked out a small pink and blue boy shorts/shirt combo as well and went back to the line. After dealing with the knowing smirks and eye rolls by the staff I finally made my way to the restroom. I only had forty seconds and I wasn't able to send all the pictures in time.

"You're late," Aaron wrote back. "Luckily Marta is in a forgiving mood thanks to the incredible fucking I just gave her."

How much stamina did this guy have! I wondered. I had never seen such a stud, not even when watching porn. You should be lucky your wife is enjoying such fabulous sex, I tried telling myself.

"Marta liked the boy shorts so much she wants you to get a matching pink sweatsuit set. You may then come home."

Trembling, I went back into the store. Luckily I didn't have to return anything else. I picked out a medium sweat suit without trying it on and left the mall.

On my way home my heart sank when I realized that I left the pair of boxers I was wearing on the bedroom floor. I hoped that Aaron and Marta were too busy fucking to notice - I didn't want to start off my role as a cuckold by failing them. As I walked in the door I saw them both standing with their arms crossed. Marta held my pair of boxers and they both glared at me disapprovingly. I wondered what my punishment would be.

"You failed us."

"I'm sorry

"Well, luckily for you we have decided your punishment for you. You are to go and choose five work outfits. You may keep these outfits, obviously you are to wear panties underneath, but that will be your little secret. Just make sure to tuck your shirt in. You also may keep one casual outfit for work functions but that's it. I better not find any other clothes when you're done."

"W-what about workout clothes?" I stammered.

"Gyms are filled with strangers, so I don't see the reason to hide who you are. But I'll tell you what - since you have been pretty good so far I'll let you pick one top or bottom to keep - the other we will replace for you. Obviously you will be getting female gym shoes also, I think pink fits you nicely.

"T-top, I guess," I stammered, "Thank you sir, for letting me keep some of my clothes."

"You're welcome, cuck." Aaron replied. "You will go shopping with Marta tomorrow and fill out your wardrobe. You will also buy her a sexy outfit for tomorrow night - I'm taking her out to dinner, on your dime of course. Now put on a pair of panties and get to work - I want this place spotless when I return."

"Yes sir," I said as I bowed my head and changed into my panties. I chose the pink thong as it was the most revealing and I wanted to impress. Aaron gave my wife a long kiss as he grabbed her ass.

"See you soon babe," He said. "Get some rest."

"Bye," Marta said softly as she closed the door behind her. She sighed and leaned against the door with her eyes closed and a huge smile on her face. I was happy that she was so satisfied. I went to close the blinds before I started cleaning.

"What are you doing?" Marta demanded.

"Closing the blinds, baby," I don't want the people in the next apartment to see me wearing panties.

Marta slapped me across the face. "Don't ever call me baby again, it's mistress to you now. Only Aaron can call me baby. And why should you care? You're a cuckold now - a real man has taken ownership of your wife's pussy. Your role is to serve us, not to worry about how you are perceived in the community."

"Yes mistress," I said, my face stinging and my eyes welling up with tears.

"Besides, they probably heard my screams last night anyway. Look, Aaron and I are dating and we aren't going to hide it from people just to protect your feelings. Now get to work, I'm going to take a nap and rest up for another fabulous session of fucking."

Resigned to my fate, I bowed my head and began scrubbing the floors. My cock was again betraying me by standing at its full five inches.

"Oh and one more thing - you better not masturbate unless I say so. Aaron owns my pussy and I own your cock."

"Yes Mistress," I said.
After Aaron left I spent the day cleaning our apartment while Marta rested in bed. She occasionally called me in to lick her pussy to orgasm before kicking me out to finish my chores. After an exhausting day for me and a relaxing day for her we went to sleep. She spooned me as we slept.

When we woke up the next morning Marta said, "you like being a cuckold don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress," I replied.

"No, I mean, you really *like* this don't you?" She asked, "you know your cock has never satisfied me. Doesn't it make you feel good that the woman you love is being sexually fulfilled?"

"Yes it does, I just wish he wasn't such a jerk and I didn't have to wear panties all the time, even though they *are* comfortable," I replied. "Maybe you could find a different lover? He's so aggressive."

