Shave pussy or hairy?

Nope......Prefer Women to be natural adult Women......not have a pussy like a little girl.
There are so many ways to see if a woman is an adult or not: hips, boobs, etc.

Personally, I have never thought a woman had a pussy that looked like a little girl's one because it was bare. No, it's just a shaved adult pussy. I love to see the skin, I love to see the lips, I love to have a good, clear and unobstructed view of her pussy, without having all that hair in the way. And oral sex is much more pleasant when it's smooth down below.

Unfortunately for me, my wife's lover wants her to be hairy and that's how she keeps it. Personally, I think it looks way better and feels way better if she would shave that big bush away, but for me as a cuck it's not up to me to decide on it! She knows I don't like it, but frankly, my preference on how she keeps her pubic hair is the least relevant. What her lover wants is the most important and if she has no issues with keeping it the way he prefers it, she should let him decide! I'll accept it anyhow she keeps it, and I think it's great and empowering that she lets her lover decide this, not me.

If your wife's Bull requests her to shave it bare and she would do that, you might not like it as you think it makes her look like a little girl, but is there really any alternative other than accepting it? Sometimes Bulls make decisions/requests we don't like, and that is their right.
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