Milfs vs Teens

Who is best?

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Among us consenting adults it is assumed that term "teen" obviously mean someone 18 years of age or older regardless that in some states the age of consent is 16.

Young ladies just don't know their bodies all that well like a milf does.

Have you ever seen those YouTube videos where they ask high school girls is 5 inches enough? Most of them say "no" and I'm like "how the hell do you know what a 5" inch penis is, another inch and you are looking at the size of most men's penis on the planet"! Or the videos where they ask women does size matter? Surprisingly most of them say yes! I guess that's why the number 2 reason for divorce is sex! 🤷‍♂️
If the choices were truly that binary, then MILFs.

Thank goodness it's not that way for real. It depends on the overall sexuality of the female. I admit it's rare that an 18-20 year old has the body, personality, sensuousness and attitude to turn up my heat -- but it HAS been done. Overwhelmingly, it's older women - 30s-50s - that are the hottest. But like all exceptions that prove the rule, when a "teen" makes the grade - DAMN are they irresistible!!