"You sure you want me to find someone else?" She asked, "You know Aaron told me all about Noele."

My heart sank. A few years back I had a crush on a girl Noele and spent a ton of time and money wining and dining her trying to get her into the sack. I made the mistake of taking her to a party and Aaron fucked her in front of me. Aaron and Noele began to date afterwards. But what I never told anybody is that I begged Noele to let me be her oral sex slave. I was willing to be her beta and go down on her any time, even after she got done fucking Aaron. She ignored me but she must have told Aaron. That's why he messaged me when he saw the photos of my sexy wife! He knew i wanted him to cuckold me.

The truth was I had masturbated to Aaron fucking Noele on many occasions. The size of his cock combined with his stamina and cocky attitude made girls go absolutely wild and I admit I was turned on by being inferior to such a man.

"I guess I'm okay with Aaron seeing you," I replied.

"You guess?? How many times did you cum the other night?" Marta's tone was getting aggressive and accusatory.

"Um.. 5 I think.."

"Okay, five times. You realize you can barely cum once, let alone twice for me, but when another man fucks your wife in your own bed you cum five times? Don't act like you don't want this. In fact, whether or not you do, this is the way it's going to be - you are a cuckold, which means you don't get to fuck me and Aaron and I control your cum."

"Wait.. What do you mean by 'Aaron and I control your cum?'" I nervously asked.

"I mean what I said, silly, you need both of our permission to cum, and if we find out you cum behind our backs there will be serious repercussions."

Marta slapped me across the face.

"You're lucky I didn't pick someone closer to your circle of friends to mate with," She said.

Mate with? I wondered what she meant. Marta and I had never talked about having children and we always used condoms on the rare occasions she let me sleep with her. I figured it was just a poor choice of words so I let it drop.

"Aaron's coming over tonight and I want to make sure he's happy so you have some errands to run. Call him and ask him what he would like you to have ready for him, i want my man taken care of."

Humiliated, I dialed Aaron's number. It was bad enough he was fucking my wife, I had to make sure his needs were catered to as well.

"Hey Cuck," Aaron's strong voice was unmistakable. I also thought I heard snickering in the background but I couldn't be positive.

"Um.. hi.. Aaron.. Sir. I'm calling on behalf of my wife to see if there's anything you would like in the house when you come over tonight?"

"No, cucky, you're not calling on your wife's behalf. You're calling on your own behalf. You want to me to happy so i will keep satisfying your wife in ways you never could. Keep me happy cuck, and if you do a good job I'll even let you watch tonight."

"Yes Sir.. i want you to be happy. And sir.. it.. it would be an honor to watch." I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of my mouth but I was incredibly turned on. Perhaps not being permitted to cum in a week played a role but i was willing to do whatever Aaron and Marta said.

"You know I fucked your wife twice at my party while you served my guests drinks at the bar? After the first time she begged me not to go so soon and sucked me back hard again. She even told me that she'd never even put your dick in her mouth, that she only sucked real dicks. She told me how pitiful you are in bed. And this was all within an hour of meeting her." Aaron laughed deeply through the receiver. I turned bright red.

"Anyway, pick up a couple bottles of nice wine, we will order dinner when I get there. Well, Marta and I will, you'll have PB & J," and he hung up.

I stood there shell-shocked as Marta turned the corner. My tiny boner gave me away through my pink panties.

"Mmm, it looks like someone's looking forward to tonight, better not cum," Marta said as she grabbed my dick and kissed me on the cheek. "I can't wait for a real dick tonight," She whispered in my ear before slapping my ass on the way out the door.

I headed off to the store and returned an hour later with the items Aaron demanded. I was grateful i had a good job because this relationship was getting expensive. I thought Marta would be happy I was taking care of her lover but as soon as I walked through the door she slapped me across the face.

"How could you forget our arrangement?" Marta asked. "I control the finances now, and you just spent hundreds of dollars without consulting me. This is going to cost you."

"B-but.. I was spending the money for you and Aaron to have a good time," I whimpered.

"It's not your money to spend, it's mine. This is gonna cost you. Bring me your gym shorts," Marta demanded.

