Just got this

… bracelet from Amazon.
Gonna wear it out and see what happens.
I’m so nervous ☺️
When I see a woman across the room the first thing I notice is how beautiful she is whether she with someone or not. After that the most obvious place for a man to look is that ring finger to confirm that she is married. For verything else I would have to move close in order to check a woman out and likely give myself away which is not exactly smart because everyone is not in the lifestyle.

The biggest advertisement that a woman in the lifestyle can give to show potential bulls that she is on the market for some bbc is what's in her ears. Large sp♠️de shaped earrings is the easiest way other than obvious clothing but we are all trying to be discreet.

Here are some examples of earnings that if they were sp♠️de shaped and in a woman's ears regardless if she was with her husband I will make a play to introduce myself or send *******!😉

Notice how no matter what these women are wearing their earrings are poppin and eye catching. If they were spades the right men would be very observant!


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