Have you tried to quit your urge and thoughts for BBC…but ended up failing? what were the little things that triggered you?
i tried to do the nofap thing. And avoid IR porn..
Basically denying that i love black cock..
i was good for a month until somthing soo minor made me relapse!
I was watching a movie with some friends called ‘half baked’ its a comedy movie. If you haven't seen it, One of the main characters were wrongfully convicted and had to go to jail lol.
he was begging the other characters to bail him out immediately, or else….
there was this big buff black prisoner who kept harassing him, basically wanting his booty lol.
he would look at him from far…and give him these rapey looks.. and would lick his lips.
the viewers would normally laugh, feel creeped out, or feel sorry for the character…
not with me though! My friends didn't know My dick twitched and i was secretly getting horny as fuck!
Through out the rest of the movie, i would doze off into space and day dream about what i would do if i was in that position. If he looked at me like that, i would wink and lick my lips too.. he looked soo fucking hot in the shower scene too! I would definitely let him hit it, and being his bitch with no problem!
I couldnt wait to go home and jerk off…
Then next thing u know, im sexting with black guys online..trying to arrange meet ups.
Im such a addict for black cock!
What about you, share your story lol
i tried to do the nofap thing. And avoid IR porn..
Basically denying that i love black cock..
i was good for a month until somthing soo minor made me relapse!
I was watching a movie with some friends called ‘half baked’ its a comedy movie. If you haven't seen it, One of the main characters were wrongfully convicted and had to go to jail lol.
he was begging the other characters to bail him out immediately, or else….
there was this big buff black prisoner who kept harassing him, basically wanting his booty lol.
he would look at him from far…and give him these rapey looks.. and would lick his lips.
the viewers would normally laugh, feel creeped out, or feel sorry for the character…
not with me though! My friends didn't know My dick twitched and i was secretly getting horny as fuck!
Through out the rest of the movie, i would doze off into space and day dream about what i would do if i was in that position. If he looked at me like that, i would wink and lick my lips too.. he looked soo fucking hot in the shower scene too! I would definitely let him hit it, and being his bitch with no problem!
I couldnt wait to go home and jerk off…
Then next thing u know, im sexting with black guys online..trying to arrange meet ups.
Im such a addict for black cock!
What about you, share your story lol