Having already chosen a male shirt over shorts for the gym I happily brought the light blue boy shorts I was given as my gym outfit. Marta grabbed them from my hands and handed me a pair of gray female shorts with PINK written in huge letters on the ass. They were size medium, smaller than my regular size.

"W-what's this?" I stammered.

"These are your gym shorts for the next week. And I expect you to work out everyday, if you are to be my cuckold it's important you stay in shape. I don't want people thinking I have a lazy cuckold.

People thinking? i wondered.. How far was Marta willing to take this. I decided to ask.

"What do you mean people thinking about you having a cuckold? You mean you would tell people?"

"Awww, poor sweetie. All my friends and most of yours already know how bad you are at sex. I'm not going to sneak around when I already have your permission to see Aaron. Plus, our town isn't that big anyway and your neighbors already know. You're lucky it says PINK, not CUCK on them. Now, strip down to your panties, Aaron's almost here."

"Yes Mistress," I muttered, my checks bright red.

The doorbell rang and I opened it. Aaron brushed right past me into the waiting arms of my wife. She embraced him and they made out while he grabbed her ass. After several minutes, including his finger finding it's way into her vagina, they broke off the embrace. I had stood silently with my head bowed the entire time.

"Change of plans," Aaron announced. "it's just gonna be me and Marta tonight. You better find a hotel, and fast. You have 3 minutes to leave."

Shell-shocked I grabbed some clothes and headed out the door to a hotel. I had a fitful night's rest as I kept thinking about Aaron degrading my wife. The visions kept intensifying and the next thing I knew I was cuming into the pink panties that had become my new wardrobe. Shame washed over me but was quickly replaced by an intensified lust as I imagined Aaron's huge cock sawing into my wife time after time. I came a total of three times and went to sleep laying in my own cum, dreaming of my wife getting fucked. But I had forgotten that they hadn't given me permission to cum...

I wasn't sure when I was allowed back in my own home so I headed over around 7am to grab a cup of coffee and wait outside. About 8:15 I got a text from Aaron.

"Hope we didn't disturb your neighbors too bad. Your wife's a wild one. Get back here you have work to do."

I hurried back and entered the apartment. Aaron was sitting naked on our couch. His soft cock was significantly bigger than my fully erect penis.

"Your wife's waiting for you in the bedroom. Bring her to orgasm and it better be good or there will be consequences."

I eagerly obeyed. I love going down on my wife and raced into the room. I dove in between her legs, ready to get to work. She yanked my hair and pulled me off of her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Bringing you pleasure Mistress," I panted, and tried to get back between her legs.

"Before you clean me off? What kind of cuck are you? Aaron was nice enough to leave his cum for you to clean up and you better get every last drop."

I looked up and Marta's chest, tits, and neck were covered in cum. I was so eager to lick her pussy I didn't realize. I got straight to work, sucking and licking every drop, hoping to prove my worth. When I was finished I raised my head, hoping to be allowed to taste her pussy.

"Good boy," She said.. "Now clean up Aaron's cum from my pussy."

I dove in headfirst like a frenzied ******* and began licking furiously. After a little while I heard Aaron's laugh fill the room.

"Guess he does really like the taste of my cum," He taunted, "too bad I didn't cum in your wife... yet. I'm saving that for if you're really good.

if I'm really good? I wondered. As humiliating as it was I had to admit I was turned on by the notion of him cumming in my wife, a privilege I had never enjoyed. After Marta was properly cleaned I dove in and started devouring her pussy. I felt a hand on the back of my head.

"That's right, pussy boy," Aaron said as he held my head down, "prove your worth."

I licked and sucked as ferociously as I could. Why did I so badly want to impress the guy that was fucking my wife I wondered. Marta's hips started bucking and she came in waves all over my face. Marta pushed me off of her when she was finished.

"Guess he's good for something after all," Aaron chuckled. "Now strip to your panties, pussy boy."

"Yes sir," I said. Suddenly, I felt a pang of fear. I came in these panties three times last night without their permission, I thought, I hope they don't notice the stains.

"What the hell is this?" Marta asked, "Did you cum in your panties without our permission?"

Aaron and Marta stood with their arms crossed, almost like scolding parents. I turned bright red.

"Uh.. um.. yes Mistress. I'm sorry. Please forgive me," I stuttered.

