Got mistaken


I am on vacation and last night I was out with my friends and after getting my fair share of free drinks I started really going after this one guy. He was big, muscular and of course black. He had a friend who was just as good looking so I figured a threesome was a real possibility. I took them both back to my room after grabbing two six packs. We got real ******* and they fucked me for a few hours before we all *******. I woke up and they were gone, so I went to the bathroom and on my way back to bed I noticed they left money on the nightstand. Turns out they thought I was a *******, even worse is that they didn't leave that much money. WTF!
I am on vacation and last night I was out with my friends and after getting my fair share of free drinks I started really going after this one guy. He was big, muscular and of course black. He had a friend who was just as good looking so I figured a threesome was a real possibility. I took them both back to my room after grabbing two six packs. We got real ******* and they fucked me for a few hours before we all *******. I woke up and they were gone, so I went to the bathroom and on my way back to bed I noticed they left money on the nightstand. Turns out they thought I was a *******, even worse is that they didn't leave that much money. WTF!
Don't complain they put in on the room. Most guys won't even do that :rolleyes:
@kellyblker: Two six packs of good strong beer - i could handle that (coming from the 2nd top beer consuming country in the world, after Check Republic and before Germany *lol*). The question is... did you not only have two blacks in but also a blackout? (pun intended) Then maybe the answer lies deep down in your ******* mind.
i hope the night has been awesome, though. ;)
Well that's awkward. It Happened the same to me with a woman years ago. She was an older beautiful business women from Lebanon. I spent 2 days with her and after that she gave me 1000 $ although I didn't ask her anything.... I wasn't mad about it but I really felt a lil bit used. But she was hot and classy, sex was great, so ok !