Ladies: How Many Black Men have you had sex with?

does Fuck Mattress know who the Black Daddy is? Or was the Black Daddy a random, Black stranger to the Fuck Mattress?
It doesn't matter because I hope she makes her boyfriend to a real cuckoldslave and he has to be the *******. Like in church - pregnant without sex! 😉😂😂
hmmm I don't know how many there were. My nickname is Fuck Mattress:lips:
Wenn du meine Freundin wärst wüsstest du es ganz genau, denn ich würde jedes Abenteuer stichpunktartig dokumentieren und fortlaufend abheften sodass man sich noch lange Zeit danach beim durchblättern erinnern und erfreuen kann. Je mehr Details umso besser...Treffpunkt, Ort, Grösse, Outfit,cockfoto 😜