Marta slapped me across the face and I fell to my knees.

"You naughty boy!! Go in the other room while we discuss your punishment," Marta ordered.

I sheepishly walked into the other room wearing nothing but my cum-stained panties. After about 5 minutes Marta and Aaron emerged from the bedroom. I nervously looked up to find out what my punishment was to be.

"We decided to go easy on you and we are just watch a movie," Marta said, "But next time there will be serious consequences."

"Yes, Mistress," I obediently replied.

"I've got a better idea, why don't we make a movie for the cuck first?" Aaron interjected.

"Oooh I like that," Marta said, "He's never seen us fuck, let's show him how turned on a real man gets me."

I sat with my head bowed, not wanting to step outside of my place.

"Let's tie him up and put on a show for him," Aaron said.

Marta grabbed my wrists and flung me down in a chair. Aaron tied my wrists behind the chair. I couldn't move. I would've protested but my boner was betraying me. Would tonight be the night I finally got to see my sexy wife fucked in front of me?

Aaron and Marta stood in front of me making out, Aaron's crotch almost directly in my face. I was wondering where they were going to fuck and hoped i would have a good vantage point. As he grabbed my wife's tit with one hand, Aaron firmly pressed down on the top of her head with the other. Wordlessly, my wife dropped to her knees.

She undid Aaron's pants and his enormous tool almost smacked me in the face. She did things I had never seen her do before (well, they all were new to me since she had never sucked my cock.) She rubbed his balls as she worked her way up to taking all ten inches of Aaron's enormous cock. When she finally had his entire tool all the way down her throat Aaron began swaying in rhythm, aggressively fucking my wife's face. She slurped and moaned as he kept thrusting in and out. Aaron taunted me mercilessly as my wife sucked on his dick - calling me out on my tiny penis and letting my know how good of a cocksucker my wife is - a pleasure I had never gotten to experience.

After what seemed like an eternity, Aaron groaned and pulled away from my wife. He aimed his dick straight at my face and glob after glob of cum landed my cheeks, my forehead, and my hair. As cum ran down my face Aaron said,"Now how about that movie?" Marta laughed.

I remained tied to the chair while Aaron snuggled with my wife. During the movie my face got progressively stickier and uncomfortable but I didn't say anything for fear of retribution. The movie finished and Aaron and Marta got up to go into our bedroom.

"This is your punishment for cumming without our permission. You are to remain tied up and covered in Aaron's cum until nighttime, at which point you may wash up before sleeping on the couch again while I fuck your wife in your bed. Consider yourself lucky, next time we won't be as gentle." Aaron said as the door shut behind him.

This is gentle? I thought to myself as I squirmed in the chair, my face sticky. I immediately heard the sounds of clothes being undone and Marta begging for Aaron's cock.

"Fuck me Aaron!! Oh my God.. I'll do anything for your cock! It's so amazing."

I felt humiliated, Marta had never even come close to talking dirty like that for me and she was begging for my rival's cock while I sat tied up in the other room. The noise in the bedroom finally subsided and I sat restlessly, wondering they were talking, cuddling, or sleeping. Eventually I drifted off to sleep, only to be awoken a few hours later.

"Come here, cuck." Aaron's voice boomed from the bedroom.

"I- I'm still tied up sir," I replied.

"Go get him, honey," Aaron said to Marta. I couldn't believe he was calling my wife such an affectionate name but it was clear they were falling fast for each other, at my expense. Marta untied me and I obediently walked into the bedroom.

"Marta and I decided we're going to have a party at my house this weekend and you're going to cater it and clean up for it. Here's a list of things you will need to prepare. You will have to take Friday and maybe Thursday off work to get my house ready. If you agree I will let you wash your face and sleep on the couch listening to me fucking your wife. Do you agree?"

"Yes, sir, I agree. I will make sure your guests have a good time."

