Speaking in Public?

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Real Person
So as much of a fan of white women that I am, I don't know how to approach one that catches my interest. In the area I live, black guys are sorta the majority of those guilty of causing drama, so I feel as if that puts off some women. Either that or they were raised to dislike men of color. I carry myself differently from most; I wear clothing related to gaming and comics. Most I've gotten that's considered friendly was a "nice shirt" and such. I smile and keep walking. But can't seem to do the same. I don't like to bother people in public and I don't see myself as attractive so I make up for it with personality.

So I ask, how do I start up a conversation without making it seem like I just want a fling? I feel as if I'm one of the few men that don't see a woman as an object where I get my pleasure and move on. I was raised to respect any and everyone unless they give a reason to dislike them. Which is why I don't hold grudges and avoid drama.

If you ask me, the whole "I have a boyfriend" thing may not always be the case. I think it's just a way to get me to go away and not bother them. Some of them actually are in relationships. Or at least I'd assume so. Other times, the attractive ones are walking around with a guy I assume they're dating. The good ones are always taken it seems. Haha.

Even online is a challenge. Dating sites abd apps have been a dry spell. I've tried them all. Tinder, POF, MeetMe, and many others. I message them describing myself, my goals, ask them of their hobbies, just plain respect. Most I get is a read message, profile visit, then no reply. I accept it as a "I'm not interested" and move on. Am I doing something wrong?
Bro, I feel your concerns. I too can attest to the stonewallings and nonsensical excuses one gets when approaching a female of the adjacent race.

In fact, during my time in college, it became apparent that white boys put the least efforts and scored more despite looks and other intervening factors. I was that cat that never wore a pair of jeans or sneakers throughout my higher education days. Always on stestsons, Frye, Kenneth Cole and the occasional express, occasional Versace (the belt only) and my Jo ghosts (shoes). I had a style, a look a lot of white guys and girls secretely died for. you could spot me in a midst of a multitude. Hair was always cut especially later when I started loosing them. Had a white lab partner once call me "adorable like Wayne Brady" (that's back when that fool was waxing white asses on the daily) even though I was on the lighter side of the spectrum. I smelled and look good. I was known as the kid from London even though I was from Staines or rather all over. I was cool with the conversations, had a good control of the English lexicon, intricately laid it out as occasions called for. Unique pick up lines and all which for the most part I didn't need if I was a white boy. Smdfh

HOWEVER, LORD BE MY WITHINESS, THE STIGMA OF BEING WITH A BLACK GUY RUNS DEEP. So deep it makes my black dick blush prior to penetrating these prejudice white hoes, thatS one heck of a turn on to fuck a bitch that hates down deep and under. All my fellas, can i get a witness?!

I could mostly score but boy, the effort I laid down to get there, in the words of the one and only Sir WILL FARRELL, "its like FISHING WITH DYNAMITE". "It's not even fair". To score a top tier chick is almost not existant. You settled with the third and fourth rates white chicks as the best you could do.

Matters were even worse as Sistas paid no mind to exquisitely but outsidely cultured bruthaz like us. They were more into the 7 foot basket ball cats and penguin walking hustlers who had there sweat pants waistly anchored to their knees.

An exception where the mixed, Latin, exoctic and the Oreo chicks who were out and dying for the ugliest white boys in the game, just for his skin colour and potential inheritances; Thats if it ever went beyond kisses in hall ways. (Lord be my witness, oh boy, don't I have a story to tell?)

I "dated" this oreo chick called Dianna. Came to her senses when her white boyfriend dumped her under the pretenses that his parents won't approve. Just an ethnomasacistic holla back who did everything and anything to be in that circle of white chicks who particularly didn't fully accept her. All her roommates Where whites. Whether it comes to being at the base of the cheerleading pyramid or being the one that drove everyone white around as she was one of the fortunate few that drove at that time, she was down and submissive. Long story short, after her breakup, I waltzed in with a target in mind, I was a man on a mission....a sniper but without the golden gun as it took too little to no effort to earn my ******* and barely ever on a short burst, one meat per slug was my mantra. I bounced off like she was the plague afterwards. I won't lie, she invited and took me to "white weddings, barmitsfas, lighting ceremonies, ******* that white girls never was kind enough to take me to....understandably in concerns that their grannies might die of heart attack at the first thought that a brutha might have been seeding a member of their desendant.

Just to give you an idea of the coal country we refuged at, I remember when Mike tomlin was appointed coach of the Steelers. Everyone and their mothers thought the hinterlands of the steel city was going to erupt out of fury and anger against poor Mike. That's how fucked up it was out there.

Anyway, socially concient mafukas like me always up the ante when the going gets hard. We were in the sea of folks who were outside of that American mainstream upbringings. International students was the silver bullet. And I sniped, poked and scored like I was suppose to. In fact I met my wife who's of the fartest East at the dining hall in college. Got my food and stepped up to her and her friends table for a friendly breakfast chart, 3 great ******* later the rest is still history in the making.

