Oh Fuck I'm CUMMMMING: Amateur only!

I have told her that I’d love to watch her fuck a black man like a whore. She has screaming orgasms when we talk about those bull fantasies, but says she might not actually do them. At least not around town or with anyone we know. I have a few friends that could be regular bulls for her and I’d be fine with both of us fucking her or just letting them go at it sometime.

I have no problem in bed an fuck her very well. She has great orgasms with me. I’d just like to watch her be a whore sometimes, take some pics and video. I’ve done it before with a former gf and it was incredible. I’m sure my wife would love it and want to do it often, which I would fine with, and proud of
Take her to a motel out of town for a weekend! She will do it then!
She has given you the conditions.
You are a lucky man!
Good luck, please keep us informed!
All these pics of white girls having cumming on black dick are examples of why white boys need to think long and hard before allowing their wives/girlfriends to have sex with black men. Real men. Alpha to the core. Your girl cannot take back that experience/feeling, nor will she want to. You will have to live within the new reality that, while she may still love you, she is no longer yours. Not in a way that counts the most. In the bed. Between the sheets.
[QUOTE = "StevieGirl, Beitrag: 2651853, Mitglied: 239582"]
All diese Bilder von weißen Mädchen, die auf schwarzen Schwanz abspritzen, sind Beispiele dafür, warum weiße Jungen lange und gründlich nachdenken müssen, bevor sie ihren Frauen / Freundinnen erlauben, Sex mit schwarzen Männern zu haben. Echte Männer. Alpha bis ins Mark. Dein Mädchen kann diese Erfahrung / dieses Gefühl nicht zurücknehmen und wird es auch nicht wollen. Du musst in der neuen Realität leben, dass sie dich zwar immer noch liebt, aber nicht länger deine ist. Nicht in einer Weise, die am meisten zählt. Im Bett. Zwischen den Laken.

Meine Frau hat bisher nur an zwei schwarzen Schwänzen gesaugt und ist schon begeistert von der Kraft und der Dimension des BBcuck. Als Mann sollte man sich genau überlegen, ob man mit dieser Situation zurechtkommt. Ich glaube auch, dass es so gut wie kein Zurück gibt.
This has become my hubbies new obsession, I think the black guy loves showing my married white pussy off with his black cock in me. He even turns the light on in the back ground so that we stand out more. I have had a man whip out his cock and jack off while watching and the guy fucking me waved him in and let him have a turn .