As I walked toward the bathroom I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. I had already been cuckolded twice by Aaron at a party, what was going to be in store for me the third time? I tried to put it out of my mind as I went to sleep to the sounds of giggling, slurping, and slapping.
Ever since Aaron fucked her at a party at his house, he had been seeing my wife Marta almost exclusively. He frequently slept over (I moved to the couch), and he would fuck my wife all night long. After humiliating me by cumming all over my face, Aaron informed me I was to cater and bartend a party at his house that Friday night. The last two parties I went to with Aaron he managed to fuck my date, and then my wife, completely humiliating me in the process. When I brought up my concerns about being humiliated even further in a small town Aaron sat me down for a talk.

"Your wife and I have decided to see each other exclusively and there's no point in trying to sneak around. Your wife isn't leaving you, I don't want anything to do with supporting her emotionally, financially, or with chores around the house. That's your job. I'm here to fuck her brains out an I'm not going to sneak around. If we want to go out to eat together on your dime then that's what we're gonna do. Everybody knows I've already cuckolded you twice and besides, you know you like it."

Embarrassed, I had to admit my boner was betraying me.

"You are to call in to work and spend Friday getting my house ready for the party. Here is a list of food, *******, and party supplies. Make sure you have everything by Friday morning. You have a lot of cooking and setting up to do."

"Yes, sir."

The day of the party came. As instructed I set up everything up wearing just my panties. I hadn't cum in over a week and was incredibly horny. Aaron had slept over every night this week, fucking my wife in our bed. Marta and Aaron came over around 4:30. Here's your outfit for tonight - khakis and a polo shirt.

"Give me your panties," Marta demanded.

"But I don't have any other underwear," I replied.

"No underwear for you tonight, just khakis," Marta replied.

I was glad I was allowed to wear men's clothes and I hurriedly changed into my outfit. I was instructed to tend the bar and make sure the food was ready on time so I knew I would be busy. I hoped Marta and Aaron wouldn't be too brazen with their affections, after all my life had become humiliating enough without having my wife publicly shame me with another man.

The guests started arriving and I said hello. I recognized a few of them from previous parties.

Great, I thought, they definitely know I'm a cuckold.

I gritted my teeth and said my hellos. To my relief Marta spent her time about evenly between me and Aaron and wasn't overly affectionate with him. I knew it was only a matter of time until the drinks started flowing and I hoped they wouldn't embarrass me tonight. I knew I wasn't going to be fucking my wife but I hoped they would wait to have sex until the guests left at least.

After the last of the food was prepared I left the kitchen to mingle with guests. Marta and Aaron were sitting on the couch together, deep in conversation with two other couples. Marta's hand rested on Aaron's thigh, her wedding ring sparkled in the light. I sat on the arm of the couch and tried integrating myself into the conversation but nobody paid me much mind. Aaron had me fetch him and Marta a fresh round of drinks, then he sent me off to freshen up the other couples' drinks as well. When I returned, Marta had snuggled in closer and Aaron's arm was around my wife.

I sat there awkwardly trying to join the conversation as the affection between Marta and Aaron grew. The sexual tension was thick and I was starting to feel nervous. Aaron and Marta finished their drinks and Aaron got up to use the bathroom.

"Meet us outside, naughty boy," Marta whispered in my ear. She squeezed my cock and giggled as she headed off to the bathroom too.

Not sure what she had in mind but feeling incredibly horny, I headed outside. I hoped that I would be allowed to cum, it had been over a week and I was bursting with sexual frustration. Meanwhile, my wife was getting laid multiple times a day. After a few minutes Aaron and Marta came outside, holding hands. I looked toward the house and it didn't seem like anyone else was coming. I felt a little relieved but also nervous about what they had in mind.

The three of us stood about 15 feet from the door, making small talk amongst ourselves. Aaron and Marta were getting pretty affectionate. During a break in the conversation, Aaron grabbed my wife by the hips and began making out with her. She kissed him back and he began fondling her breasts. I stood there awkwardly, hoping the guests would stay inside. It was bad enough to watch my wife behave like a total slut for another man, I didn't need the entire party knowing about it.

After a few minutes of making out Aaron pressed down on the top of my wife's head. As Marta sank to her knees she looked up at Aaron with a look of total submission and arousal. Marta unzipped Aaron's pants and his huge cock sprang out. It was about twice as long and twice as thick as my cock. No wonder my wife had chosen him over me, I couldn't blame her. I had to admit my breath was ragged and I was rock hard as Marta started sucking on Aaron's dick.

