Leah leighton

That was hot..have to look for more of her stuff

Very cute...loved her creamy white skin...sucked really well...love anal
like i said, it is pretty rare for me to look at porn outside of this site but i have watched this numerous times. It seems realistic for a staged scene. I can relate to the submissiveness and love how she goes for it even though pregnant.Glad some people have liked it. I may watch it again today as it is supposed to be rainy all day.
like i said, it is pretty rare for me to look at porn outside of this site but i have watched this numerous times. It seems realistic for a staged scene. I can relate to the submissiveness and love how she goes for it even though pregnant.Glad some people have liked it. I may watch it again today as it is supposed to be rainy all day.
Per your question of whether the scene is hot or in poor taste I'd say there's no reason it can't be both. My wife once asked why guys like pregnancy porn. She asked while pregnant with our last baby and she wondered why I thought she was so hot being pregnant. She was also concerned with the concept of possibly degrading the baby etc. My opinion was that as long as a mom doesn't do anything to actually endanger the baby, she should have the same right to enjoy herself as non-pregnant women. She should be free to do as she pleases. With regards to ******* later finding out, it is a tough one but I'd rather a kid find out his mom enjoys sex than to create the false image that women aren't interested in sex. The latter creates creeps, perverts, and men that genuinely disrespect women. If boys are raised thinking their moms don't enjoy sex, they think of women who do as sluts and as less than human or deserving of respect.
I, for one, love that video. Very hot the way they rub her belly while they fuck her. One can only hope there really is a little black baby inside. Agreed, it's one of the better clips with a little bit of plot compared to most of the nonsense out there.
