
I just don't know why they are calling it "National Independence Day". I mean we already have July 4th, which is a national holiday know as "Independence Day" to celebrate separation from Great Britain. So why not "National Emancipation Day" or "National Freedom Day" to celebrate freedom for all Americans? I mean, it just sounds kind of confusing, and I think a better name could have been used.
Personally we are all for it. I really don't understand why some people are so against it. Remove president day or another meaninglessness holiday and add it if it is a issue of off another paid day off.. which is what the two from Al that voted against it listed..
Would love to hear more from you, and curious what part of AL youre from...
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I would like to definitely thank Ms. Opal Lee for spreading the word about Juneteenth! So many blessings go out to her and her family who started the process getting a petition made and having over 1 and a half million people to sign it! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Simply amazing and so proud of her!!
It is a great holiday because it celebrates a major step in spreading the universalist principles of the American Revolution. Just don't confuse it with other holidays.
It's the day the Republicans freed the slaves from the ugly democrats who fought so hard to keep slavery alive, and their slaves... I am glad the Republicans won because the Democrats were so ugly and corrupt back then... and today they're even more corrupt and the most racist party in human history/ and yes that's including the nazi's... that's how bad the democrats are now. Horrible. Too bad though... people are too blind to see the truth... Juneteenth is fine... the name... but black people really should be thankful for the republican party to stop all that democrat-party nonsense... Truth is Truth... people afraid to say it... but, it's truth. #GodBless America #WalkAwayCampaign