Ladies do you actually wear QoS clothes in public?

Most of the QoS wear I have is underwear so technically yes I do wear it in public lol.
That also applies to us. Also, we found some temporary tats and she has one that she wears behind her left ear when we are in certain moods and locations. Her hair covers the 'tat' until she wants to show it, then she just brushes her hair to the side. Works very well.
That also applies to us. Also, we found some temporary tats and she has one that she wears behind her left ear when we are in certain moods and locations. Her hair covers the 'tat' until she wants to show it, then she just brushes her hair to the side. Works very well.
I did a henna tattoo of a spade on the back of my neck when in Hawaii once with the same kind of option of being hidden with my hair down but able to show when I wanted to.