After a couple minutes, Marta reached out with her right hand to hold my hand. I gladly reciprocated and held my wife's hand while she furiously sucked on my rival's cock, her wedding ring glistening in the darkness as her hand was wrapped around his shaft. I was rock hard and found myself moaning with excitement. All 4.5 inches of my rock hard cock, holding ten days of cum, was pressed against the fabric of my khakis.

Aaron began moaning and thrusting faster as he firmly held my wife's head, rocking back and forth as he fucked her face. Aaron let out a groan and began summing in my wife's face, as she eagerly lapped up every drop he gave her. After he finished cumming he zipped up and walked back into the house without a glance in my direction. Marta and I were still holding hands. I was raging hard - it was really hot to watch my wife suck his dick. By wordlessly holding her hand while she sucked Aaron's dick I knew I had given my approval of her relationship with Aaron. More than approval, hell I let her know I wanted it too. I even squeezed her hand extra tight when Aaron started humming in her mouth.

Marta got up and looked at me with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Did you like watching Aaron cum in my mouth?" She asked. "Do you like watching your wife be a total slut for another man?" She whispered in my ear as she started playing with my already hard cock. Marta leaned in for a kiss and gently started forsing Aaron's cum into my mouth as she played with my cock. I eagerly accepted Aaron's cum into my mouth and savored every drop. Marta's tongue swirled Aaron's cum around my mouth while she played with my cock through my panties. I was so turned on and caught up in the moment that I couldn't help myself - I let out a meek groan and started cumming in my pants. Burst after burst of ten days' worth of cum flooded through my pants until the front of my khakis were completely soaked.

My arousal was replaced with total horror. My pants were soaking wet with my own cum and I had just eagerly slurped down the cum of the man that had completely cuckolded and humiliated me. Marta looked at my pants and started giggling uncontrollably.

"See you inside cucky boy."

I was humiliated. My sexy wife walked back inside, her sexy ass swaying as she walked. I nervously paced around the yard for several minutes. One one hand, I didn't want to walk back into the party with a huge stain on my pants. But on the other hand I didn't want to leave my wife alone with Aaron in front of the other party guests. I decided to go in and quickly look for some cover, like standing behind the bar.

To my relief as I walked in the party had thinned out considerably. Aaron and Marta and two other couples were all that were left. I made a beeline to stand behind the bar, hoping nobody would see the huge stain on my pants. Aaron and Marta were sitting on the couch together while I stood awkwardly behind the bar, fifteen feet away.

"Come here," Aaron said.

"Um, what do you want?" I replied. Hoping he wouldn't make me walk over.

"i said get over here, cuckold."

"Yes, sir." I reluctantly muttered. Humiliated, I walked over to where he and my wife were holding hands in front of his friends.

"Looks like the cuckold likes what he saw," Aaron loudly boasted to his friends. Everyone shared a laugh while I turned bright red.

"It's a step up from the panties we usually have him in." Everyone laughed again while I stood there humiliated.

"You have some work to do, cuck. I want you to make sure everyone's ******* is freshened up then you can start cleaning. I want this place spotless."

"Yes, sir," I muttered.

I fixed everyone a ******* and it was really humiliating to hand a stranger a ******* with a large cumstain on my pants while my wife was holding hands and making out with another man. Once everyone's drinks were full I went into the kitchen and started cleaning. I couldn't hear the conversation they were having but I made out a few statements.

"It's so nice to have a real cock," I heard my wife say. "My husband belongs as a cuckold. He accepts his role as an inferior man to Aaron."

I finished cleaning and headed back. I froze in the doorway as I heard telling everyone about Noele.

"i knew he was a cuckold when i was fucking Noele. He spent thousands of dollars on her and never got close to fucking her. He would take her out to dinner and then she would come over and I would fuck her after. Once I saw a picture of Marta I knew I could take it to the next level. Who wants to fuck a tiny cock with no stamina?"

"Not me!" Marta exclaimed and she playfully tugged on Aaron's cock before going in for a passionate kiss.

Once again, everyone laughed as I sheepishly made my way into the room.

"Since you did such a good job with the party I'll let you watch as I fuck your wife tonight. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Aaron said.

