in no way do i support NAZI or white supremacist movements of any kind...
though i do support the continued positive use of the SWASTIKA from a multitude of cultures. this is my wife again.. in INDIA .
that was a graphic from a show on nazi experimentation... that has continued on into modern times... no disrespect meant...
in no way do i support NAZI or white supremacist movements of any kind...
though i do support the continued positive use of the SWASTIKA from a multitude of cultures. this is my wife again.. in INDIA .
that was a graphic from a show on nazi experimentation... that has continued on into modern times... no disrespect meant...
But the history is to heavy to throw those type of pictures
Stupid. You used the Nazi Swastika,
THE NAZIS APPROPRIATED IT FROM HINDU MYSTICISM. it is an ancient symbol of protection... and is used going in both directions by the THAI, NEPALI, HINDU, CHINESE, TIBETAN, AND NAVAJO.

The earliest known use of the swastika symbol—an equilateral cross with arms bent to the right at 90° angles—was discovered carved on a 15,000-year-old ivory figurine of a bird made from mammoth tusk. The ancient engraving is hypothesized to have been used for fertility and health purposes, the pattern similar to one that is found naturally occurring on the mammoth—an ******* that has been regarded as a symbol of fertility.

Gentle Swastika: Reclaiming the Innocence


ManWoman says "To hell with Hitler!" in this chronicle of the swastika's long and positive history. Using over 400 rare and unique photos of swastikas in ancient and traditional folk art, graphic design, jewelry, architecture, and even Jewish art, visionary Pop artist ManWoman shows the playful ways the swastika was used before World War II -- especially in America, where it was the homegrown lucky sign of native peoples. ManWoman's goal is to begin a change of thought that will return the swastika back to its rightful place


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You mention Operation paperclip. Its a Nazi Swastika you used.
YES. and NO... in the context of the photo montage... which represents symbolically... the NAZI presence in our daily lives. that it must be recognized and weeded out.
BUT YOU MUST REMEMBER.... THE NAZIS STOLE THAT SYMBOL. they appropriated it. do you understand this ?5b2c475e4488b30009278cb8-thumb-640.jpg

Hi there. Took me a while to digest all that I was seeing here. The vibe I get from this photoset is something along the lines of mystical, tribal, avant-garde, dystopic, and hedonistic with a zombie apocalypse (cuz of the shotgun) BDSM/ black metal streak. Did I get it right? Not sure why an image of Juan Diego and the Virgin of Guadalupe is in there. (controversy or signaling some Mexican roots?)

As for the swastika thing, yes I too have read about it used in other cultures just as you described here. Unfortunately, you can lay the blame squarely on the failed Third Reich and it's use that has been forever seared into our minds as being associated with tyranny and evil. Just like the inverted cross, pentagram, and Baphomet are linked to the Satanic. It inspires immediate revulsion.

On the flip side, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't mind seeing more pics or artwork of your very sexy wife.