Interracial vacation

Asking beta hubbie shouldn't be required for Wives to get whateva they desire! From the start, white boys should be pussy whipped but gettin lil to no pussy!

Also, like girls manipulating hubbies to believe they have power. Great when she turns the table! Him realizing everything was not how he believed! Previous life was opposite of his new 1 as a cuckold! Also, been oblivious, allows her vacas without him! Create a story of lies! Woven tightly together into an impenetrable web he can't find a hole in! If any flaws, or he dares ask questions, she'll unleash her inner Bitch & put him in his place!

Icing on the cake would be girls taking vaca at times when their hubbies are at low points! Alone & wallowing in pity, they'll jerk a lot to IR! Enough of that, break down, submit, & become cuckolds!