"Um, okay," I mumbled as I looked to the ground.

"You didn't sound very excited. Ask me for the privilege. Say 'please sir will you fuck my wife in front of me.'"

"Please, sir, will you fuck my wife in front of me?" I mumbled.

The other guests chuckled amongst themselves. I sat with my head bowed, hoping the shame would subside.

"You have one more chance, cuck, or you'll spend the night outside. Beg me to fuck your wife in front of you."

"Please, Aaron. I want you to fuck my wife. You are a superior man to me and she deserves someone huge and with stamina like you can provide her. I can't satisfy her with my cock and she deserves to be fulfilled by someone like you. Please fuck her and let me watch. I would be so grateful Aaron."

"That's better," He replied. "We're going to have to establish some ground rules first. If we take the next step of bringing you into the bedroom you have to accept your role. You will never fuck your wife again, I don't share. Do you accept that?"

"Yes, sir," I replied.

"Good. Now you have already given your wife control over your finances. And I have control over your wife, so in a way I am controlling your finances too. We also control your cum, you can only cum when we say. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, sir, you control my cum," I replied.

"As a matter of fact you didn't thank us for letting you cum earlier."

I am supposed to thank you for completely humiliating me? I thought to myself. Nevertheless, I gritted my teeth and thanked them for letting me cum.

"One more thing," Aaron said, "If we let you in the bedroom that means no more condoms. Do you understand?"

"But Marta's not on the pill," I replied.

"That's right," Aaron said, "And if she is lucky enough to carry my baby then you will raise it as your own. Do you understand?"

"But, you said you didn't want to have *******," I said to Marta.

"Aww, sweetie. It's nothing personal but I didn't want to have your *******. You're a beta male and I didn't want your useless stuff swimming inside me. Aaron is different - he is a powerful man with an amazing cock and my womb is aching for his baby. It's a biological reaction, there's nothing you can do about it. Wouldn't you rather raise a superior man's baby?"

As if I wasn't humiliated enough already tonight i now had to sit and listen as my wife announced to a group of strangers that she wanted to carry another man's baby. Strangers might not be the right word, we live in a small town and it was only a matter of time before the gossip spread. The other couples got up to leave, chuckling to themselves at my predicament. After the last couple left, I followed Aaron and Marta into the bedroom.

Aaron and Marta instantly ripped their clothes off and were at it like horny teenagers. I didn't know where to go so I stood meekly in the corner while Aaron ravaged my wife. He penetrated her within seconds and began thrusting back and forth violently. The smell of sex filled the room and Marta moaned as Aaron thrust deep inside of her. It was an amazing sight to see Aaron's rock hard 9" dick pounding away inside my wife. I could never last more than a few thrusts and Aaron was jackhammering away for what felt like hours. Marta was moaning in ******* as wave after wave of orgasm washed over her. I was fully erect and could barely breathe, I was so aroused by what I was witnessing. Aaron began to speed up his thrusts and I knew he was close to cumming.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Don't stop," Marta moaned. "I love your cock Aaron, deeper, faster, harder!"

Marta was in complete ******* and I was incredibly turned on too. This was the moment I realized I was meant to be a cuckold. Aaron was providing Marta with something I couldn't - and she needed it. I felt lucky to be included by them. Aaron began rocking even faster and his body began stiffen.

"Don't pull out! OH my god! Don't pull out baby, give me your seed, give me a baby!" Marta chanted breathlessly. "Cum inside me! YEESSS!! Oh my God fill me baby."

Aaron stiffened and began pumping his cum into my wife. She moaned in ******* as he filled her with his cum. After a few moments he pulled off my wife and went to clean up. Marta beckoned me over, her wedding ring shining brightly. I obediently took my place between her knees and Marta firmly pushed down on the back of my head, directing me to clean up her cum-filled pussy. I could feel her wedding ring pressed against the back of my head as I eagerly lapped up Aaron's cum. After I swallowed every drop and gave Marta two more orgasms she pushed my head away. Aaron had me sleep on the floor of his bedroom while he fucked my wife several times that night, only waking me up to clean his cum out of her pussy. I knew it was only a matter of time before she became pregnant...