The moral here is to make lemonade when life gives you lemon. Orange juice would be nice but lemon and sugar it ok too. My cousin left for FDA job in Nebraska....inspecting meat plants, knowing we are a cut of the same cloth, and he poked white chicks like he's supposed to. A 6.8 height mafuka. I brought him back to earth by letting him know it's still a conservative society out there. But I told him to pay more attention to the outsidely cultured white chicks. That's what I call the part of least resistance. Little did I know it was a Spanish Harlem out there by the biggest meat plant in the country. Picked up a chick at a Wal-Mart just days in town. He's fucking and seeding Latin chicks like his life depended on it. That's the monster I created. My wife do really think I am the worst big brother ever. What can I say.

I am currently in talks on dating and hookup app with multiple white chicks, success is discouraging but prudence and persistence always carry me thru. (More success there than at b2w, better believe that. I score at OKC, tinder and casualx just in the month of January alone). I have my go to lines that I hit them with. All saved and cataloged in my note pad app. All I have to do is modify them base on each conversations. They always comeback with accolades, telling me how I have set myself apart and ahead of the park. But that don't always translate to a meet or a fuck even after I send them some pic. Mind you, I am 175 pounds of something buffed, muscular, slick and smoother than your girl's ass. They just want to enjoy my intellectual charts with them. My slick ways and my style. Anyway, I am exploring hooking up with couples, that's my next face of exploration. Cucking in concourse with sadomasochism. Specifically SM2. (You have to be a student of Sigmund Freud to know what that is)

I say to all you all and men of caliber and alike, stick to your game, don't change who you are but be aware of your social and cultural norms. Reinvent yourself where neccesary. Travel a bit. Trust me, I know bruthaz poking like today was tomorrow down in Europe and all. Keep your head up. Study the game and keep trying new *******. AND SHARE YOUR TECHNIQUES AND ADVICE. What will be, will be.
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On the profile hits with no reply or even a like back. I mitigate that by lastly adding to my ice breaker message "sorry but I am afraid you aren't my type is a better response than the silent treatment." A few ladies do hit me up to express as much, sometimes opting to be friends instead. That's their way of turning me down. And I was smart to give them a way to gracefully accomplish that. Whats note worthy here is that you got to give them a way out. At least for your own sake, that lets them know it's not an ultimatum. It makes you look smooth and mature. The feedbacks also lets you know if you are doing something wrong and need to tweak it a bit.
Have you thought about confiding in a female friend?
Also, what do you seek? A long term girlfriend a FWB, one night stand or just sex?
How about setting your sights differently, try paying compliments to older lady (I would say that wouldn't I lol)
Be polite respectful smile offer to carry a ladies shopping to her car, can I help you with that Maam,
You'll soon know if she's enjoying the attention X
I commented on a post a little bit ago that was not the same but had some similarities, I said basically if anyone at all were to approach me they best have respect, kindness, and to not have a big ego cause ain’t nobody got time for that ******* lol
I was alone in a restaurant last week, eating lunch in the bar area and looking at my phone. I’d noticed the black gentleman sitting next to me but I didn’t speak to him. After about 20 minutes he says to me “what would we be doing without our cell phones?” I told him I’d be pretending to like the golf that was on the tv. We chatted for about half an hour. He was a gentleman, down to earth, never tried to impress me and was just genuine. If I were currently looking, I’d have introduced myself and offered my number.

My point is to just be yourself. Look for normal, everyday situations. It sounds like you’re already doing it, but just keep at it. You’ll become more confident and at ease and I’m sure it will eventually work out for you.

Happy hunting!
Some very fine points in this thread! Helps my confidence more
Anyway I can help...i will be at your service. Not unlike a wingman. Now go out this weekend with a pep to your strides. You've got what it takes.

Ps. Delete that dick pic you posted. It's a double edge sword. Like a good metador, A gentleman don't need to lead with his sword drawn. No girl wants to find out that the gentleman that hit her up last weekend at the club is on here flashing his one eyed monster. Leave some things to the imagination. Only send such pics on private messages. Leave that to the freaks, you ain't one of them.

I will be "shellacked" for this. (Shellack). Remember who drove that into the today's newfound lexicon. President number 44. Now make some white ladies panties wet just like he did from the podiums. Peace and love.
I don't see the relationship between my pictures on this site and me meeting someone in person when my area is the most rare location on here. IF they find me on this website and they're into it, more power to me. If not, plenty more fish in the sea
I used a great brutha man that still lives among us as a motivation. Mufuka took that potent cali kush, and that pure columbian nose shot straight up and standing. No one heard about it until be said so in his own words. Haven't you heard of people loosing favors for what they posted on the social media? I am on OKC with 3 hoes setup for the weekend rendezvous. I didn't get their living by the sword...the one eyed monster so to speak. Game recognises game..you don't have to preach or pontificate your worthiness with dick pic. Just like a good HOE never ask or tells you wats up...cos she knows you suppose to know your routine. In that interchange, Game recognised game. Anyway, it's about self esteem. Just like thrilly the pornstar is on here doing his thing. He's allowed to cos he's one of the freaks. He doesn't have to be a gentleman to score. But you....boy think think think. Church!
Online dating is a challenge for everyone. Way too many flakes wanting to waste your time. The rest of life you simply need to be yourself, not be afraid to engage women in conversation, be funny, etc., but don't assume that a woman's smile means she wants you in bed. If a woman likes you in a romantic way, she will in her own way let you know. So pay attention.
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