Good afternoon!


Hi everyone! I am an optimistic person so I always try and see the glass half full. I am all about drama free, stress free, and taking things as they come versus trying to plan out every second of my life like some people do. Nothing against those people as I know many it just doesn't work for me. Also as can be imagined typical marriage does not work for me. I've learned this through trial and error with relationships and was lucky enough to find a husband that has very similar interest. So we have an open marriage or are swingers however you want to label it. I love my husband and we have a great family and home life I just like to have sex and like to have multiple partners and as I am sure you have guessed it enjoy the darker meat. Anyways I could sit and rattle on all day so if there is anything specific feel free to ask.
Hi everyone! I am an optimistic person so I always try and see the glass half full. I am all about drama free, stress free, and taking things as they come versus trying to plan out every second of my life like some people do. Nothing against those people as I know many it just doesn't work for me. Also as can be imagined typical marriage does not work for me. I've learned this through trial and error with relationships and was lucky enough to find a husband that has very similar interest. So we have an open marriage or are swingers however you want to label it. I love my husband and we have a great family and home life I just like to have sex and like to have multiple partners and as I am sure you have guessed it enjoy the darker meat. Anyways I could sit and rattle on all day so if there is anything specific feel free to ask.
Welcome home sexy :qos: where’s your sexy pictures