Question for couples


Gold Member
When wanting to hook up with a male, do you guys expect the male to travel to your home, every time, or on the first visit without exchanging emails, contact information, and only after a few days of communication. I ask because recently I contacted a couple and after initial pleasantries, ( the first two emails), they told me, I would need to come to their home, no meeting in public no nothing just. My wife only feels comfortable meeting at home. I told them I wouldn't do that on the first meet safely concerns, they actually got upset, like it is unreasonable for me to be concerned for my safety? So am I being to paranoid or was this a good move on my part.
When wanting to hook up with a male, do you guys expect the male to travel to your home, every time, or on the first visit without exchanging emails, contact information, and only after a few days of communication. I ask because recently I contacted a couple and after initial pleasantries, ( the first two emails), they told me, I would need to come to their home, no meeting in public no nothing just. My wife only feels comfortable meeting at home. I told them I wouldn't do that on the first meet safely concerns, they actually got upset, like it is unreasonable for me to be concerned for my safety? So am I being to paranoid or was this a good move on my part.
I’d say good call. No telling what would’ve happened… especially since you didn’t know them that well. Be safe out there! I Also need a bull so feel free to dm
I’d say good call. No telling what would’ve happened… especially since you didn’t know them that well. Be safe out there! I Also need a bull so feel free to dm
I am not gay nor bi, nothing wrong with that, but for me, got to have a cookie jar, honey pot and boobs there.
When wanting to hook up with a male, do you guys expect the male to travel to your home, every time, or on the first visit without exchanging emails, contact information, and only after a few days of communication. I ask because recently I contacted a couple and after initial pleasantries, ( the first two emails), they told me, I would need to come to their home, no meeting in public no nothing just. My wife only feels comfortable meeting at home. I told them I wouldn't do that on the first meet safely concerns, they actually got upset, like it is unreasonable for me to be concerned for my safety? So am I being to paranoid or was this a good move on my part.
Most defintely a good move- smartest move you can make really. We do not meet intiially unless it is public (may be as quiet as a park or loud crowded grocery store cafe...) and its also known that its a meet n greeet only for the 1st time (unless there is an unbeievable chesitry between the 2 of them) but play time would be a separate meeitng. We do not expect the guy to drive all the way either we prefer to pick a place in the middle to us both.
Most defintely a good move- smartest move you can make really. We do not meet intiially unless it is public (may be as quiet as a park or loud crowded grocery store cafe...) and its also known that its a meet n greeet only for the 1st time (unless there is an unbeievable chesitry between the 2 of them) but play time would be a separate meeitng. We do not expect the guy to drive all the way either we prefer to pick a place in the middle to us both.
That's what I think, a bar or restaurant is the safest option, it can be just three friends getting together no one needs to know why.
That is the issue. I personally never meet at home for the other reason- my saftey. And I never meet alone. There are plenty of other ways to go about this other than they demand that you come to thier home. Have a meet at a hotel in a nearby town. They check in and give you the room number. Boom done.
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Called 24 hours a day kept coming around uninvited. Was told she wasn’t interested he wouldn’t go away. Had to file a complaint with the cops. They talked to him and told him to stop harassing her. Since then we don’t invite people to our house unless we know them.
Called 24 hours a day kept coming around uninvited. Was told she wasn’t interested he wouldn’t go away. Had to file a complaint with the cops. They talked to him and told him to stop harassing her. Since then we don’t invite people to our house unless we know them.
Wow, that's scary, sorry that happened to you guys
As the stag husband of a hotwife, I never thought about that side of the coin. When I was single I had been the third for couples and almost always went to their home.
We invite the bbc here, we have only intentions and him fucking her, no drama allowed!
Personally, I would think nothing of going to someone else's home. But that's just me!
My wife feels more comfortable in our home, and seeing she is a woman I get why she could be cautious,,she is a woman!
I can handle myself just fine, besides, who wants trouble and drama?
Keep in mind that woman is the one who should feel comfortable, us men are the protectors so if I was you I wouldn't worry about a thing.
Just my 2 cents
As the stag husband of a hotwife, I never thought about that side of the coin. When I was single I had been the third for couples and almost always went to their home.
We invite the bbc here, we have only intentions and him fucking her, no drama allowed!
Personally, I would think nothing of going to someone else's home. But that's just me!
My wife feels more comfortable in our home, and seeing she is a woman I get why she could be cautious,,she is a woman!
I can handle myself just fine, besides, who wants trouble and drama?
Keep in mind that woman is the one who should feel comfortable, us men are the protectors so if I was you I wouldn't worry about a thing.
Just my 2 cents
So it's okay to put the man in a potentially dangerous situation because the wife feels safe at home. You are right you never thought about it, because you don't care.
So it's okay to put the man in a potentially dangerous situation because the wife feels safe at home. You are right you never thought about it, because you don't care.
I did think about it to be truthful. But I also said I wouldn't be scared to go to someone's home. That's just me, I am not timid, I can handle myself quite well if things go sideways.
On the other hand, don't you think it's safer to go to their home? If they had bad intentions like you obviously fear, they wouldn't do anything in their own home. They would do it where there are no ties to them.
Plus, the fact they are trusting you with knowing where they live.
When wanting to hook up with a male, do you guys expect the male to travel to your home, every time, or on the first visit without exchanging emails, contact information, and only after a few days of communication. I ask because recently I contacted a couple and after initial pleasantries, ( the first two emails), they told me, I would need to come to their home, no meeting in public no nothing just. My wife only feels comfortable meeting at home. I told them I wouldn't do that on the first meet safely concerns, they actually got upset, like it is unreasonable for me to be concerned for my safety? So am I being to paranoid or was this a good move on my part.
You were totally reasonable. I don’t have meets at my home for the same reason. I prefer a hotel for everybody we peace of mind. I have playmates travel to my location and it’s always a hotel adventure. It has to be comfortable for all involved to be great.