subhub's little of everything

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well there are some on here that post one pic on several different threads...…...nothing more than a "like collector"......I post anywhere from 20-40 pics at one it is not the likes I am after....but the vids kind of a pain in the ass...wait for them to load...sometimes after I wait...they don't load because to big......sometimes if someone else is doing something the vid will come up blank and have to reload......anyway I didn't really mind it....but hell when I click on and scroll down....and maybe one coment out of 6 or 7 vids.....time to take another look

I totally get where you are coming from. I only have posted our original material, and yes its frustrating when no one seems to appreciate what you do. You post a good mix of stuff. Alot of which I never seen before. I'm loving it.
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