Oh Fuck I'm CUMMMMING: Amateur only!

always wonders what "motivates" women smile
like running a marathon. gruelling, possible chronic knee, back damage. 99% of it is sheer misery and will power. yet both men and women do it. accomplishing a 5k is easy and fun, but its not always about comfort and fun.

Watcha gonna do! Watcha gonna do! When a Big Black Cock Runs Wild All Over Your Wife's/Gf's pussy and Asshole?
like running a marathon. gruelling, possible chronic knee, back damage. 99% of it is sheer misery and will power. yet both men and women do it. accomplishing a 5k is easy and fun, but its not always about comfort and fun.
Dustin Hoffman ....little big man ....endeavor to persevere ....
well it was your idea anyway .....you know she loves it ....and shes been bitchy lately ....
suffering orgasmic drought does make us bitchy. even worse is being aroused but not cumming, that gives us headaches. . . . the whole development of vibrators and dildos to treat 'feminine hysteria' , . . the spectrum of headaches, frigidity, and bitchiness. . frigidity used to be common topic back when - , but in the past fed decades we have become more independent/proactive in experiencing arousal and orgasm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biology Tidbit: neurologically -arousal leading towards orgasm is termed distress . as the voltages across the neuronal cell membranes grow , the neurons progress through ascending stages of distress - - reaching ''crisis''. crisis aka orgasm, the nervous system going haywire. then a refractory state and recovery. . . . i just thnk its funny that neurologically its called 'distress' and 'crisis'. arousal and orgasm. - - - - - in french feminine orgasm is 'la petite mort'. sorry , i just get a kick out of words sometimes.
For: Raeanne. Could this be a certain someone enjoying her first BBC?

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'enjoying'. enjoying suffering. :) - - - from what i know her beaus have all been foppish milquetoast aristocrats, pretty-boys and/or aging sugar daddies. . . . surrendering to a tall strong bona fide African mega-stallion would be a full spectrum shock to her system. . . . <guilty smile> it leaves me tingly and shallow breathed to imagine. . . . . . . thank you LBc