No Escaping Your Desires: Amateur only!

The most important thing in a successful relationship is to hear what isn't being said! It seems that your husband had not only sensed your promiscuous, multi-orgasmic nature, but he was more than willing to help you fulfil your destiny as a slut, a dream you’d been probably nurturing ever since you were a horny young. You see, the dream of all men is to meet little sluts who look innocent but behind their virtuous persona, they are ready for all forms of sexual depravity! :threesome:
That definitely became true, my hubs experiences with his previous marriages had taught him an important life lesson, in his mind any women given the proper circumstances would cheat, whether they immediately felt it was a mistake once the urge that drove them was gone (often a common scenario), or they eventually saw that it cost them too much, but just like when the judge instructs the jury to ignore something, that never works,,,hell, even if I tell you something simple like “whatever you do, don’t think of the color blue”,,,try as hard as you can, but one way or another, it’ll keep popping back into your heard, just like when your spouse promises it’ll never happen again,,,that was what you expected before you were lied to, and look what happened, so how can someone believe you after they already felt that way before you showed them how easily all that could change and suddenly have no meaning. Each time his marriages went down the tubes he paid attention to the cause, making adjustments each time, eventually coming to the conclusion it didn’t really matter, it’s just human nature, the only thing he couldn’t tolerate was deception,,,and for some reason, even with cards on the table, there’s still always the possibility,,,in the end, all the cheater can say is “I’m sorry”,,,that’s such a cliche it no longer has any meaning. All my hub‘s experiences have made him to adapt an adage of his own creation (see below), and he swears he’ll never stop believing that it’s the only thing 100% true when it comes to relationships! Every time someone cheats they invariably claim the same thing, first “I’m sorry”, followed by I made a mistake, can’t you forgive one mistake”? That’s when you know it can’t be reconciled,,,they’re lying to you and maybe even to themselves, so how can it be fixed,,,it wasn’t a mistake, regardless of what they claim, the only mistake they made was somewhere in the details that eventually got them caught,,,what happened was a decision, and if you spouse doesn’t start out admitting that, you’re done, period,,,there’s no fixing that. When my hub was 12 he lied to his mom and got exposed, she saw it as a learning moment and sat him down and told him the worse people in the world to be ****** to live with are liars. If your in jail and one of you cell mates is a murderer, you have to watch your back, if one is a thief, you have to watch your stuff,,,but if he’s a liar you never know what to expect, you’ll spend your whole life expecting the unexpected! I myself have done something stupid, not necessarily bad, just stupid, and on the spur of the moment I lied about it, and as my hub left the room I’d catch him looking over his shoulder at me. He knew I was lying the minute my mouth opened,,,in an instant I made the decision to take something we’d laugh about and make it into something that deserved the silent treatment for a few days, then things would return to normal. Unfortunately that’s never the end of it, oh sure it may be the cessation of hostilities, but it also means that folder in the back of his mind got just that much fuller. It’s a shame somebody couldn’t tell us this crap when we’re young, but it really doesn’t matter, we wouldn’t pay attention, something as stupid and inconsequential as “did you use my razor”? No! Comes the look,,,when I just could’ve said “yeah, I used your fuck’n razor, get over it“,,,and he’d have laughed at my feistiness,,,instead I chose to lie and created mistrust,,,cause like most people, my go to is to lie, it’s almost automatic. We all believe our loved ones might leave us (and that is a possibility), if we answer truthfully, but if something else is more important to them than whatever you’ve done,,,you’re in self destruct mode and aren’t even aware of it. I’m 62, have spent more time with my husband than any other person on the planet, and I still fuck up almost on a weekly basis, I honestly have no idea how he can lift his head that folder must be so full after almost 40 years, but his patience seems to have prevailed, that along with his tolerance and love,,,in the grand scheme of thing, most people aren’t as lucky as I am,,,and I know it!

Heres what my hub swears by,,,that nothing can change in his mind!

”When it comes to a woman, the only thing you can be a 100% sure of,,,is the fact that you can never be a 100% sure,,,that you can take to the bank”!!!
We are all on this site, women and men because we all have one goal and that is to submit to Black Cock. We have realised that Black Men can provide us with a pleasure which is impossible to resist and we are constantly thinking of BBC and the sexual satisfaction we could achieve by taking a Black fucking from these dominant studs. It's amazing and wonderful to find so many on here are already Black owned and to realise that there are probably thousands more all hoping to become Black Cock Sluts. :blackheart: :lips::sex:🔥:blackheart: