My Girl need a BBC!

Actually not fake, we are on a few sites, it is just as easy to swap kik, and/or phone numbers on here and communicate that way, rather then pay, go through the verification process, and deal with the meassaging system on here. Like I said, we met a few pretty cool guy's on here, had fun, no worries. But ol boy in these posts had my girls kik and phone number, talked with her, and she didn't like him being so pushy, rude, etc. Simple as that. If you can deal with that, just move on, no need to get upset.
Actually not fake, we are on a few sites, it is just as easy to swap kik, and/or phone numbers on here and communicate that way, rather then pay, go through the verification process, and deal with the meassaging system on here. Like I said, we met a few pretty cool guy's on here, had fun, no worries. But ol boy in these posts had my girls kik and phone number, talked with her, and she didn't like him being so pushy, rude, etc. Simple as that. If you can deal with that, just move on, no need to get upset.
but....verification is free?
This is the thing, it is her body, so respect the fact that she didn't feel comfortable with you alone, and then you acting like a pansy and saying I could be there, as long as I was far away, I mean what kind of man says that lol, a damn insecure one that's who lol. So don't come at us like that, just move along and find someone else. And the whole BLM, ease up on that ******* with me, I am a black man, she is a white woman, so being on a site looking to have sex with white women and saying that is dumb as hell bro, like I can't think of much dumber ******* you could have said tbh lol. But yeah, piece, have a blessed day etc etc.
if you're Black then whose hand is spreading your girl's cheeks like this?

Did you not read my message thoroughly? I said rather then pay, OR go through the verification process. Like I said, we have connected with a few really good guy's on here, exchanged information and met up. If you don't want to, then move on, find someone else, it is pretty simple lol. He had her kik, and her phone number, but she just didn't like the fact that he was pushy and rude, pretty sure that is a Woman's right, or do you disagree with that?
I know. That's how real he claims to be 🤦🏿‍♂️. Down of these white folks... no offense to the ones who respect... They must think we all wear our pants down our knees I guess. Put some Respect on MY BLACKNESS 🙌.
They aren't real. I can bet $100 on it!
Naw, you just seem to be ignorant is all. And when you have to cry all that nonsense, I feel bad for you.
Naw, you just seem to be ignorant is all. And when you have to cry all that nonsense, I feel bad for you.
You mad because you got rejected. You had her kik and phone number, so you talked to her on her own phone lol. If you thought she was fake, after talking to her on her kik and own phone number, that is on you, nobody else.
Did you not read my message thoroughly? I said rather then pay, OR go through the verification process. Like I said, we have connected with a few really good guy's on here, exchanged information and met up. If you don't want to, then move on, find someone else, it is pretty simple lol. He had her kik, and her phone number, but she just didn't like the fact that he was pushy and rude, pretty sure that is a Woman's right, or do you disagree with that?
read your message again. you didn't say "or" LOL
Holy crap man, let me explain this to you, this is what I said...
Actually not fake, we are on a few sites, it is just as easy to swap kik, and/or phone numbers on here and communicate that way, rather then pay, go through the verification process, and deal with the meassaging system on here.
You see the comma after the word pay? That means OR lol.
Like rather then pay, OR go through the verification process. If you are gonna try and call me out, at least be right lol.
that's not a "light skinned" hand unless your name is Shaun King
HAHAHAHAHA, that is actually pretty funny, but yeah, still just light skinned. Got some Italian and Irish in my bloodlines, so sue me lol. Still packing, not like some of the fellas on here lol, but pretty well off, and ran a 4.4 forty back in the day, knees are not what they were anymore. But regardless, who cares I guess?
Holy crap man, let me explain this to you, this is what I said...
Actually not fake, we are on a few sites, it is just as easy to swap kik, and/or phone numbers on here and communicate that way, rather then pay, go through the verification process, and deal with the meassaging system on here.
You see the comma after the word pay? That means OR lol.
Like rather then pay, OR go through the verification process. If you are gonna try and call me out, at least be right lol.

commas do not mean "or". commas mean "in addition to". nice try though.
First off, don't come back a few hours later with your stupid quick google lookup of how a comma is used lol. You keep embarrassing yourself. There are many instances of how commas are used. And I explained to you how mine was used, in the sentence I wrote. As in my case, the comma was used to seperate items, which I did. The comma is used as a tool to indicate to readers a certain separation of words, phrases, or ideas. So go regroup, hit me up in a few more hours with some more nonsense if you want. Or just go live your life and stop messaging me. No idea why you felt the need to message me again anyway. Remember, you said I'm fake and not worth the time, so why don't you heed your own advice, and stop messaging me.
First off, don't come back a few hours later with your stupid quick google lookup of how a comma is used lol. You keep embarrassing yourself. There are many instances of how commas are used. And I explained to you how mine was used, in the sentence I wrote. As in my case, the comma was used to seperate items, which I did. The comma is used as a tool to indicate to readers a certain separation of words, phrases, or ideas. So go regroup, hit me up in a few more hours with some more nonsense if you want. Or just go live your life and stop messaging me. No idea why you felt the need to message me again anyway. Remember, you said I'm fake and not worth the time, so why don't you heed your own advice, and stop messaging me.
sorry I'm not on here 24/7 to respond right away kid. and I didn't have to Google to know correct grammar. I use it everyday in my work life.

Sorry I pointed out all the facts and flaws of your statements. Keep pretending to be who you want to be. This is online right?

FYI, I never said you were "fake and not worth the time". It's funny you keep putting words in people's mouths and lying about your own words.

And if you wanna talk about [googling a response hours later]: "The comma is used as a tool to indicate to readers a certain separation of words, phrases, or ideas. " Come on better.
You again? And all you showed me was how ignorant you are. I just showed you the proper use of a comma, and how there are many many different uses for them. And yes, what I said is exactly what I meant in terms of how that is one set of rules to use a comma. I then told you to stop messaging me, but you still feel the need to message me. You apparently don't use them everyday, or you would have understood my use of it lol. And kid, come on now, I'm 45.
And I never lied or put words in your mouth whatsoever. You simple agreed with that other chuckle head about saying getting verified was free. Which implies you don't think we are real, hence, your comment.