Still no success

Lol how would you know? You're a single white male, you can't verify to see what goes down in the verified threads for one, and there are little to no members trying to connect with you, for another.

There are plenty of threads about which members are meeting each other with pics and videos to prove it - they're just all in the verified section.
Bullshit! Our friend above isn’t an isolated case
Location on your profile will help quite a bit.
I just added that but every time it’s something more i gotta do. They told me to get verified. I did that. They told me to add more content. Im doing that. Now u saying add my location. If i have to make this a fb account just tell me that lol
I just added that but every time it’s something more i gotta do. They told me to get verified. I did that. They told me to add more content. Im doing that. Now u saying add my location. If i have to make this a fb account just tell me that lol
The more effort you put in, the better your chances. That goes for here, FetLife, tinder, whatever you're using.
Bullshit! Our friend above isn’t an isolated case
That doesn't change the fact that you have zero concept or idea of what goes on in a place you have no access to lol
Another thing, I wouldn’t trust anyone on here with a gold member stat either, totally unnecessary.
They give it out for free to active, verified members so this is yet another dumbass thing to say 🙄
How about u be my personal coach
But for real, you've only been here since last month and verified less than a week - how quick of a turnaround are you expecting?

Are you active and engaging in the threads? Have you made a personal ad? Do you have media on your profile and a bio that outlines your objective? Are you sending messages to active women and couples in your area that have expressed they're looking to meet?

The fact of online dating/hook up's/whatever is that the lion's share of the work falls to the man. Women can make a post wanting to fuck with no pics, no profile, no nothing and still get dozens of thirsty dudes. Men have to play the game. If you're stuck on what to do with your profile, check out the verified threads and see which men always have a woman in their beds - what do they do differently than what you've been doing?

And last but not least, location location location. You can have the best profile and best game around but if you live in an area that doesn't have an online population here, it won't matter.
Pimpin' ain't easy,
Never said it was lol. I got a pump
But for real, you've only been here since last month and verified less than a week - how quick of a turnaround are you expecting?

Are you active and engaging in the threads? Have you made a personal ad? Do you have media on your profile and a bio that outlines your objective? Are you sending messages to active women and couples in your area that have expressed they're looking to meet?

The fact of online dating/hook up's/whatever is that the lion's share of the work falls to the man. Women can make a post wanting to fuck with no pics, no profile, no nothing and still get dozens of thirsty dudes. Men have to play the game. If you're stuck on what to do with your profile, check out the verified threads and see which men always have a woman in their beds - what do they do differently than what you've been doing?

And last but not least, location location location. You can have the best profile and best game around but if you live in an area that doesn't have an online population here, it won't matter.
a lot of good points. Im not really willing to go that far. Im a straight man and i see a lot of bisexual activities. The bisexual guys seems to be what everyone is looking for
Never said it was lol. I got a pump

a lot of good points. Im not really willing to go that far. Im a straight man and i see a lot of bisexual activities. The bisexual guys seems to be what everyone is looking for
I could not disagree more, the bisexual ******* is all in the general threads. Verified players don't really get down like that.

But you've answered your own inquiry if you're not willing to put out the effort, you can't really expect pussy to just fall into your lap lol
I just added that but every time it’s something more i gotta do. They told me to get verified. I did that. They told me to add more content. Im doing that. Now u saying add my location. If i have to make this a fb account just tell me that lol
Personally you didn’t have to do any of that, but if you don’t put in work or seek no one is going to come to you. No matter what site you are using. With the amount of penis already here you won’t ever stand out. Just my two cents!

p.s : bi-sexual activity is literally on every hook up site. Doesn’t mean you have to be part of it…
But for real, you've only been here since last month and verified less than a week - how quick of a turnaround are you expecting?

Are you active and engaging in the threads? Have you made a personal ad? Do you have media on your profile and a bio that outlines your objective? Are you sending messages to active women and couples in your area that have expressed they're looking to meet?

The fact of online dating/hook up's/whatever is that the lion's share of the work falls to the man. Women can make a post wanting to fuck with no pics, no profile, no nothing and still get dozens of thirsty dudes. Men have to play the game. If you're stuck on what to do with your profile, check out the verified threads and see which men always have a woman in their beds - what do they do differently than what you've been doing?

And last but not least, location location location. You can have the best profile and best game around but if you live in an area that doesn't have an online population here, it won't matter.
Agreed...location is nearly everything on here. Not in all cases, but I would imagine that the people having the best luck are in higher populated areas. Numbers game
Lol how would you know? You're a single white male, you can't verify to see what goes down in the verified threads for one, and there are little to no members trying to connect with you, for another.

There are plenty of threads about which members are meeting each other with pics and videos to prove it - they're just all in the verified section.
Not all....
Well I'll say it again. Almost to a T the people that complain they cant meet anyone or don't get any responses have no media. What am I or anyone else going to look at? See what your about? All I see is your complaint. So you want to have some more success? Sell it. Put up some media and be creative. Get engaged. You're sitting in the corner of the bar and complaining that no one will come to you and talk it up. Well make it happen! I just met my second lovely gentleman from here this past weekend and it was amazing. So yes it happens but it also didn't just happen by a random toss at a blank wall. I noticed his replies and his media in some threads. He sent me a message and I immediately went to his media page/profile. Liked what I saw and off we chatted. Ripplex007 we know nothing about you. Nothing. Where you're from, what you're looking for. What you look like. etc...