Submissive feminist

Very much so; her submissive side is just one facet. An important one that needs attention, but doesn't prclude her from being a strong woman at all😊

this is sort of on topic I think. You decide. If I’m way off base tell me and this gets deleted.

I was reading a news article about a serial killer a few years ago (this is terrible but I’m coming to the point).
After he was caught, some witnesses were revealed in some way.

One was a female psychologist. She reported to police that the man had posted personals in bdsm sources.
This psychologist either answered an ad and was thankful she wasn’t murdered, or
she didn’t answer an ad and was thankful she stayed away from the guy.

The point, for feminism vs submissive: here was an educated, professional woman, in healthcare,
and she was looking for submissive sex with bondage and discipline.
That’s fascinating and proves your point.